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Everything posted by brgbassmaster

  1. Did you check the MN lake finder to see what it says for largemouth size that was surveyed? I never been there.
  2. Nice fish man. Where are her 5lbrs?? Gotta see those. Im headed out to the Bemidji area this Saturday toss frogs, and to do some flipping in a new lake.
  3. I always just say mannnn my back is killing me...They usually say mine too we been out here all day. And I say no mine hurts from holding up the team all day hahahahahaha.
  4. For largemouth ill take overcast with a slight sprinkle and a slight chop. Topwater bite is usually amazing and big fish. Smallmouth for me depends on the lake. A few I love to fish for smallies in Northern Michigan they love the crappiest windiest rainiest weather. Then others its better when its glass calm and sunny all day. We have literally caught a 24lb bag in horrible weather ran to a lake with bigger fish and cant buy a bite lol. Fish are fish I guess.
  5. Does anyone have this suit and have any reviews on it. Also if you do have it how tall are you and what size did you get. Cant try it on anywhere around here and really thinking about purchasing it. Thanks!
  6. I don't think that fish Is even near 14lbs but I will say I have seen a ton of giant bass come from that state on a swimbait forum I also am a member of.
  7. Im 33 and still work so I still brave the elements lol. 6 years till retirement though woo woo!
  8. Idk if I'm a pioneer lol but I have done a few things that others didn't and then eventually it caught on with friends. When I first got stationed in New Mexico in 07 I started fishing a chatter bait a lot out there. I had never seen it before that. Not having tv growing up and being 18 it was something new for this northern guy lol. When I came home on leave my buddies were making fun of me for throwing that bait lol asking me if I was going to Mexico after some DDs etc lol. Then in 2013 I was fishing 9" MS slammers for big bass. And managed two largies over 6 on the same day. I know of like 4 other people that throw those kinds of giant wake baits and glide baits up in Michigan for bass. And two of them now are my buddies that were with me that day lol. The chatter bait eventually caught on everywhere in the country obviously and maybe it was popular everywhere at that time idk. They didn't seem to think so lol.
  9. Only way I'm jumping in after a lure is if its one of my $100+ hard to find swimbaits. some of the ones I have aren't made anymore or are basically impossible to get due to being sold out seconds after a drop or People just won't get rid of certain baits. Other than that all my other baits if they go in the drink oh well lol.
  10. Thanks for all of the replies guys. Very helpful
  11. What yalls favorite brand of polarized glasses?
  12. Ya when people do that it takes away from the size of the bass.
  13. Ya ive watched his videos for years. One of the reason i put in for this assignment. Hopefully run into him on the river this year.
  14. Sick truck man! That will look great with the Lund behind it.
  15. I just lived there the last 6 years and the water is nowhere near the 70s in march or April. Shoot in the river on the north end in July when its 115 you can go out and in the morning the river is in the high 60s and will get into the mid 70s. I fished Havasu almost every weekend. last year April 4th I was starting to see males on beds. and some areas way down south end males and female. Mid lake and north end will be alot cooler. And the north end stays cool year around. But man are those backwaters up north so fun to throw a frog in. Idk I was there every weekend just about the last 6 years and if you go up into the river on the north end during spring break its madness with drunk pleasure boaters, cigar boats etc. Then around site 6 is crazy as well. 0mph wind and you would think it was 30 mph lol with all those waves.
  16. I been washing mine once a week or every other here in ND and as long as its super cold it stays clean. The salty white chalk look doesn't show up unless its warmer. Pretty nice they have heated bays, with heated power washers just need bucket and soap etc.
  17. Yes sir the 10.5 wahoo. Ya one of the guys he drops the pole either to stand and fish or when he hooks a big ol smallie he will drop the anchor to fight it so he doesn't float back down stream or down past more good cover.
  18. The river I'm fishing is fairly small and current isn't crazy strong. Only in some areas is it pretty fast. Other than that a lot of slow moving water. Especially where its dammed up. The power pole I think will help with any twisting or turning. I wanted something smaller and under 1K and could mount the power pole. I already ordered it so I'm stuck with it now hahaha.
  19. Ya i am. I sent them an email at 1030 last night and got a response in 5 min lol. I was impressed with the communication so far. Everywhere i went online wouldnt ship to ND. I dont think i tried austin though. But im dealing with kaku directly and they are helping me out.
  20. Ya they seem good. They dont have any dealers up here near north dakota but are figuring a way to ship a wahoo to me.
  21. Tube, jig, swimbait, Spinnerbait, spook, blade bait. That should cover spring summer and fall.
  22. Ill definitely check one out! Thanks for the recommendation. Also i know a few guys that use the power pole micro in rivers and have no issues with it sticking and holding you in place. I know a guy that fishes the same rivers ill be fishing up here and they are pretty swift in spring especially and it locks him right down.
  23. Prob my annual trips to Northern Michigan. 2100 miles there and 2100 back and usually 3k miles just driving around the state fishing. 7k miles in amonth is a heck of alot of miles just to chase brown bass. But catching 3-6lbrs every trip on lakes ppl dont even fish is a completely surreal experience. Nothing like it. Luckily im only 12 hours away now lol.
  24. Ok guys now that im back up north and will be fishing rivers more often im going to be picking up another yak for when im not on the boat. What yak would you guys recommend under 1k that i can mount a micro power pole on easily? Thank you. I was looking at the Jackson bite angler. Seems like a good yak but any other recommendation welcome.
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