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Everything posted by brgbassmaster

  1. i was stationed in alamogordo for about 3.5 yrs from 2007-2010. its about an hour from ruiodoso and the only bass fishing close would be elephant butte. had some good weights brought in on our tournaments but sometimes that lake is hit or miss. loved snowboarding in ruiodoso though. but definitely preferred taos new mexico.
  2. Hey guys im headed back to michigan in aboue 2 weeks around october 9th, im taking a hop from guam to the states so hopefully i can get home the 9th or within a couple days of that. Its been 1 yr since i threw a baitcaster and its killin me lol. i need to get on the water and catch bass this saltwater just isnt doing it for me. If anyone is willing to take me out for a day or 2 that would be awesome. I will gladly pay for gas and any other expenses. Thanks guys.
  3. Spinnerbait and jerkbait is all i use. Man i miss bass fishing so much. being here in guam is rough. thought the saltwater would be a good replacement but i was wrong nothing will replace bass fishing for me.
  4. Thanks guys! sorry bout the link didnt realize what happend.
  5. Recently pcsd to guam i am now with the redhorse squadron out here. caught this 5 ft shark on rod and reel from the channel bank. pretty exciting.
  6. I put 8 into a rod tube that came from acadia rods. Shipped them to michigan from new mexico 2 day shipping for 22$.
  7. Thanks it was a great outing.
  8. Went out last week and did alright on wixom. First day we only caught 2 bass i caught a 4.4lb smallie and a 2.9lb largie. Smallie was caught over 12ft of water out infront of a dock on the dnr ramp side. She was caught on a lucky craft pointer in american shad. The largemouth was also caught on the same side on a small point going into back of cove on a strike king series 5 crankbait in sexy shad. The next day proved a little different threw the pointer all day and ended up with 6 pike, 1 nice walleye, and 6 keeper largemouth and smallies. lost a couple big fish to. smallies were caught on a small point in 13ft of water on the pointer and largemouth were caught in the back of a cove over some laydowns also on the pointer. woulda been a better trip if the big motor was running all we used was the trolling motor. We would have to let the bait sit for at least 8-10 seconds once it was dwon to the deepest depth. And when they hit it was hard. all in all a good time. [imghttp://i186.photobucket.com/albums/x307/kara_gepford/beastsmallie.jpg]
  9. Love the ika.. won my first american bass anglers tournament on one. and two days ago me and two other buddies caught over 60 fish on only the ika. 90% all smallies.
  10. Paintball...Speedball or Woodsball.
  11. 2005 toyota tundra 4 door. 82,000 miles runs like a champ. been towing the boat all over the country for the past 2.5yrs
  12. Active duty Airforce 4yrs currently in the 49th civil engineer squadron at Holloman AFB New Mexico. 2 months ill be moving to guam. Done two tours overseas one 6 month to iraq and one 6 month to UAE awesome deployment. Many TDYs. And many other countries
  13. watermelon with a 4/0 ewg.
  14. Well guys finally got my first tournament win in american bass anglers. It was awesome. This is how the day went. Me and my boater started out on a rocky island we were sitting in 16ft throwing weightless fat ikas right against the bank fishing the giant boulders come down into the water. well he caught 3 right away in the morning and i had 0 still because i didnt have any ikas gave them to my buddy the night before lol. So about noon my boater has his limit and im still at 0 well he says to me hey man you want to borrow some ikas im like ya sure. well after that it was on i started killing them. got my limit in about 2 hrs and culled twice. i did somthing stupid though. i had a dead fish in the live well and i caught a nice smallie. well i thought my dead fish was the smallest bass so i couldnt cull him. but the smallie was smaller than the bigger bass. well get to weigh in and realize i had a smaller one i just wasnt thinking. but i still ended up with a win. My boater took 2nd right behind me lol hes probably regretting giving me the ikas. and we were the only 2 boats with limits. all in all a good day. We found a great pattern of fishing the big rocks where bass were feeding on crayfish. and stuck with it.
  15. Wixom lake is an awesome largemouth and smallmouth lake. you can kill them on frogs,flipping and pitching to docks ahhh cant wait to go on leave and fish that lake.
  16. Ya guys i hear its one of the best assignments ill ever do. but its a 3 yr tour and ill still be deployable to go overseas and all that. actually the unit i will be stationed in is a heavy deployable unit. The RED HORSE squadron (RED HORSE Rapid Engineers Deployable Heavy Operations Repair Squadron Engineers) Pretty much does anything with construction overseas and stateside. Shouldnt be to bad chillin on the beaches and catching fish everyday. better change of pace from new mexico.
  17. Well guys im headed to Guam for the next 3 yrs. Guess im going to have to retire bass fishing and start ocean fishing which by the way i never have done. I am going to be working at Andersen AFB in the 554th RED HORSE squadron. If anyone hase ever been stationed in guam and has any fishing tips let me know.
  18. Hey guys me and my buddy will be headed to lake amistad june 11-13 and since we never have been there were wondering if anyone has any advice on the type of baits to use there. We have some ideas but of course advice from people who have been there would be very helpful thanks guys.
  19. haha ya i wish i could crosstrain to this lol
  20. Well guys me and my buddy jason headed to lake eufuala alabama for the military team tournament. We were matched up with two locals from the area. First practice day did a photoshoot with the bama girls and that was cool our first day we hit some good fish and had a really good pattern going of frogs early in the morning in super shallow water then hitting laydowns later in the afternoon. Well that night things changed the water went up about 3ft from all the rain we had all the night and day two practice. so we were fishing all the newly flooded cover and hitting some decent fish and had a good pattern going. Well day one of the tournament didnt go as well but our pattern worked out we found some of the only clear water on the lake and we got our limit on frogs and lake fork tackle shads. our day one weight was 11.59 not to bad and we were in the money. Jason and his boater ended up with 1 bass at 3lbs and lost a few good ones. Day two was awesome for hitting big fish but they kept coming off the frogs did everything we were supposed to hooked thema nd they would get to theboat and pop off. once again we ended up with a limit of 11.61 but this time it was first thing in the morning and we knew we could hit some good fish on day 3 and the last day of the tourney and possibly stay in the money since day 2 we were in 56th outta 162. jason and his guy caught 5 bass on day two but couldnt find anything that big and ended up with 9lbs Day 3 was horrible we were the third flight to go out and our frog bite was horrible because by the time we got out the sun was up all in all day 3 we got 3 bass that weighed 4.04. we caught a ton of small fish pitching but nothing good. but all in all a good tourney. Jason caught 2 keepers and with 4lbs total i believe. all in all a fun time i ended up 93rd and he was 116th.
  21. nice fish its been awhile since i fished in michigan thought season opener for bass wasnt until april 24th?
  22. nice trip me and my buddy are headed to lake fork next weekend prime time for the spawn.
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