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Everything posted by brgbassmaster

  1. Cool ya i use 1 second timelaps for pics. After. Then i use the recording all day andd take axtion shots. Ill try recording for underwater thanks!
  2. Those are sweet! Ive done that underwater shots with smallies but they never come out right. Gonna try some more qhen i hit up havasu. And release shots. Super clear water. Did u justdo video th3n take a screen shot. Or did u do a time lapse? Thanks!
  3. Love how you can capture all the moments on go pro!
  4. Thats what i hear! Once im done testing for tech sgt tomorrow im up there lol.
  5. Sounds like u found a keeper lol. Ya i need to get the boat out for some crappie my parents are here for "winter" and my dad loves crappie fishin. Roosevelt should be heating up soon and havasu i know the bite is picking up right now. When i was stationed in new Mexico i never made it up to the san juan i always wanted to. I dont fly fish tho.
  6. Hows yours been going so far?? Weather is perfect now for fish to move.
  7. Went flipping yesterday and man they were moving all 9ver inside the reeds. Flip in and all the sudden the reeds would jolt and u would grt smoked lol. So fun.
  8. Yes sir. 58-59F water flipping em. It was full moon last monday and watr temps were perfect. They were loaded and still are on the banks. I gotta edit the footage tho. Pretty sick footage of flipping those bass.
  9. Fip bite is on fire right now. And got out and hit 3 nice ones sat night. 4.11, 5.1, 5.5. Hit 3 lost 3. Realeased right after i took them out for the picture.
  10. Dude it was cold ?. 10 mph Wind was rough.
  11. Haha thats my buddies kid. Super quick on the net and hit a few back to back flippin. First fish i thought he levitated to the front of the boat to net the fish he was so quick hahah. He was frozen solid tho. Windy and 55F in Az #polarvortex.
  12. Went out and hit the lake. PERFECT conditions. Water temps 58-59 and full moon. Prespawn Fish were flooded to the banks. We caught 24 flipping the thick reeds and lost another 10 combined. Culprit incredicraw was the deal in black and blue or junebug. Lews super duty is a beast of a reeel.
  13. 3 deployments to the middle east and living overseas for 4 years helps ?. Active duty military family of 3. Seriously if u do it right you can make a killing on deployments and all that goes in the bank. So truck is paid for and boat is paid for. 7 years till retirement and full time fishin back home in northern michigan!
  14. Anyone besides family would be Mark zona.
  15. Hahaha true maybe i shouldnt have mentioned it. Went up and down that bank 3 times and caught fish each time. But that was 4pm by then and had to leave. Need to hit it again soon!
  16. Found a flip bite out here. When we got to the lake it was 55f water temps. So we started offshore cranking and didnt cstch squat went to lipless and spinnerbaits and buddy got a channel cat. I knew an area that i know some ppl catch some flipping so we hit that spot but disntcatch anything. Retied with a culprit incredi craw black and blue. While i was doing that we floated over to this bank covered in reeds. So we started flipping and i have fished this bank quite a few times and never caught a vass and everyone i know has never either. So we are going and i tell my buddy i got no confidence in that area or bait lol cuz i have never caught any bass there or used that bait. Literally the next cast i hit a 5lbr. Ended up with 4 for 17lbs and buddy lost onethat woulda went 6. Good times.
  17. Super fun to catch!
  18. He says its awesome! I always want to try but the draw of super fat northern Mi smallies always wins ??.
  19. My brother inlaw uses big jitterbugs over river pools in northern Michigan at night. Catches some tanks.
  20. Haha thats like my gravel pit out here. Literally sounds like the same style of fish. I have caught an 18" 5.97lbr lol. Fattest blimp ever.
  21. Yup. I was curious to why the bass are all hogs and super freaky fat. And i researched tilpaia and it said bass eating tilapia all the time is the equivalent of us eating bacon cheese burgers. There are tons of small ones lin8ng the banks when its warmer.
  22. Nice have to try the corn! Thanks. And i agree those things fight. U do the corn under a bobber?
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