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Everything posted by brgbassmaster

  1. Shad and tilapia. There are schools of millions of shad and tilapia in the summer everywhere. Tilapia about 6inches long in huuuuuge schools on the surface. Right now i see the occassional one dieing on surface.
  2. I was stationed there for 3.5 yrs in Alamogordo New mexico and fished with ABA division 60. Fished that lake a lot Pm me.
  3. Yes sir! Love it when a plan comes together. Thanks for the compliment!
  4. Thanks everyone for the comments! The winter has definitely been good to me.
  5. Well boys got out again this morning. Thanks to working 3rd shift tonight. Hit water at 730 am. Within first 5 min had 2 fish in the boat. I got the first one at 5.88lbs and buddy landed a 4.76lbr on the next cast. After that missed 3 fish. Fished for another 2.5 hrs and came to a small point that i swear i lost a DD on last weekend. Point is only 6ft of water and comes out from bank 10ft. Then drops off the end into 15ft and 10ft on both sides. We made at least 30 casts from one side reeling across the point and then straight on at the point. Then i throw to far and get stuck in some reeds. We go retrieve my 6xd. I pull my bait out turn around now from the opposite side of point. Whip crankbait out there. Feel it bumping the bottom then boom gets heavy. Lay into her. Get her to the top and like ohhhhh ya another beast. Bring her in and 8.33lbs on the digi. Guess she just wanted a different look lol. Thanks for reading!
  6. Nice! They will hit swimbaita all yr long. And in winter u will probably catch the biggest
  7. Nice one on the square bill!
  8. Haha your exactly right bluebasser. I tell my buddies that i fish with here that the winter here is like our fall in michigan. 30s in the morning highs of 60s. But its weird in Michigan i can catch them on topwater in 50 degree water in the fall. Here the fish are in 20ft of water lol and won't even think about moving up for a topwater.
  9. 8.64 caught today. Unfortunately dont have pic of my pb smallie. Was before there were cameras on every device lol. So i need to beat it now.
  10. Lol. I hated being stationed in Az until i found this hole.
  11. This is the spot were on them at. A canal that goes into the other lake. Literally juat throw into the canal ita around 6ft deep and reel slooooow out of it with a 6xd or bomber deep suspending diver 18ft. As it passes over ledge there is a small sweet spot that if it hits its almost guaranteed a fish. Early morn they are barely hitting or just gets heavy. By 10 am they are crushing it.
  12. Hahaha thanks everyone. Im on a serious fishing high right now! And yes i did buy 5 tickets lo n slo
  13. Caught 27lbs today with a Pb of 8.64lbs. Barely beat my last pb. Caught 8 bass total lost 4 and a possible DD broke me off. All caught on 1 ledge going from 6 to 16ft. Loving winter bassin!
  14. I dont know honestly. Just weigyed them. Literally all the bass from this lake look like this. And ive never heard of a fish smaller than 4lbs come out of here. Its really weird. Some days you can get 20 fish some days 2 lol. One of the weirdest but one of the best lakes ive fished.
  15. Got out for some more winter bassin here in Arizona. Fish were 5lbs 15oz and 4lbs 11oz. Fronts moved in here and was like yup gotta take leave. I know the fish will be feeding. Pouring rain and getting fat bass love it. Classic deep cranking with red craw colored crankbaits. Got them in 16ft. Litterally as soon as bait dropped off 6ft ledge into the 16ft crank would get nailed. Went 2-5 today. Lost 2 giants on the deep diver and lost an at least 6lbr on a shallow squarebill right at the boat. Enjoy the pics!
  16. Thanka guys. And yes Darren thry eat good in there. Schools of tilapia everywhere. Get nice and fat.
  17. Went and did some new years eve fishing today with a buddy in a backwater pond. Only had 2 bites today but got em in 16ft on a strike king series 5. Sexy shad color. Off rock ledges. Biggest Arizona bass for the yr. On the last day. 5lbs 11oz....Buddy got a decent 1 too. Next yr need to upgrade arizona bass pb.
  18. Thanks guy appreciate the comments. Caught a lot of fish during this month. Had so much fun.
  19. Thanks guys i appreciate it. i think I'm still coming off the adrenaline from this month lol.
  20. Well i just finished up my 30 days of leave back home in the great state of michigan. I literally did not have one day of bad fishing. My last day out we caught 21.5lbs on our best 5 largemouth all on jigs in 40 degree weather and rain right after some serious cold fronts. Fall bite is just kicking off in Mi get out on the water. What i loved best is we were the only people on the water on any lake we picked this time of yr. They are either bowhunting or to cold to get out lol. What a riot. Also was hammering them on the MS slammer swim bait. 2 6lbrs outta the kayak within 1 hr of each other. Had to find ppl on the shore to take pics. Which 6s are rarely caught in michigan and i managed 2. Man i didnt want to come back to arizona but had to be done…unless i wanted to be AWOL lol. Enjoy the pictures. 19LBS of smallies. on spinnerbaits 21.5LBS of largemouth on jigs Second day of smallie smack down. Smaller bag. 6.56lb Slammer largemouth 6.37 lb Slammer largemouth. Another slammer hog
  21. Thanks papa joe. This is my fav time of yr to go home. Fall temps, bow hunting, salmon fishimg, bass feeding up for winter. Ahhh nothing like it.
  22. Good thing i just got replacement skirts lol
  23. Im from northern michigan. I know the no shad struggle lol. All fall articles talk about how shad move to bavks of creeks well us northern folks on natural lakes or even our resevoirs have inly blue gills, percj, shiners. Things like that. I throw power lures. Jigs, topwater, spinnerbaits , jerkbaits and cranks, i fish shllow flats, points, docks rip rap stuff like that. Bass will school up in those areas and you will see them busting bluegills same as i have seen living down south. This is my absolute favorite time to fish. Alot of big feeding bass.
  24. Thanks man. I know the water will still be warmer. But i know when temps plunge like that the bass get out of wack like a cold front. But i was wondering if the weather staying stable for a week after that drop if the bass should be back to normal or should i go to after front tactics. Im assuming that a week of stable cooler temps will start fall paterns though. Which will be awesome.
  25. Ill be back home on leave in central michigan gladwin area in a week for 30 days. I have been following the weather and its been in the upper 80s. This week it is going to plunge to the upper 60s for the rest of the month. Since i will be home after this first week of cooler temps. Do you think the bass will be bavk to a normal pattern or still out of whack aftera week of these cooler temps? Thanks.
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