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Everything posted by brgbassmaster

  1. Oh i agree thats why i take leave every year if i can and head home to michigan to chase fat fall smallmouth. And why i put in for orders to north dakota so i can be near these great minnesota smallie waters.
  2. From a social media stand point i completely disagree. On my instagram i have multiple 8+lb largemouth and multiple 25-31lb 5 fish limits of largies but i dont get near the comments, follows or likes from those pictures that a 3-5lb smallmouth gets or a 18-24lb 5 fish limit gets. And my buddies say the same thing about their social media accts when it comes to those species smallies get the love.
  3. So just got stationed up here in Grand forks ND. I have done a ton of research on bemidji area, ottertail county, detroit lakes etc. Lots of good fishing within an 1hr and a half to 2 hrs. Ive met some awesome ppl on this site that i made friends with at my last two bases and wouldn't mind another fishing buddy. I have a Ranger Z118 plenty of room for me and a partner. If anyone ever wants to get together and do some fishing DM me. Also trying to get into ice fishing too.
  4. Thanks everyone! Great responses appreciate all the info.
  5. Hey guys looking for some advice on cold weather gear. Since being active duty 14 years of being stationed in warm areas i havent needed anything warm while fishing. My military gortex suit was enough. Now that im moving to North Dakota im needing something for wet/ultra cold weather. Especially for late fall fishing but something i can throw on in the summer if it decides to dump on me. Whats is your recommendations? Thanks!
  6. Low 60s! The fishing hasnt even got good then lol. Once the turnover happens from my experience up north Michigan. Largemouth flock to the banks and start smashing bluegills. Usually that happens by us at around 55F water all the way down to 45F. If u can find any off shore grass clumps too they will be stacked. No that doesnt mean 25ft of water. It could be 6ft in the middle of the lake and if there is green grass chances are big bass are close. Once all the grass dies therr is a move up to shoreline cover also. Logs, laydowns, rocks, boat docks etc. You can flip a jig around that stuff and have the best days of your life late fall.
  7. It was a weird fall. Warmest ive experenced that i can rememebrr. So we nevee got a true shallow fall bite. There are some years we can get 5lbrs in 1ft in reeds in the fall. This year most the fish were 10-15ft. Had a couple in 5ft on topwater. Usually its moving baita for us this time of year. Not this year it was tubes and jigs that took the win. 1/2oz. Caught a couple on single keitechs but not many. Largemouth was a little over 6 on a jig. Got a 6lb smallie as well on a tube and a bunch of 3-5s. Water temps didnt drop till late fall this year but when i left temps were 54 talked to my buddy two days ago and water temp was 52. But with the cold nights it will start dropping fast.
  8. Haha just a little bit
  9. Uh oh you about to post up some giant mexico bass? But ya should be good still buddy in my pics with the beard lives more north than you he went out yesterday said water still 52. Caught two almost 6. You should get a couple good trips in. I got orders to Grand forks ND leaving in January. Now ill be able to fish for smallies more atleast. Hopefully be home this spring with only a 12 hr drive now. Maybe we can link up then.
  10. Haha ya it was bad a couple days but the spot lock came in handy. Waves were coming over the front of the boat lol.
  11. Took forever for the weather to get cold. But once it did feedbag started! Lots of 5s and 1 6.
  12. Took my annual leave and hit my home state for a month and did some smallie fishing. Had a pretty good time.
  13. Ya i do the same. Just bought this boat not a spot anywhere on it except the metal steering arm. Tryinto get that cleaned up but theres so much that the normal stuff iant working. Appreicate it. t Ahahaa facts im the guy. Yes thats what im talking about appreicate the info! Thanks man idk how well that will work on the steering arm. The cowling is mint. Appareciate it. Oh and they lifted our leave ban so should be home this fall to smackdown the fall smallies per usual lol.
  14. Directly below the front of the outboard right under where the gas line goes in.
  15. I hate water spots. What is the best way to get rid of these? Vinegar and water is a no go. Along with baking soda. Thats basically the only spot in my outboard with spots and i want to get rid of them. I hear chemical guys formula is basically magic. But the one i want they dont have in stock and their other formula us 1-2 months out. Anything yall can reccomend. Thanks.
  16. Do it every weekend almost. And it is usually worth it. But man im ready to be stationed somewhere with lakes alot closer lol.
  17. Got out with @Dorado finally and hit the water. Left house at 130 got to river at 430 am. Fished till 5 pm got home at 9ish. Loooong day when its 100+. The topwater was hot and so was the weather. @Dorado ended up with big fish for the day and i ended up with most fish. Good way to spread it around. The day was forcasted for 5 or less mph wind so my whopper plopper pattern might not be to good, but they were still willing to bite. Anytimw the wind picked up with a ripple we seened to catch a few and get some good blow ups. It wassnt fast and the furious like last summer but still caught quite a few fish on the plopper 130 and with a few jackhammer fish by @Dorado and keitech fish by me was a good day overall. Ready to hit it again.
  18. Thats a fact and alot of people just throw frogs in grass or pads. Which leaves a whole new world that alot of bass around the country have not seen a frog in
  19. By far my favorite way to catch largemouth.
  20. Lol ya it was pretty frustrating
  21. Thats a great question ?. Braid was really old and that braid has been use extensively skipping under brush out here in Az. Thats how we frog fish you have to skip super far under the nasty stuff and braid was looking rough. I had changed the reel over to my plopper rod because i hadnt refilled my plopper reel with 50lb. Needless to say both frog reels and plopper rod have fresh 65lb and 50lb braid. I have found that the 110 and 130 work best when there is chop on water. When its glass calm i cannot get bit on either of those. But middle of the day with chop they crush em. I have a 75 also but never had a sniff. Literally threw a frog and a 110 and 130 exclusive all last summer on the colorado river and pounded them from April till september.
  22. Had a good bad day throwing the plopper. Bone 130 was the weapon of choice monday. Alot of amateur moves though too. Missed fish, broke off 50lb braid on a hookset ?. Forgot my drag was still loose from a reel cleaning and didnt get a good hookset on a fish that hit 4 times on one retrieve. Weird day still caught quite a few though. Also attached is a video from the blooper day.
  23. Thanks my post was changed tho i believe. I also said i hate that the government can decide whos "essential" and whos not. 30 million people out of work. Hopefully the trash states get their crap together and get ppl back to work. So im going to delete the other comment makes me sound like a ****** lol.
  24. Fished every chance i could get.
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