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Everything posted by brgbassmaster

  1. Ya I was home on leave and in a pinch and just threw some high temp bearing grease in.
  2. Thanks I'll take a different better picture
  3. Ya I believe so is that hard to repair or expensive?
  4. So i towed my boat back to michigan for 30 days and motor never had any issues. I was amazed. Now i just got back to phoenix and after sitting for a week and a half i notice this when i go out to my boat. I have had this before but not nearly as much grease leaking out., Ive cleaned it then re greased then no issues for a couple weeks then a little oozes out then i add more grease. This seems like quite a bit. Can anyone tell me what i need repaired on this or is it even an issue. Shold i just keep adding grease? Thank you.
  5. Haha yup sounds about like the lakes we fish up there. Counting the days till I get back up to Mi. 365 to go ?
  6. @A-Jay man so awwsome. Especially fishing lakes with no other bass boats lol. Felt good compared to Arizona where every weekend is like bassmaster classic and forest wood cup is going on. ?.
  7. Ya st Clair is an amazing fishery! Been there a few times. We tend to stay up north in the small inland lakes no boat traiffc and big ol smallies. Thanks guys it was an amazing trip.
  8. Went on leave for a month and we headed north for 3 days to chase big smallmouth in some inland lakes that are very unknown for giant smallies. First day we head out me and my buddy and we get to the lake start off on a 5ft deep point. Nothing but a small largemouth on a zara spook. So we head over to a 3ft deep flat and i get blasted on top. Fish misses bait big time. That was the last hit on top we had the rest of the day. Saw a bouy marking a point and big flat. We head over there and once we get close we see bigger rocks on this spot only area on lake we fouind anything like this. I pick up a spinnerbait and bam almost instantly start catching in 5ft of water. We stick aroiund there for awhile and fill our bag pretty quick. Wind comes up and it ends up being 2 footers exactly what the forecast said. Small craft advisory lol. We stuck it out and absolutely pounded the smallies on spinnerbaits. His trolling motor on his boat eventually almost died and we would idle up and just float down this big flat and keep catching. First day best 5 went 23.75lbs. with 2 at 5.5lbs. Day 2 We headed to a lake an hr more north. I had never fished this lake but he had a week prior. There isnt a launch just a beach that you can barely get a boat into. And to get out there was no way of driving onto trailer. Had to get waders on to get boat up lol. So we get out on the lake and almost the whole lake is 3ft deep except one 20 yd stretch that is about 8ft. We start off with topwater and nothing again super weird. So we are going in 1ft of water and i see an old smallie bed and whip a tube up there and dont get hit. We get close and then a 4lbr swims outta it. I toss tube out and she swims over and inhales it. Fish on. Get her to the baot. then we started seeing more and more in these little depressions in 1ft of water. But couldnt get them to bite. So we head over to a 3 ft section and i get smashed on a zara spook middle of the day and catch a 5.75lbr. Pick up a spinner bait and bam i get crushed again by a 4.5lbr. We find an area that is 6ft and buddy ties on a jig and fills the rest of the bag and adds another 5lbr. Catch a few more and we end up culling out 4lbrs which is awesome. Especially on an inland lake in michigan. So this lake that is 3ft deep in the whole lake except one section ends up being amazing smallmouth water. Day 2 is 23.5lbs. Day 3 We head back to same lake as day 1. Weather was totally different and super calm,. Instantyly we are getting smashed on zara spooks on our bouy point. But these fish are not getting bait they are hitting 3-4 times on each cast. But will not get hooked. So buddy catches a 4.75lbr on zara then we say screw it and pick up 6" keitchs. We fill our limit but not the action like day 1 during the hurricane force winds. Which if anyone knows anything about fall smallmouth. The worse conditions the better the fishing. So after only maybe 8 fish that helped the bag throughout the day its almost 4pm and i told them i had to leave that day by 5 cuz it was my last day with my inlaws. Buddy was throwing an alabama rig all day and caught some good ones. We say ok time to go and take our pics with the best 5 and then we release them. Buddy says lets fish 15 more min. No kidding 2nd cast after releasing our best 5 he catches a 6lb1 oz inland lake beast on his bama rig. So our best 5 for that 3rd day was 23.67lbs. So all in all amazing 3 days of fishing our best baits were spinnerbaits, alabama rig, keitechs and jigs. Ya we caught fish on everything but those produced the most fish. Biggest fish came on spinnerbait, alabama rig, jig and zara spook. So after 3 days we had 4 over 5lbs and 1 over 6lbs with 3 days topping 23lbs of footballs. The single fish picture with the 3 of us is the 6lbr
