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Everything posted by brgbassmaster

  1. i had a 12 volt that lasted 8 hrs in a 14 ft modified jon.
  2. i follow BASS Elite Series. I also follow Kevin VanDam because he is just an amazing fisherman i have alot of his videos. hes from michigan and so am I. so when i lived there it helped when he was fishing there and not talking the shad you have to look for. since we dont have shad in northern michigan. he would talk about bluegills and sunfish. so he helped alot. now that i live in a place that has shad he helps also because the guy can fish anywhere. i also like to see how he finds fish. just all around a good fisherman.
  3. Ok on my boat back home i have a 40lb thrust v-2 12 volt Minn Kota foot pedal trolling motor. the battery that we used before would keep a charge for about 8hrs. Now the last time i went home the battery was crap. im j/w what you guys think that the best battery for this type of trolling motor is. i will be getting the boat and bringing to my new house. so im wanting a new battery and charger please help.
  4. i want to hear about not wanting to fish against LBH. becuase LBH would have gave charlie a run for his money.
  5. j/w why you would sell a 2008 already?
  6. i use a 6-6 m spinning rod for senkos and thats it, but that sounds like it would work great also.
  7. dont go back to work till monday.
  8. hey i love fishing for smallies in small rivers and wading and catching them. i use hard baits all yr long in the river i fish. the deepest the river gets is 6 ft. i start out in the spring fishing crayfish colored crankbaits. throw upstream and reel it down because the fish are looking upstream waiting for food to come to them. if you see beds then you can try plastics like worms or swimbaits or small tubes and grubs thats what i do because the river is shallow so i do that for spawners. but when i am wading during the spawn they will nail the crankbait also, and usually when i can actually see the bass spawning is when i am on the shore thats when i use plastics. then in the summer i use the strikeking 1/8th ounce buzzbaits, pop r's firetiger color, zell pop in shiner color. and white terminator spinnerbaits with the 4.25 willow leaf blade. fall same as summer. idk if the river you fish has big smallies but the one i fish the average is 18inches hard to belive but its true. they will take all those baits practically jerking the rod out of your hand.
  9. haha must be nice
  10. well that puts a damper on things.
  11. academy outdoors is the only place i have seen them. that means i have to drive an hour and a half to buy them. but i will do it. >
  12. is there bass in germany because i might pcs to ramstein afb. and i was wondering if there is any bass fishing in germany.
  13. i went fishing on tuesday the water was 43 degrees. but the only problem is that im fishing from shore and the lake is i believe 22,000 acres so its hard to find the fish from shore. i was mainly fishing a point that was about 20ft down i would say and alot of big rocks but just couldnt get bit with anything i tried so i had to try the new crankbait that i posted the picture on that looks like the lucky craft. the crank runs true right out of the box perfectly. good action comes through brush great. i cant wait to go buy me some more. but saw the reports at sportsmans warehouse that people are catching bass in 18ft of water in tree tops. i cant do that till i get my boat this summer. so hopefully this spring i can get some good bank fishing done.
  14. i have that reel and i really like it alot. havent had any problems with it.
  15. 7.2 largemouth on a strike king wild thang flipping heavy lily pads, and a 6.1 smallmouth in a river my aunt lives on, on a crayfish colored crankbait
  16. well i just got my new 3 in 1 kvd dvd set its awesome!!! so im just waiting for my new proto paintball gun that cost me an arm and a leg. thats my other hobby. why do i have to have two of the most expensive hobbies? at least thats what my wife asks me. she likes the fishing but not the paintball.
  17. 1 bass will make me happy. but on a usual day back home 10 keepers is a usual. in new mexico 3. but when i get my boat from back home in june hopefully the total goes up.
  18. fishing crankbaits, the lake i fish thats a good thing to use. but i never get into it. and fishing with deep cranks. i usually fish in 1-5ft with square billed cranks if anything.
  19. i like the baby boo jigs in the fall for pulling across lily pads if you see one following it just drop it in a hole and they will usually smash it. i use black and blue with a berkley 2.5in. chunk trailer. or if there has been a cold front they do really well pitching under docks.
  20. i see alot of people post pics of bass they caught from shore in the winter. just wondering how you guys do that. can you catch them shallow as long as there is enough cover like alot of brush or rocks? i am going tuesday im going to start with a small strike king watermelon bitsy bug jig. and my other two rods that im bringing i have a watermelon tube on a eighth ounce jig head. and also a yamamoto watermelon hula grub on a 1/4ounce chompers stand up jig head. theres alot of smallies in this lake so im hoping maybe there will be a few shallow the water is about 48-50 degrees? just wondering if its possible to catch some winter largemouth as long as there is the available cover? just this cabing fever is getting to me cant wait to go home to get the boat.
  21. just wondering what you guys use for a finnese rod. with shakey heads tubes ect? but also the lake i fish has alot of brush and rock.
  22. i like to use topwater like a strike king spit n king. or a pop r . i just picked up some excaliber zell pops to try out this yr. go to points and try the topwater or around docks with grass about 1-2ft under the surface.
  23. Im thinking about going fishing this tuesday. its 50-60 degrees most of the days in southern new mexico once and awhile 40s. the shore that i will be fishing, there is a pretty nice sized cove with alot of brush in it. a point that has alot of big rocks on it that goes out about 4 ft then drops of into about 10ft of water and gets deeper after that. and there is also a lake right before that one that has a good sized dam so i hear. i want to try that lake also. just wondering how you shore fisherman would approach the lake. the water color is clear to stained.
  24. Hey guys i just showed my wife the video of last yrs roadtrip and she was really excited she wants to go this yr. but since i am buying a truck then i told her we would have to wait till next yr. hopefully you guys do it again next yr. its awesome that she wants to go so bad. also its good when the wife wants to fish as much as you do. good luck. and how much do you think it costs you guys individually for a trip like this.
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