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Everything posted by brgbassmaster

  1. Haha gotcha! Ya def do. We hate em out here. Thank God the guy bought the lakes out and now dont have all the issues.
  2. Well they are delicious lol.Especially when my dad frys em up. Shoulda tried one. They sell em in every grocery store too. We got that problem down here in Az with netters. This same lakes before they were bought out were being overtaken by netters. 25-30 bass 5-8lbrs. Every trip was sickening. And thats no exaggeration if u have seen my previous posts with pics those lakes are a freak bass factory.
  3. Channel cat on a spro frog
  4. Bread balls works, also i have caught my biggest one on a football jig on a ved once. 4 25lbr. That 4lbr was an accident lol. These were on purpose. Csbt believe i been here 4 years and never csught em. Fight super hard too. They do fight hard!
  5. Never eaten tilapia before but apparently have been living in tilapia capital for awhile lol. My dad ate some from walmart and is down in Az for the winter, and was like dude we gottta cstch some of these. Well today caught 20 between 1.5lbs and 3.7lbs. What a riot! We eat gills alot and these are a very close second for flavor. Man the filets on these are huge!
  6. There are guys that use the smaller ones for catfish bait. Biggest ive caught is 4.25lbs but have seen ppl catch bigger outta this pit.
  7. Thats my fav and most productive weather spring-winter.
  8. Went to the slaunch factory here in Az. Lost 3 tanks but caught a nice tilapia. Not my biggest but decent.
  9. Ya man all the Menderchuck lake's up here are all smallmouth sanctuaries! Let me and @A-Jay know if you ever get permission to fish em.
  10. Haha thanks. Unfortunately I can't divulge that info lol. Lakes are small and fragile.
  11. Haha ya I've fished every day since September 23rd the day after I got to MI. Tons of largemouth too but those aren't as fun to post.
  12. Lol I was thinking that while we were out there how a pro v would be nice with spotlock
  13. Went and hit one of our many northern secret lakes. Got out there today and wind was forecasted for 20mph. Thinking hmm little lake little wind. But that was NOT the case. By 10 am we had 3 and 4 footers at the end of the lake. Got a 3lbr on a 7ft flat with a 5" keitech, then hit one on an A rig in 10ft down from there going Mach 5 lol Cuz of wind. Decided to go back by ramp where there is a 17ft hole that comes up to 6ft. First cast bam a 3lbr. Thought I had a 7 but got to boaylt and fish had 5 hooks in it lol it was coming through the water sideways. Get all the hooks out and make the next cast and bam crush a 5lbr. But after that wind was so bad we couldn't keep fishing. So hit 3 keeper in 2 hrs and had a 4th fish crush the rig in the same hole but missed it somehow. Either way good day. Fish were chewing but I NEED spotlock hahaha.
  14. Went up to northern michigan AGAIN and pounded the fish. Going for that 25lb inland lake smallies bag and we were so close! This trip we fished flawlessly and big fish went 5.99 lol. So we got the giant fished flawlessly but never got another .25lbs. Fish were inhaling tubes, spinnerbaits, and 5" keitechs.
  15. 1 almost 6. Most of the rest 5+'s, the A rig fish was 5.09 and one of my buddies first smallies and now pb. He is depressed going back to Az.
  16. Menderchuck lake's chain in northern michigan. Love that place!
  17. That's crazy Cuz we were up at least another hour north of you!
  18. Oh and water temp was 57-58
  19. Hahaha that sun didn't come out until like 6. All day insanely windy and cold! But they were SHALLOW. did you really get snow where u are at?? By the way east side.
  20. Menderchucked spinnerbaits all day. Battled smallcraft advisories, water crashing over the bow of the boat all day, 40F high temps, and the worst wind I've experienced on a body of water. 12 hrs on the water was so worth it!
  21. Drove 30 hours to Arizona 350$. No sleep for 2 days. Spending 3 days with your boys at fish camp chasing giant smallies priceless! Shallow big feasting fall smallies nothing like it. Battled small craft advisories, rain and no sleep but it all worked out! My buddy has only been to Az and mexico and so cal. He is living northern Michigan's fishing. Incredible largie fishing and smallmouth fishing. He said its paradise up here.
  22. Havent thrown one in 10 years. Had a brand new one in packaging and they weren't hitting any other topwater. Tossed this out and started getting bit.
  23. Went out to lake pleasant for a few hours today here in Az. Got a few "nice" lake pleasant bass. Absolutely crushing the buzzbait the other day. 1 week I will be in northern michigan slaying giant smallmouth tho! That's what I look forward too.
  24. Thanks I did end up using boat bunk carpet!
  25. Thanks! Ya on mine the carpet is wrapped all the way around. I mean i could just cut out a spot where the bolts go in.
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