  9. Yes it is. Pretty dang stable yak. I do have great balance tho. I can stand on any water craft no ptoblem.
  10. U got it! Gila river fishing. The lakes on the gila are awesome. Some spots have turned to crap cuz of the ppl netting fish out by the thousands.
  11. Tossing a spro killer gill popping frog around a river here I arizona.
  12. Thanks guys. There were 3 screws under head once taken out I could turn it.
  13. Got this new mini kota edge trolling motor. But when I went to mount it when it is facing the way it is in the picture it puts major stress on the wires coming out of motor going to pedal. My old one was parallel to boat rather than facing straight down like this. How do I turn the head of this so that it is parallel? Thanks..
  14. Thanks guys. Ya swimbait fishing is rough. But rewards are great
  15. Throwing an 8" pizz customs shadley out here in arizona and had a real nice one follow up to the boat. She got close i gave the glide bait a little twitch then BAM she smoked it. I watched her engulf the whole bait. Waited then set the hook. Somehow the hooks did not get her. Perfect execution. Im willing to bet money that if i put my hand around that bait and set the hook my hand would be full of trebles. Idk how she did it. But got some action shots.
  16. Kodi is the greatest and bro in law just loaded a ton of fishing. Watched nba playoffs on it and any show in the world.
  17. Very good info thanks! Great info glen..never knew about greasing the ball.
  18. So I'm putting new trolling motor on boat. right now it is a motor guide brute 767. I unscrewed mounted foot pedal to see how it was wired in and noticed 3 wires a black, red, and white? Now the motors Im looking at is the minnkota edge 70lb and the motor guide x3 70lb. Both have just two wires a black and a red. Not really sure how to do this now. I've installed motors before with just two wires obviously just plug and play. But my electrical skills are SLACKING. Thanks for any help.
  19. I just put new bearings on trailer in may. Maybe 5 trips on them. But I will have a pre packed hub kit just in case
  20. Up through flagstaff, through Albuquerque, okc, st Louis. That route lol. Up to gladwin Michigan
  21. I do strap down transom. I'm talking about I read to put ratchet straps across boat and strapt that way also. For extra security. Thoughts?
  22. Haha I'll be hitting the way lesser known smallmouth havens. I aleays drive speed limits. Especially when towing. Gas mileage and wear and tear. Not about that lol. My tundra has new brakes, coolant flush, brake flush, 4x4 service, and new rear axle from when I got rear ended. Also 110K mile service. I always make sure and get oil changed day before my trip. And on way back. Boat trailer has new bearings, seals, races, tires are almost new but do need new spare. I read wherr i should strap the boat down also including trolling motor. What do u think about that? Why should I use a rubber wedge?
  23. Going on my annual (as long as I'm not tdy or deployed) trip to northern Michigan for a month. Was wondering what I should look out for, or how i should prep boat and trailer or anything else for a tow from Arizona to Michigan. 2100 miles one way. Most I've towed is 700 miles one way. Figured since my buddies will take their boat from Michigan to south Florida for a 4 day trip might as well take my boat up there for a 30 day trip. Thanka for any tips.
  24. Seen that many times in 10 years! I'm trying to PCS out east next march. Hopefully get outta the West coast
  25. Haha sorry I'm active duty for 10 years right now. And currently live in Arizona but from Michigan so I fish both states alot.
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