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Everything posted by brgbassmaster

  1. last time i fished in the rain that was in september. me and my buddy caught 26 largemouth bass and 1 pike. 22 of the largies were keepers.
  2. Heck ya i would love to. I was told by a guy here that Alan Henry is an awesome fishery.
  3. Awesome what lake were you fishing were you in new mexico or texas? any pics? How deep were you fishing and how slow?
  4. just wondering how you guys get rid of musty smells if you get them on your plastic baits. i received a box of baits from sombody i was very happy with it, but some of the plastics have a musty smell on them.
  5. United Arab Emirates at Aldhfra Air base for 4 months this is where we lived.
  6. I would sell the two cars take the trip pay off my truck and the rest in savings.
  7. Ha i know exactly what you mean. The last time i got into some really good smallie fishing it was 40 degrees out freezing cold, and pouring down rain. i had my snowboarding pants on and my and snowboarding jacket. but we were slamming them on spinnerbaits in shallow water at the very end of october.
  8. thank you very much sir.
  9. Hey guys i was just thinking about this what is a good cranking rod for example. should it be 6-6 or 7ft MH or Medium. soft tip or stiff tip? thanks.
  10. wind wind and more wind i hate wind i never experienced it to much until i moved down here. I also hate jetskiers that think they have to ride all the way back into the cove your pitching in to spawning fish. friends who are loud in the boat as soon as they need a new lure they slam there tacklebox on the bottom of the boat. drop their plyers tromp up and down the boat.
  11. haha thanks i figured you guys would say that but i will try the 5ft ultralight thanks again. i guess i wasnt to sure so even for big streams a 5ft is ok?
  12. ok guys i just found out theres a trout stream 20 minutes from me and i was pumped because when i cant drive 2hrs to bass fish i can go there. i need to know what a good trout rod is for a small stream that is only about 10ft wide maybe. and lots of bushes and trees on the bank and over the water. Back home in michigan me and my buddy would wade a creek smaller than that for browns and we used a 4 ft ultralight rod and used small mepps spinners to catch them. what kind of rod do you all use? also for bigger streams i would like to know. and what different types of lures besides spinners because thats all i have ever used in michigan and alaska.
  13. im not getting any new rods or reels but i am getting a 55lb thrust minnkota edge bow mount trolling motor to replace my 40lb thrust. just not enough power in the 40 when its windy.
  14. USAA is an awesome bank to be with i have to agree.
  15. When i graduated basic training there we went to the Alamo, and some cool mexican restraunts. And the mall there. But theres not enough time after you graduate to fully check everything out.
  16. Finally below 2$ were at 1.89. Only cost me 45$ to fill the truck.
  17. My craziest day starts at the end of October. My buddy and i had decided on a whim to go out and fish even though the conditions were not in our favour. We loaded up the modified jonboat with our fishing gear with all our tackle and fishing rods.We get to the lake and it is pouring down rain and 40 degrees outside and colder as it got later in the day. We both forgot to pack rain gear of course. So we get out on the lake hoping just to catch at least one bass for the both of us, but to our surprise we ended up everyother cast for the most part boating 50 or more bass from 2lbs to 4lbs. All the fish came on watermelon senkos and in 2-4ft of water over grass beds and anywhere we saw bluegills pushed up against the bank. We ended up getting so cold that we went to the party store on the lake and got trashbags to cover our wet bodies to try and retain some heat at least. That is the most memorable day bass fishing ever in my life. ive had memorable days before but nothing like that fateful day.
  18. ive been told interstate are just as good or better than optima and cheaper. thats what im going with when i replace my batteries this spring.
  19. well i caught alot of water and thats it. i dont understand the water was 62-66 degrees depending on where you are at. but the fish would not bite. not to mention i couldnt find any either. i found bait but no bass. i tried jerkbaits, jigs, swimbaits, bush bugs, and crankbaits but nothing. i dont understand maybe someone here will. my theory is well i lived in michigan before and you could catch bass no problem up till ice up and i think that is because the fish are used to semi cold to cold water. Here the fish are used to really warm water so when it gets into the 60s they seem to get lockjaw idk maybe someone else has a better reason?
  20. hey guys ill be heading out in about 15 minutes its 31 degress here in new mexico high for today 60 should be a good day hopefully. i hope i catch at least one fish ok later i will let you know how i do.
  21. thank you i had alot of help.
  22. Well guys i finally installed new carpet and a rodbox in my 88 bass tracker 17ft. i wanted a rodbox put in because when i bought it there wasnt one and i hated not having it with rods all over my boat. it looks pretty darn good if i do say so myself. i can fit 8 rods in the locker. and believe it or not we took my whole boat apart to do this remodeling it was hard work. took 3 weeks with someone helping. this guy really helped me out alot and hooked me up. front middle back inside box
  23. zack wylde
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