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Everything posted by Gatorbassman

  1. Take a little bit of camping gear and spend the weekend at Marbin Farms Public Fishing Area. Also known as Charlie Elliot. It consists of 22 small ponds and lakes. Some of them are walk-in only. Three of the top ten bass caught in GA came from these lakes. Camping is primitive but free. You need a fishing license. You either need a three day fishing license or a year fishing license along with a WMA stamp. These are the lakes that I grew up fishing and there are some monsters in there. http://www.georgiawildlife.org/PFA/CharlieElliott There are many other places to fish in your area. Take a look through what is offered in this link and you should be able to find something close. http://www.georgiawildlife.org/fishing/opportunities
  2. Keep fishing them and fish them and fish them some more and there will come a time when you will swear that you feel the fish breathing on the lure. You'll get it. You've just got to spend some quality time with them.
  3. Mike, Somewhere in a box in my parents house I have a copy of the entire script of Monty Python and the Holy Grail
  4. "Please! This is supposed to be a happy occasion. Let's not bicker and argue over who killed who." "You must cut down the mightiest tree in the forest... WITH... A HERRING!" "What... is the air-speed velocity of an unladen swallow?" "I blow my nose at you."
  5. I'm trying to pack for a week long guide trip and my mind keeps wandering to thoughts of how I'm going to pack for Pickwick. It's never taken me this long to pack things up to guide. I can't wait to see all my old friends and meet some new ones..........Are we there yet?
  6. I always have a pair of heavy needle drivers with me.
  7. I probably won't pack till the day before.
  8. If you have a local tackle shop ask them to carry it. Tell them they can get it from Pitman Creek Wholesale.
  9. Are we there yet?
  10. A few years ago I bought one of Carrot Stix heavy flipping sticks. I sent in the warranty card and went fishing. On the second fish the rod broke on the hookset twelve inches above the handle on the fattest part of the rod. I called the costumer service number and the guy on the other end told be that because they had not received the card that they could not honor the warranty. I waited two weeks and called back again and was told that they never got the card and they would not honor the warranty. That dang rod now sits in the corner of my garage as a reminder to never buy one again.
  11. If they don't bring it to the boat I won't be eating lunch there. I'm going hardcore this trip. Jerky and a few other things and I'm out all day.
  12. My back seat will be available for the blind draw all but two of the days.
  13. Ben23 works for them.
  14. To say I'm excited about this trip is an understatement. I have yet to catch a single SMB. I can't imagine a 5 or 6lbr on the end of my line. I can't wait...... are we there yet?
  15. The fishing department is better than Dicks IMO.
  16. I've used rubber bands for years.
  17. That is actually a standard color here on Clarks Hill Lake. We fish them weightless all summer long.
  18. The only problem I have with this review is that he did absolutely no research on the line. He has no clue as to why the line is made the way it's made and just threw up a video with an uninformed opinion. To me this type of review is next to useless.
  19. Guys, I can vouch for Ben's integrity. I've known him for years and fished and worked with him several times. He has borrowed boats before and always returned them in great shape. Please help him out if you can. Thanks
  20. That fella is the top warm water fisheries biologist in the country. His name is Bob Lusk. He is amazing to sit down with and talk to. In fact I got off the water early today just so I could sit down with him and ask questions and listen. I wish I would have had my camera with me. I learned more about baitfish in 20 minutes than I have reading anything.
  21. First of all welcome. There are some great fishing spots on Stone Mountain Lake and there are other great fishing locations in your area. Have fun exploring.
  22. A Hitch, (Lavinia exilicauda). It's a baitfish found in some lakes in California.
  23. Where are you in SC. I live in Augusta. Like WRB said, The spawn will happen when the water temp gets right. But I've noticed that when the bass have a wait a little longer the number of bass spawning in the first wave is a lot more than other years. There should be spawning bass in every protected spawning flat on the lake. Start looking at the northwest end and work your way down lake as the spawn progresses.
  24. If the bass are laying on the bottom I will use a heavy bulky jig so I can slowly drag it. If the fish are suspended up off the bottom a little I will lighten it up but keep the bulk so it will fall slowly and give them a chance to bite on the way down. If they are suspended high off the bottom I will be throwing a jerkbait.
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