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Everything posted by brgbassmaster

  1. Thanks semperbass appreciate it!. Im an engineer so We will be building stuff all over the AOR gonna be interesting.
  2. Fatttties.
  3. Thanks smokinal ill check in uere and there when im gone while i can
  4. Hahaha mutant bass
  5. Thanks everyone!
  6. Got some weight on her Very nice! She is real long too.
  7. Prespawn is my fav time of year. I look for the nearest deep water to a spawning area and start chucking a deep crank. My favorite is a strike king 6xd. The females will hold off going shallow and the males will be up first. So if u can get that bait infront of those hingry females out off the first drop they will inhale it. You can drag jigs or texas rigs in those areas also and cacth them after you have nailed the active ones with the deep crank. My main area lately has been a small 10ft wide feeder creek that drops from 6 to 16ft and there are two small rock piles off the deep side of the channel right before it goes to 6ft and if you hit that spot its almost guaranteed to get you bit when it deflects off if it. Now that the spawn is occuring my prespaen areas have died though. So im having trouble gettin bit. Muddy water is hard to find bedders!
  8. That first spot is a beast!
  9. Well my fishing has came to an end for this week and possibly until next january. I will deploying for 7 months to the middle east. But did manage only 1 today. She came in at 5.88lbs and had a bellllly on her! Crushed my 6xd with my new hooks i landed her with ease. Buddy had made about 20 casts to this point while i fished the other. We turned the boat i made 1 cast on the point ye was fishing and caught this girl. Here is a pic of my watercraft also. Dont need glass to catch bass! (But i still wish i didnt sell my bass boat when i moved overseas). Anyways as always love bassresource and cant wait to get back to slay the fish again. If i head out before then of course i will post a report.
  10. Ya i agree blue basser not the best way to hold em. Ill try tomorrow what you said and see what happens. Thanks!
  11. She looks healthy
  12. I know what u mean. But you would have to underatand the limits ive seen come out of this lake. Biggest ive seen is a 39lb limit. And 3.5lbr is a small fish out here. Me personallly have had a 26lb limit and a 27lb both which should have been 30lbs. Normal lakes i shoot for 5 fish 15lbs then look for a kicker to bring me into the 18lb range
  13. Ya sorry i weigh all my fish if u have ever seen my other posts. I usually have a pic of them hanging on scale. But they do what they want lol.
  14. Took 3 days off work to hit the water. Went to usual cranking pattern and managed one baby 3.5lbr (dont know if i should post mine lol after theirs). Buddies though killed it. I tried all the cranking areas and couldnt buy a bite. But they found em! Not sure on their weights. think the bass are moving into spawning areas now so the deep patterns arent going to pan out as well. I inow they dont all spawn at once but seems to me most have left the deep water areas. Going again tomorrow so we shall see. Never mind the date lol obviously not right.
  15. Looks like my home water. Nice fish!
  16. I hate dropshot. I like to call it fairy wand
  17. Hahahaha @gardnerjigman i fish what is needed. In michigan i never throw deep cranks mainly jigs out deep and some topwater/big swimbaits out here in az im all about the cranks and frogs
  18. I cannot buy a jig fish yet this yr. Nice going
  19. Strike king 6xd red craw, blue gizzard and green gizzard colors. Red was better here in Az around january when water was below 50s now its up in 60s and the blue gizzard and green have been alot better. Caught one flippping in reeds and also caught 2 on chartreuse black back squarebill. Water is stained to muddy all the time.
  20. Thanks guys! I wish everyone on the forum could enjoy this as much as i am. I didnt expect any good fishing when i came to az really except maybe havasu and Colorado river areas but i have found one of the best public lakes ive ever seen for size of fish. Purely amazing.
  21. Nice fish. Cant beat 5lbrs everytime outlol. Definitely take quality over quantity any day.
  22. Hahaha. Im heading out froggin tomorrow more of a numbers place like 3lbrs so should be fun.
  23. Spawn/presoawn here in az right now
  24. Hahaha definitely not private. Totally public lake just amazing quality. 2 Small lakes here in az connected maybe 600 acres together.
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