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Everything posted by brgbassmaster

  1. post some pics....but awesome day man cant wait to take out my first bass boat on its maiden voyage.
  2. i always keep atomic fireballs (cinnamon candy) in my pocket to suck on while im fishing.
  3. hey guys i was wondering if anyone has used monsoor swim jigs? i thought about buying some off bps but havent yet. also if you know of any good ones to order let me know. thanks.
  4. anyone know of some good sites they have had good experiences with to get some quality hand poured plastics? thanks.
  5. awesome interview.
  6. mine is a shakey head...love power fishing
  7. found this bass tracker on base 1988 17ft 40horse power motor.
  8. i have had mine on as small as 200 acres up to 32,000 acres so and mine is a 14ft 7horse power and a foot pedal 40lb thrust minn kota. never had any problems.
  9. love it when the wife surprises me like that but most of the time she wants to use it to. she got me a quantum accurist pt for valentines day this yr it was awesome casts so far and smooth. she couldnt belive how nice it was.
  10. i keep them in their orginal bags then into big freezer bags and let all the air out of the orginal and freezer bags so i can fit more into the bigger bags. then label the freezer bags creatures,finesse,jig trailers, ect.
  11. 1st pic i like the third one down the best the color is really nice. second pic the first and 3rd.
  12. quantum accurist pt for cranks i can throw that farther than some of my spinning reels. extreeeeemly smooth casting.
  13. terminator T1. white with silver willow blades.
  14. kevin vandam of course. from my home state can fish anywhere north to south.
  15. i have a 40lb thrust on our 14ft jon. and have no problems love it. on high speed it can go through really strong winds or on calm days put the speed on low setting and go slow. not to fast not slow.perfect.
  16. i fish frogs everywhere starting in the spring..anywhere by logs laydowns,weeds,pads,standing brush,also i havent seen many people do this but you can skip holly body frogs (spro,scum frog) or plastic frogs like horny toads manns hardnose frogs under docks and have awesome days.
  17. i fish from shore all the time with all my baitcasters just look behind you and you will be fine.
  18. between omaha and iowa right there by bass proshops on the border
  19. right where you said omaha.
  20. just wondering what size motor is good for going up the missouri river for bass fishing or catfishing. becuase i know that river is really fast.
  21. 4/0 wide gap hook when the bass are chasing shad throw it out there give it a few twitches and you will get bit.
  22. This is a touchy subject, but i belive someone that says no they would never fish for bedding bass. what happens when they come up on a 6or 7ber on a bed and they are in a tournament? im pretty sure those guys would throw a line to that bass if it meant being in the money.
  23. well guys i finally caught my first bass of 2008 it was a white bass caught on the h2o express crankbait. but i was so happy to just catch a fish. its still hard to catch largemouth from the shore there. cant wait to get my boat. also finally got my first truck its a 2005 toyota tundra 41,000 miles on it in great condition. dont have to worry about towing now. oh and thanks for all your guys inputs on the truck i should buy. and i went with your guys advice and love it.
  24. well guys im going for the second time in 08 the water when i went the first time was 43degrees that was jan 15th. the weather since then has been 60s or warmer and nightime high 30s this weeks has been 65-70 so you guys think that the water warmed up into the 50s atleast. i have to walk the shore for now so i might be able to catch a few in the abundance of brush the lake has in the coves but any advice would be appreciated. i plan on using jigs,spinnerbaits, cranks and jerkbaits. some hula grubs on a football jig and anything else you guys think might work thanks.
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