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Everything posted by brgbassmaster

  1. mine was caught on a strike king wild thang at about 5 in the afternoon. flipping lilly pads. 7lbs.
  2. gas prices lol.....idk why everyone keeps saying its going to be 5$ by 4th of july. they said it was going to be 4$ by memorial day and i just hit 4$ yesterday here. also for 2 yrs they said it will be 4$ and this is the first yr it is 4$ so i will believe it when i see it 5$ that is.
  3. to pull your boat..toyota tundra. love mine.
  4. ya we looked it up on the internet supposedly the first flight was in 1997. proabbaly before then we just didnt know it yet.
  5. over 1,000 mph = not very good mpg.
  6. honestly im not sure of the top speed but when they did the first flyover they flew down straight at the base and both of them broke the sound barrier it was LOUD. the things these can do is crazy. they are pretty awesome.
  7. hey guys just wanted to share some pics of the F22 Raptor. these were taken at the induction of the raptor to our base were the first base to get these and only a couple bases are getting them. these jets have the most technology in the entire world. no one even has anything to this extent on their drawing board. me in front of plane my shop plane itself
  8. this is going to sound crazy but senkos i cannot get bit here in new mexico using them..back in michigan throw them anywhere in the lake and it was fish on. now its brush hogs are my go to and spinnerbaits.
  9. haha ya your probably right. but now we have the F22 raptor the most advanced technology in the world for jets. no one even has somthing this advanced on their drawing board. so ya a bass boat shouldnt be that hard. there is a guy downtown here that is a boat mechanic i was thinking about just offering him 500$ to see if he would do it for me who knows maybe he will. here is a pic of the raptor i will add more here tomorrow. we had the ceremony yesterday for the first two raptors being airborne it was sweet.
  10. ok my trolling motor was acting up this last weekend and everything else. but for some reason my trolling motor doesnt work when you try to go straight, but when you move it to the left a little bit it works , but if you try to go to the right it doesnt work till your almost going in reverse. idk what the heck is wrong and i know nothing about wiring and electricity. i want to get all my wiring on my boat redone. that includes my trailer lights, trolling motor wiring, navigations lights, starter wiring, and the wiring that goes to my depth finders, it seems like there are hundreds of wires running all in my front dash board and the back of my b oat. so how much do you guys think that would cost to get done. and any tips for the trolling motor would be nice thanks again.
  11. was supposed to go home on leave in 3 days but now gas prices are so high were going to save more money and go home in september. other than that fish as much as possible.
  12. hey guys just wondering somthing. i have been fishing new mexico for about a yr now. i have noticed alot of people are catching fish on topwater on this forum. the fish here in new mexico dont hit topwater for some reason this time of yr and the water is 62 degrees right now. the fish should be hitting topwater but they are not. like my buddy in michigan he was catching fish on buzzbaits 1 week after the ice melted o ff the lakes what is with this. i have noticed the fish here dont bite topwater till summer time. same with the tournament anglers dont get fish on topwater till summer why is this? i was thinking since new mexico is so warm of a state 62 degree water is cold to them. the colder states when it gets to like 55 after all that ice they cant wait to eat? idk though let me know your guys opinions. thanks.
  13. they are awesome for smallmouth fishing. the smallies cant stand them getting near them. they have to eat them love the standn yabbies. and they always standup and very durable.
  14. hey i know of some people that have had luck using those. but i prefer the standn yabbie. its a crayfish and it has a weight imbedded in its tail and makes it always stand up like in the defensive position. bedding fish hate this thing as soon as it falls near the nest they inhale it. its so realistic and always stands up no matter what. you can watch the video at ***.com
  15. what lake are you fishing. im from mid michigan but stationed in new mexico. if you tell me the lake i might be able to give you some help. the last time that i fished for smallies in michigan last yr. we fished white spinnerbaits with silver blades in 60 degree water....also down here a killer lure when the water temp is what you said 59 a river2sea crawfish they are killler. they have a weight imbedded into the tail i just throw them out by any rocks or dropoffs and when they fall they stand up on their tail like a crawfish in the defensive position. my favorite color is watermelon red. and they always stand up no matter what. you can buy them on ***.com. also you can watch the video on the site. they are called standn yabbie. just type in river2sea on the search and you will be able to find them.
  16. white terminator spinnerbait. with a silver 4.5 willow leaf blade and a small bronze colorado blade.
  17. my brother is stationed at offut airforce base in nebraska. he wanted me to get on here and ask if anyone fishes for catfish near omaha and where they like to go to catch them. everyone keeps telling him that he needs a boat for the big rivers. but any help would be nice thanks.
  18. smallmouth 24 inches largemouth 23 inches king salmon 38 inches
  19. kevin vandam and jimmy houston. kevin vandam becuase he is my favorite fisherman and he is from my homestate. i would liketo see how he catches fish in some of my home lakes back in michigan. and would also like to see him catch fish here in new mexico. jimmy houston because that guy cracks me up hes hillarious. i think it would just be a good time.
  20. i would go with topwater early i prefer poprs. then i would go with a shakey head around the outside of the docks. once the sun got higher it would be jigs or creatures up under the docks if the water is deep enough or the docks are high enough off the water that you are comfortable with skipping. oh and dont leave out spinnerbaits parallel with the dock.
  21. ya im glad that i bought a tracker instead of a fiberglass bass boat. i ran my 40 horse all weekend and only used about 2 and a half gallons of gas. i covered alot of water the lake is 36,000 acres. only problem is its 2 hrs to the lake so my truck makes up for that. but at least i can go over there and back on one tank.
  22. sent you a friend request hopefully you have call of duty 4 cuz thats all i play.
  23. hey guys just wondering when shad spawn? summer? spring? thanks for any help.
  24. well guys here in alamogordo the closest lake that has bass in it. is well 2hrs away. so i have to drive 2 hrs everytime i want to fish. i can go over there on one tank and fill up when i come home still tahts 80$. i loved it when i lived in michigan and there were 3 2,000 acre lakes within 30 minutes or i could go to the smaller 250 acre lakes within 15 minutes. they need to send me to a better base to satisfy my fishing needs. 3.69 cheapest gas here right now. on base 3.75.
  25. i have a tracker pro 17 and love it its a lightweight aluminum bass boat gets great gas mileage havent had a problem with it yet. love it.
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