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Everything posted by brgbassmaster

  1. well guys me and my wife are going on a 5 day trip to the lake leaving tomorrow thru tuesday . should be a good trip bass are starting to spawn here finally lol thanks to the snow melt taking forever. but i will hopefully have some big fish to show anyway wish me good luck.
  2. CHATTERBAITS white or black and blue with a twin tail trailer.
  3. first day out with my new/used boat got it started went driving over to the dock. once i made it to the dock the boat stalled. i sat there for about 45 minutes wondering why i couldnt get that thing to turnover. well come to find out i left the boat in forward. so taht was 45 minutes of stupidity. done it a couple more times but i realize what happend after about 1 minute now lol.
  4. lucky craft crankbaits 15$ a piece screw that. i can buy my h20 express from academy for 3.50 and do just as good. baits look exactly the same.
  5. i have a dell studio and love it its very lightweight also.
  6. HECK YA the rage tail shad is awesome thats the only topwater bait i can get bass to hit down here. the strikes are phenominal and awesome action i suggest buying them.
  7. thanks guys.
  8. Well i headed out with a friend that i never fished with before a member of the ABA here. We got on the lake at about 630am and fished till 330. The water temp ranged from 60-64 all day. we started out fishing some canyons. I kept telling steve that the chatterbait had been working great but hes stuck on senkos and crankbaits. Sure enough i catch 1 ten minutes in. he tells me if i catch anymore he will put one on well i go on to catch 7 more bass and he puts one on later and catches a nice 2.5lber. I lost 3 fish and he lost a great big one also. all in all a great trip except fore the 5 ft waves. 9 bass best 5 only weighed 9-15 though. heres the pic of our 5.
  9. works with the picasso screw lock jigs heads for shakey worms. just screw it into the top of the worm.
  10. i been there when i lived in michigan. they have some monsters in there. brush hogs, jigs, spinnerbaits. should start you off.
  11. i bought 20 green pumpkin jigs and i love em. going to throw one this weekend.
  12. that looks nice it looks like you were the only one out there. nice fish.
  13. me and my buddy would start throwing them about 2 weeks after the ice came off in michigan and catch fish. so im sure you can catch them in alabama no problem.
  14. i agree with this 100% pay cash for your boat and everything actually. i paid for my boat a 17ft bass tracker in cash and its nice if i need any repairs i dont have to wait on money cuz my boat is paid for....now im going on my second deployment so i can maybe get a bigger boat that extra money will be perfect.
  15. dang right that guy is awesome. wait till you see his new material.
  16. wow how i miss river smallmouth fishing. nice fish.
  17. thanks thats what a guy that i know here told me also.
  18. hey guys i just bought some of these from sportsmans 70%off sale and i was wondering how you guys fish these. i was thinking about fishing them in the bushes here and putting a small weight and a 4/0 hook with them, and pitch to bushes. what other ways have you all had luck? on a side note i couldnt believe how much plastics were left and at 70% off it was awesome got alot of good stuff that im suprised were there. also what hook do you use with the lake for live magic shad?
  19. Guys if you ever have a chance to see this guy live he is the funniest comedian i have ever seen. we saw him last night in el paso because he was filming his new dvd. it was awesome to see all his new material and it was hysterical. I dont know why he chose el paso but im glad he did. check him out when his new dvd comes out and if you never have saw him check him out on youtube.
  20. I am from northern michigan early in the yr prespawn we would use crankbaits in the back of coves with any wood or grass and catch fish. also senkos worked really well also. spinnerbaits medium speed fished through laydowns and grass also.
  21. The first tourney me and my buddy won we were in a 14ft jonboat fishing against about 30 other guys. the thing was we knew this lake like the back of our hand. we caught 12lbs and won it. the key was skipping black and blue jigs under docks no one else even tried that. every dock had bass under it. my dad had put a cooler in it and a pump we already had a deck in it and put a bow mount trolling motor on and we were set. we fished in that for a whole summer.
  22. i use a double tail hula grub on mine.
  23. Man i wish they had an airforce base in northern michigan. the largemouth and smallmouth fishing is phenominal and people dont realize since alot of people fish for trout and panfish. but thats ok because every yr wheni come home on leave i dont have to worry about anyone else being at my home lakes fishing for bass. so all them 3-5lbers are all mine.
  24. in order favorite fish to fish for Bass(smallmouth and largemouth since thats all ive caught) salmon (king salmon to be exact) catfish bluegill crappie perch whitebass pike
  25. thats the truth she wants another one to. i got her quantum code red and an arcadia 6ft medium rod for the first setup. shes only 4-11 so she couldnt handle the longer rods.
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