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Everything posted by brgbassmaster

  1. anyone use this yet im thinking about getting it and was wondering how good of a bait this was? thanks.
  2. this was a good trip nothing huge but losts of fish i wont post them all though. all were caught on white spinnerbaits in holes about 2-3ft deep. we would just wade along early in the morning and cast along the bank and they would annihilate our spinnerbaits. we lost some big fish but couldnt hook up for some reason. actually one fish was caught on a zell pop.
  3. ok guys this is my last post from when i went home on leave. all these fish were caught on strike king spitn kings. all our fish were caught on points or over green grass beds in 4-10ft of water. it was a good day in the rain. as long as you can brave the weather i have found fishing in cold rain can be some of your best fishing especially nearing fall in northern michigan. but thats all the largemouth from leave..
  4. thanks guys, and thanks also to you AL. im glad you made it home safe. i still havent done my tour in iraq. did one tour but not there. so a special thanks to you and all who are there.
  5. well i got some more pics from leave this is when me and my buddy went to sanford and wixom lake two resevoirs pretty close to each other. most of our fish were caught on manns hardnose frogs and zara spooks. a few were caught on bush bugs at wixom lake. and this isnt all the fish. but theres a few good ones.
  6. yes sir been in for almost 2yrs now.
  7. all i can say is practice....the front yard is a good practicing area.
  8. thanks guys i will post more tomorrow but there not as big. but i like the pics better. there actually when we were wading the river.
  9. haha ya but i allready barely had enough room for all my fishing gear in my suitcase...i had more gear then clothes. im going to buy one though.
  10. i witnessed a 30lb 7 fish bag from kevin vida an flw pro. we only caught 5fish that day for 11lbs but that was the end of october in michigan so i was stoked. it was one of his local tournaments he puts on every yr.
  11. haha true..i have more im going to post tomorrow and the next day.
  12. haha ya i was happy when i saw gas go to 3.49 when i got home from leave back to new mexico. i might have to go fishing twice this month...when i was in michigan it is still 4.29 as of yesterday..
  13. haha ya it was funnny cuz the fish seriously hit like it was eating a mosiquito off the top just a baby slurp and i was like another 8incher. then it jumped and we couldnt believe it. he was just laughing and hes like you lip it im not trying to lose this fish. so i lipped and we were so happy. then he through in and caught the 15incher. he just kept saying" i cant belive this the guys at work wont belive me either"
  14. well we went over to bear creek while i was home. not alot of fish in the first day. but we caught 4 total. we were using number 5 blade mepps spinners reeling them straight up the holes and you would feel them crush it. secoond day out alot more fish came in watched 18 come into one hole but couldnt get them to bite lost one and my dad caught one. i will post pics later. my salmon was allready spawned out though kinda weird. my dad has a decent male and a steel head and my buddy caught a steel head.
  15. well guys i just came home from leave and we absolutely killed the bass. the 2 weeks i was home i found that the bass were starting to school up. we found most of our fish over submerged grass. it had to be green though any brown weeds there were no fish. the lures of choice were senkos, * bush bugs and topwater and spinnerbiats. everytime we would find green grass on the days it was over cast or raining good we would catch 5-6 fish over each grass mat. and have numerous blow ups. also we caught fish on manns hardnose frogs fished near the dam on sanford lake. absolutely killed them there. lots of fish near the dam. bush bugs in grass was really good to in about 4ft of water. the spinnerbaits we used for smallies in a stream we usually caught 4-5 out of each small hole. the biggest was 20 inches dont know the weight. i posted a pic in the smallie outing. but the fishing is getting hot so get out there as much as possible. and we did the best in the cold rain.
  16. ya its belly was skinny big shoulders though.
  17. my buddy caught this one on a zara spook on a point just inhaled it. mine was caught in a creek my aunt lives on using a white terminator spinnerbait. mine was 20 inches. how much do you think they weigh? oh and mine was released the creek is only about 20yards away. i have more caught out of the river i will post them tomorrow.
  18. ok guys i finally made it back to new mexico (sad day) but i have 4 outings for you guys to look at. this is my first outing with my brother inlaw about 3hrs of fishing. i caught this pig on a strike king spitn king. he told me theres only 8inch fish in this lake which i believed him cuz thats all we were catching but all the sudden this fish hits the topwater like a blugill and i had this pig on. after i reel him in and measure him at 22 and a half inches. he reels in a 15incher therefore getting his hopes up for this lake again. oh and how much do you think the big fish weighed? and i will post my other outings each day till i have posted them all theres alot of pics to post.
  19. hey i wont be able to do it tomorrow night im going to the airport to fly home for leave. but thanks for offering.
  20. sorry U of M fans cant associate with buckeyes. LOL.
  21. *** baby *** T rigged with a eighth ounce bullet weight. just put in an order of 50 of them green pumpkin.
  22. i did read those i was just wondering what your guys approaches were.
  23. sorry if this is the wrong place to put this topic. ok guys i have read all the fall fishing articles here on the forum now i would like some input on how you guys like to find fish, types of lures, cover you guys fish during the fall...i have never fall fished here in new mexico but i was hoping some of the southern guys could give me some tips. the experience i had in michigan is that the bass come really shallow in the fall chasing baitfish and you could catch them on just about any plastic or crank and spinnerbaits. now here idk if that is the same or not. the lake has tons and tons of brushy cover to fish. with alot of rocky coves and points to go along with that. also a few nice bluff areas. the water most of the time is relatively clear but sometimes really muddy when the weekend boaters get out there. lake is 36,000 acres. i think flipping the brush would be a good start seeing that the baitfish are always in there also spinnerbaits in the brushy areas.. also i have been told topwater is awesome in the fall, but never really tried that,. but any help would be awesome thanks.
  24. i was using 20lb braid and a MH rod for flipping. guess ill have to figure out how to tie the palomar. thanks guys.
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