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Everything posted by brgbassmaster

  1. No its like a whitish pink. Not like the alaskan salmon we used to catch nice bright red. But still tastes good. So far caught 8 myself this year.
  2. Did my first tournament in 2 years and it was a good time. We prefished and it was terrible and were thinking about not fishing. But the day before we decided to fish. Well we got on a popper bite early over a grass flat where bass were busting bait and slayed them. We had our limit in about an hour. Later in the day we picked up 2 jig fish to upgrade a little bit and ended up with 15lbs for 4th place. 15lbs for 4th place in central michigan you know our lakes are fishing good. This year i guess you need at least that or more to be in the money every tourney. We were 1/2lb outta the money. my other buddys took second with 18lbs and first was 19lbs. Ill take those numbers any day. But here are the pics.
  3. Got some bass fishing while home on leave and have done pretty well so far. The first trip out was awesome but other than that its been kinda slow except for the tourney we did. This fall fishing is tough lol. Used to be able to slay them this time of the year but guess i been overseas to long lol. http://i186.photobucket.com/albums/x307/kara_gepford/1238155_10153310197655298_527428208_n.jpg http://i186.photobucket.com/albums/x307/kara_gepford/996620_10153310198735298_310040317_n.jpg http://i186.photobucket.com/albums/x307/kara_gepford/1234755_10153310199375298_1256391773_n.jpg http://i186.photobucket.com/albums/x307/kara_gepford/1234145_10153310197880298_1609262981_n.jpg http://i186.photobucket.com/albums/x307/kara_gepford/528210_10153310198345298_434470408_n.jpg http://i186.photobucket.com/albums/x307/kara_gepford/1234095_10153310197515298_1142422071_n.jpg http://i186.photobucket.com/albums/x307/kara_gepford/1231604_10153310197175298_956523687_n.jpg http://i186.photobucket.com/albums/x307/kara_gepford/1231427_10153310196860298_2040601401_n.jpg
  4. Well its been 2 years since i been back to michigan and its been awesome. Caught plenty of bass and salmon already. Been telling people for 15 yrs that salmon will hit a lure but still hardly anyone believes me. Heres some pics. http://i186.photobucket.com/albums/x307/kara_gepford/1236541_10153310202885298_540798038_n.jpg http://i186.photobucket.com/albums/x307/kara_gepford/1240348_10153310205055298_689786982_n.jpg
  5. Thats my favorite time to fish. Its definitely big fish time. Spinnerbaits, jerkbaits and jigs.
  6. Pitching to shoreline docks,laydowns, grass, riprap, seawalls. Pretty much anything pitching to shallow cover. Also Throwing reaction baits like shallow/deep cranks,spinnerbaits and jerk baits. And throwing frogs.
  7. Yes and i have seen them swimming under the water chasing my pop r before.
  8. Its normal to take pics afterwards of your limit. Then release them right away.
  9. Sounds like a good day, any pictures?
  10. That things sweet. Cant wait to get back to states i dont care what i get on the water with. And this just gives me more ideas.
  11. Thanks for the advice guys.
  12. Strike king 3x flukes with a weighted jerkbait hook. Short jerks and pauses.
  13. I am going back to michigan from sept 14- Oct 27 and i am picking up some things off tackle warehouse. I was wondering what color slammers work best for you northern guys. I wanted to try and catch some monsters on swim baits. I know to match the hatch but was just wondering if certain colors seem to work better than others. The water ill be fishing is clarity to about 6-7 ft maybe more at times. Tons of docks, weeds, laydowns, weedbeds out deep. Main forage is bluegill, perch and sunfish.Thanks.
  14. Add some JJs magic to your plastics. Best scent out there. Stays on your baits for hours and strong. Just dont get it on your hands lol.
  15. Had a tundra and loved it for towing. Now i have a 2010 tacoma and will be towing with this when i get back to the mainland.
  16. Hey guys im going to be in Georgia at Dobbins Reserve base from Sept 7-13 for training. I will only have one weekend there which will really be sunday the 8th. But i was wondering if there is anyone on here that wouldnt mind having a backseater on the 8th if anyone is going out. Or if someone wants to do some shoreline fishing around that area? I am willing to help pay for gas or anything else of course. I wont have any rods or anything with me. Its been 2 years since i been bass fishing since last time i was back in the states was 2011 on leave.
  17. From Gladwin. Awesome smallie and largemouth fishing up by us.
  18. I am from central michigan and all the largemouth and smallmouth we catch up there are on the full size spook. And there always big fish. We always throw it early in the morning. Seems like across points, next to seawalls and inbetween docks works the best for us. Thank God ill be back in michigan from Guam in mid sept get some fall feeding bass. CANT WAIT.
  19. Sounds like a good time. Any pics?
  20. I am from michigan and every lake i fish jigs always produce big bass. Especially on drop-offs, points, and any shallow water fishing.
  21. This happened to me and my dad one time near ft leonardwood down in an ozark mountain valley pond. Were outside fishing late at night and we were just watching these crazy lights all night and we were becoming believers real quick. Well next morning were telling all the guys around the area about it and they just started laughing hard. Turns out it was the strip club right outside the base that has crazy flashing lights all night.
  22. Well since im stuck over here for another year in Guam i havent been able to bass fish but once a year for the past 3 yrs. But i can say that my buddy has been slaying them on jigs. Hes fishing deep grass off of points and humps been in the top 5 every tourney so far this year.
  23. I prefer the full sized spook.
  24. Just curious but have you tried peacock bass fishing there in puerto rico? I was just looking on google about fishing over there and it seems that theres awesome peacock bass fishing.
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