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Everything posted by brgbassmaster

  1. Thanks a-jay sad i didnr grt them all my aquastick comes in soon woohoo no more dead batteries. This is the only lake I rarely throw a swimbait. I strictly swimbait for largemouth in every other lake but this one they do not hit it for me which is weird cuz I know exactly where to find them but can't get bit.
  2. Below is the a video of a few catches from the epic 30lb day but unfortunately didnt get all the fish on camera again! Was such an amazing day and pretty irritated they werent all on cast to catch. Check it out!
  3. That sounds rough! Maybe I should stay here longer lol. Idktho 120F in the summer is BRUTAL.
  4. That snow in the background? Couple real nice ones in there! I forgot what fishing in the cold is since being in the military lol. Went from home northern Michigan guides freezing up to new Mexico, Guam and Az.what is cold weather again????
  5. The crazy thing is they all look like this here!
  6. Lol na I'll sacrifice. The 8+lbrs fight once water gets into the 60s. Right now water temp is "cold" according to the arizonians at 58F. They talk about slowing down while I'm burning 6xds ??
  7. Haha no not really. They get to surface and barely splash.
  8. I'm in the West valley that is West side
  9. Haha thanks man. I love this place insane baitfish numbers and every fish pretty much is 5lbs or bigger. Got a couple videos I'll put something together. My buddy's that he got from the back were not on film unfortunately cuz my old navigation port mount broke and my aquastick hasn't came in yet. Tilapia and shad are the main forage. Millions of tilapia in here from 4" to 4lbs. That's the big bass stuff right there. From what I read if there is good tilapia base in a lake then the bass usually grow big and here it's rare to find a fish under 5lbs.
  10. Epic day today out at the hidden spot here in arizona. Biggest bag of my life 30lb 10oz. My previous PB bag was also out here. 27.5lbs. Finally beat that. Epic day. 11 bass caught. Strike king 6xd in chilli craw and an unknown brand my buddy had in tilapia were the tickets today. The picture with my buddy holding the small bass and the big one was one of our serious culls lol. We ended up culling a 5lbr out too later.
  11. Just some cast to catches some zoomed in/slow motion topwater strikes and a couple zoomed in on smallies jumping 2 foot outta the water. One throws the hook too pretty cool to see. Tubes/swimbait a d sexy dawg were baits used. Thanks for watching.
  12. Haha yup yesterday morning in Arizona 34F when I left it was 75F.
  13. Felt good to catch this 6lbr today. Been awhile since I been out here to the hidden lake.
  14. Heck ya they did!
  15. Went out to my secret az lake y'all might remember I was fishing about a year ago catching non stop 5-8lbrs lol. Well no bass but did manage this nice channel cat. Good ol strike king 6xd. Buddies caught a few too. I tried uploading a 3rd pic of a muscly channel cat also lol. But man the fish in this lake are mutants.
  16. Hahaha yup specially river smallies. Thanks man!
  17. Thanks Man! Those fish were ferocious. Had a few others like the last one that went 4lbs bit threw the hook. Oh well. This river is where my love for bass fishing began at around 10 years old.
  18. Hey guys just uploaded a new video tossing around a whopper plopper 130 for river smallmouth. Size dont matter to these fish. Nothing like a topwater strike from a smallmouth especially river fish. Check out the video below.
  19. Wasn't cold but 4ft rollers on Saginaw bay smallie fishing in a nitro bass boat. Used to have videos. That was scaaaaaary. The big walleye boats were already 8n and couldn't believe we mad3 it back. And honestly neither could we. Also have fished when it was 28F and guides were freezing but catching 6lbrs on deep crabks. Probably coldest I've been but the fishing helped.
  20. Thanks going to pick up tubing tomorrow
  21. Got a pinhole in my water psi gauge tubing just inside motor housing. What is vest way to repair. Replace all 10ft of tubing or can I use like a small plumbing shark bite style fitting that you shove inside each side then ziptie each end of fitting so it doesn't leak? I know zip ties will work since that how hose is attached on either end. Only 10-15 psi going thru. Thanks.
  22. Boat is sick! I would like to do something like that when we move back to northern Michigan and the hundreds of small lakes I won't need my bass boat for.
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