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Everything posted by Gatorbassman

  1. Now that's my kind of Coonass. Killin and eatin baby. Love it. Welcome
  2. Welcome to the family.
  3. Welcome to the family. I work in a Level 1 Emergency Room so I guess you can say that you are in shipping and I'm in receiving.
  4. Welcome Chris.
  5. Custom painted 6" Bull Shad Swimbait - $125 is sitting on the bottom of Guntersville.
  6. Then bass fishing would be as boring as golf.
  7. X2 This happens to me all the time. If you can see the fish hit the fluke you need to treat it like a topwater bite. Wait to feel the fish and then lay into them.
  8. I change something as soon as I loose confidence. I will either change the lure our change location. Usually location unless I just know there are fish there.
  9. I've been fishing one for most of this year and I feel like I've figured out a lot about this cool little rig. When you are fishing it like a Texas Rig it is better to use a bell type sinker over a long skinny sinker. The bait stays up off the bottom better and can wiggle it more. The bite feels different. Almost like a dropshot or a tube bait. The fish just loads up on it. You don't feel the bottom as well as rigs that are tied directly to the weight, but that is to be expected. It is very difficult to get the Jika Rig hung up. It comes through just about everything. It works with any soft plastic. It is awesome drug along to bottom with a fluke on the hook. A 30 degree jig hook is the best hook I've found for it. I just need to find them in light wire.
  10. Nope. You don't suck. The problem lies with the fact that the lake was down for so long and we had a lot of bank grass and other vegetation grow during those years. For the first few weeks the fishing close to shore was awesome but now it is very tough due to the fact that the bank grass is dead and now rotting under the water. This decay process uses up most of the oxygen in the water and it forces the fish to go somewhere else. So they have pulled out to the deeper milfoil and hydrilla and areas that don't have bank grass like rocky banks. Fish banks with rock or rip rap along the bridges and you should find your share of fish.
  11. Now that is awesome. Congratulations. As I moderator I now need to direct you to the list of articles that we have on here that cover boat care. They are very helpful....... But anyway. You are going to love getting out and putting some water under that thing. There is nothing like it.
  12. The bass is the only one who's opinion matters. Try it out and let us know.
  13. Glenn put the name of it on the filter list a long time ago so it won't show up when I type it. It's the big one that allows all the bickering and fighting. They are the reason that pros turn their nose up when they find out I moderate a fishing forum.
  14. Too far of a drive for me.
  15. It's a little harder but they will walk.
  16. I walk them. They are striped bass killers around here.
  17. I'd start guiding full time and write it off.
  18. If you have any humps back in main creeks of the lake then I'd hit them but it takes a little while before they get on main lake humps.
  19. At first glance I would say a starling but it's head shape looks like a flycatcher.
  20. Bass Pro and Academy Sports caries them. https://www.google.com/#q=carolina+keepers&source=univ&tbm=shop&tbo=u&sa=X&psj=1&ei=UvmaUYqdBIPA9gTZ-YDICg&ved=0CC4Qsxg&bav=on.2,or.r_cp.r_qf.&bvm=bv.46751780,d.eWU&fp=9369aece09cc9c53&biw=1241&bih=584
  21. Jay. I totally agree with you. Slow way down and get more bites.
  22. Yep. After the rain finally stopped the fishing was a blast but the water was muddy.
  23. After two extra days on Guntersville I made it home yesterday.
  24. Almost packed up and heading out in about an hour. I can't wait to get there and see all your ugly faces.
  25. Oh man, That looks like it was tons of fun in the sun.
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