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Everything posted by brgbassmaster

  1. There is definitely 10lbrs people catch fish every year especially around the spawn up to 8lbs so there has got to be 10 lbrs. Ya they aren't common. But they are there. Think of the thousand of lakes we have. Just up north below the bridge where my wife is from there are probably 100 lakes that u can't get a boat into. Where u need 4x4 and a kayak. And we go out there and catch 5lbrs I'm sure there are lakes like that all over the state. One lake we kayak 1/4 mile up stream to get in. That is the only way. I've caught some nice ones out of there . Going back this year with the heavy artillery lol. Here are my two biggest Michigan bass caught same trip 20 min apartin October of 2015 on MS slammer wake bait. Both over 6.
  2. Current active duty. 10 years. Still have yet to be stationed with another bass fisherman.
  3. The not having scale irritates the heck out of me lol. All my fish that are 4 lb or heavier I have pic of fish and pic of fish hanging from scale
  4. Daiwa lexa 300-cc 6.3:1
  5. I started like 6 months before I deployed but then had so much to do that I didn't get out much except to my desert donkey farm lol and didn't want to use them there it is super muddy lake. Got 2 over 6 on slammers but then had to leave. Hopefully I can capitalize this season. I been researching swim baits for probably 12 years when I first saw low budget hookers smashing them in Rhode Island on slammers. I took the plunge finally lol Unfortunately place is closed down right now. Some rich dude bought all 3 lakes and is cleaning th place up. Guess he used to fish there in the last 10-15 yrs when u could catch 10lbrs every trip out. But then the netters found out about it in the last 5 yrs. place isn't the same from what I'm told. I mean ya I caught Hawgs last year but I'm told 50lb limits were common before social media ruining th place and netters finding out about it. Soooo dude is cleaning place up, put like 175 trail cams, having Arizona game and fish and cops out there and going to have to pay to get in. He wants to make it a nice place for the regular bass fisherman again. My buddy went out there this summer and he said every night he went the same group of professional netters as he calls thm were pulli there nets with 20+ 5-8lbrs every time out. It was disgusting he said. Diawa Lexa 300
  6. Couple of Deps 250s and a few 8 inch huddlestons. Got some slammers too. Small collection. But always growing.
  7. 8.64 lbs deep crankbait caught last February
  8. Caught my first fish of 2017 and my first bass after my 8 months overseas. Caught on deep crank bait 8ft Powell endurance cranking rod and lews tournament speed spool reel. She was a small one.mcoming in at 4.7lbs.
  9. Surprisingly I've only had 2 pike attack a swim bait in michigan. I caught one and the other hit at the boat and missed it. But with jigs and other baits i get cut off at least 5 times an outing in our lakes. But i only spend 30 days a year in michigan while on leave and 25 on the water. So I'm sure those numbers would go up lol.
  10. haha they definitely take a hit on the wallet. but i recently over about a year ago started to just target big fish and throw swim baits. So instead of buying all the conventional stuff constantly just have 10 or so nice swim baits to throw. Unless i break one off mid cast or pike takes it lol then that would be an expensive problem,. But that hasn't happened yet.
  11. Not odd at all swim baits have been catching 3 and 4 lbrs forever. I have caught a 6 inch bass on a 9 inch ms slammer in michigan. Out here in arizona a Deps 250 10 inch swim bait will catch 4 lbrs all the time. Same as back home in michigan. Even better in michigan cuz bass dont see those baits often. Nothing like catching giant bass on swim baits especially up north where people say they won't hit baits like that.
  12. 8.64 largemouth on a strike king 6xd and a 5.2lb smallie on a lucky craft jerk bait
  13. Two Deps 250s but will be a few more glide baits and wake baits once i get back from deployment.
  14. No offseason in Arizona. Winter is glide season
  15. Another reason i hate living in the south west. The lake where i catch all my giant bass you have to bring a kevlar vest and helmet out there to fish because of all the idiots shooting or shooting at you or shooting at the water towards you to skip bullets. You should see two iraq vets out there when people start shooting I'm sure that is a sight to see. Wish i could go back to northern michigan already! Prayers for the families!
  16. Low Down Customs if you can get one lol definitely the best choice. Dobyns, Loomis, Okuma guide select IROD.
  17. Bring net, camera and scale. Definitely not a caught fish. Did you get a picture of the 7 lbr that was caught the next day?
  18. Ive been doing that forever. And recently riding with other people notice they do it too\
  19. Anyone know when these start? Best sales ever
  20. 2016 was a great year for me. I caught 3 fish over 8 lbs this year and a ton of 5-6lbrs. And learned very well how to fish a deep crank. So here are my goals for 2017. 1. Learn to fish Glide baits (deps 250 specifically) I love swim bait fishing but have never thrown these. 2. Catch a DD 3. Learn my electronics better 4. Learn to use my new go pro and edit videos better
  21. Lake havasu has good largemouth and small mouth fishing. Went and watched the elites fish it and they absolutely pounded them.
  22. Man i put in a BOP for out there but didn't get it lol. Was wanting to fish all those.
  23. Go blue!
  24. Glide baits all winter. Deps 250s, gancrafts, s wavers, islides, will all catch you bass through out the iwinter in phoenix. make sure and get trout colors, with the trout stocking all winter bass annihilate these baits. Some days you might not get bit and just get followers other days you might catch a 40lb sack. With a 10+lbr
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