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Everything posted by brgbassmaster

  1. its about time man..big congratulations to you and your wife. now go out and catch that lake record haha.
  2. i have a few more but ill have to wait until i get them from my friends cameras.
  3. you should try it bassn blvd lol
  4. haha ya man i think about it at work and what crops im going to harvest and stupid stuff like that..and i cant wait to get enough money to buy the mansion and some land lol. told my wife about the game now shes playing it like crazy. but i do have to say its very fun.
  5. *** ***, and a 4.5in zipper finesse worm on a piccaso shakey head.
  6. Does anyone else play this game on facebook? its so addicting lol.
  7. Well guys had a pretty awesome day today. Angelina Jolie decided to come to baghdad. She was doing like a meet and greet with the military at one of the army camps. well we jumped in a vehicle and headed over there to see her. unfortunately we got there to late to go inside to see her but when she flew in on the helicopter we were all standing outside waiting. she jumped in the excursion and was about to drive away then when she saw us all standing out there she musta felt bad because we couldnt get in. so she told her driver to stop and she came over and started shaking hands and doing some autographs. they told us to stay behind the barriers but we said screw that lol. so we jumped it and i went and shook her hand and said whats up to her man she is pretty very nice smile. and we got a ton of pics ill have to upload them once i upload them to photobucket. good day good day.
  8. got to 140 here in iraq and i dont even get to go fishing haha.
  9. where in new mexico is that?!!! i have never seen green like that since i have lived there. cimarron what city is that by? nice fish man that small stream looks like we used to fish back in michigan.
  10. have you guys tried diawa crankbaits do they run true. these ones look nice but never tried daiwa. http://www.***.com/descpageHDLDAIWA-DDCS.html
  11. picture fixed now sorry about that.
  12. this cougar was spotted on a live deer cam stalking a buck. we saw one a few yrs back walking down our road and the neighbors saw it a few times also. the dnr came out and confirmed the tracks the day we saw the one at our place. but why do they keep insisting there not in michigan. this is not the first time they have been spotted on deer cams.
  13. i use it as a jig trailer how it is.
  14. thank you sir
  15. ok guys i just started fishing crankbaits but i never really seem to catch any fish on them. i have had some decent days on the sexy shad crankbaits in various sizes and depths but other than that nothing. what would you all say is the best color for clear to stained water? also the lake i fish is all rock and then bushes up shallow with shad as the main forage. but i also come back to michigan alot on leave so whats some good colors for lakes with bluegill being the main forage and lakes with lots of grass. i have plastics,jigs,topwater etc. all down really well but crankbaits are my weakness. any help would be great thankks.
  16. dude i thought you were moving to colorado? lucky son of a gun. i need to get orders outta new mexico haha. well at least we can get some fishin in before you leave.
  17. 125 in baghdad
  18. i love fishing during the mayfly hatch especially waiding for smallies on a small river. throwing poprs its awesome.
  19. CARLS JR...thats all there is to say
  20. im sorry i thought i put that in there. Tyndall AFB.
  21. hey guys my brother is going to be down in florida for 1 month he is a Tech sgt in the airforce and hes doing a TDY down there. hes not a member of the forum but he would like to hit up some lakes down there of course like anyone else would. he will be there between sept 21-oct29. if anyone is interested he will help pay for gas and all that. just let me know if anyone is interested. thanks. and i can give you his contact info.
  22. WaRMAcHInE2466 I beilive i cant always remember what leetters are capitalized
  23. Wixom lake is awesome for smallies, and also sanford lake. alot of people dont know that but we have caught 5lbers outta there in spring and fall on a regular basis..white spinnerbaits and crankbaits are killer.
  24. hey guys i made it to baghdad iraq not sure how much fishin ill be able to do over here because you have to plan a special trip to do it. so maybe a couple of times i can. ill put up pics if i do.
  25. well had a good weekend they moved my deployment up so i could only stay 2 days at the lake. went out sat morning and it was really windy got really wet because of the 5ft waves that was interesting. ended up with 1 walleye on a chatterbait and 1 bass. ended up coming back and fishing on the bank with some buddies and we caught the heck outta the crappies and white bass. next morning went out dead calm they were hitting topwater nicely cuaght 1 and missed some on topwater and missed 4 on a spinnerbait didnt have a trailer hook ahhh! caught 1 more walleye on the spinnerbait and wife wanted to come in it was turning out to be a good day but oh well when i comeback ill be on the water again.
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