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Everything posted by Gatorbassman

  1. Welcome to the family.
  2. http://www.bassresource.com/fish/boatprices.html
  3. That is pretty cool. It's great to see highschool fishing growing so fast. Congrats
  4. What sickens me is most of the dummies bought a bunch of meat and frozen goods and don't have the equipment at home to store it in. I can almost guarantee that most of the stuff they got will go in the trash
  5. The jig rig.
  6. I've been guiding out of all electric boats for the past 5 years. We have Ray Electric outboard on the back and iPilots on the front linked up to our Humminbird 1198. I plot a coarse and it goes where I want it to. The anchor feature is great. The batteries are a huge problem. They take up too much room and are unreliable. With 7 boats and 8 batteries per boat we are always having problems with them. Fix the batteries and fix the problems with any electric boat.
  7. Outstanding. I am very excited about this one Big-O. I can't wait to get my hands on some.
  8. Early this Spring I took my 5 year old son for his first trip to the shooting range. We set up at the end bench with the single shot .22 that I learned on and both of his older brothers started with. We were plinking away, not really paying attention to what was going on two benches down. Then during a ceasefire one of the guys tapped me on the shoulder and started to ask me questions about my thoughts on guns, teaching techniques for my boy and so on. I asked who he was and was amazed that he was a known anti-gun reporter for a local newspaper. One of the local gun shop owners had invited him to the range for a little gun education. The reporter was able to shoot many different guns for the first time that day. I was also very excited to talk to him about how I raise my kids to respect guns and by shooting with them I'm able to teach them how destructive guns can be when used wrong. We talked about being a responsible gun owning parent and safety in the home. I never got to see if he wrote an article about it but I hope his eyes were opened a little bit that day.
  9. My very first boat was one of these. I hauled it everywhere I went. It was a blast..... It got sold when kids came along and I went back to bank fishing. The one in the picture was borrowed though.
  10. Get "The Can". I use it most when stalking through the woods and I'm unable to keep my footsteps quite. I've also used it to call in several deer. It's not very loud so it's not going to call them in from a distance. I only use a grunt call for about a week and a half of the season. As soon as I notice sign of bucks cruising I will use it sparingly for then next week or so. The "cruising" stage of the rut starts when the does are about 48 hours from coming into heat and the bucks are traveling around more than normal looking for them. This is also the best time to rattle. I will use a grunt to stop a buck and I'll use it to peak his interest. But the can call usually closes the deal.
  11. No matter what blind you choose. You always need to brush it in when deer hunting. Break up it's outline as much as possible. If you don't, you will get busted.
  12. You have to look at the economics of it. How much does it cost to maintain a fishery that produces 10lb bass consistently? How many people can fish the place without having a negative affect on the fishery? How much do you need to charge that number of people in order to maintain the fishery pay the insurance and make a reasonable profit? Do you have to capital to lose money for the first few years?
  13. Unless you are me. I don't have a chance in hell.
  14. I here ya. At one of my favorite little lakes there is this old man who has this little white dog. If there is anyone else at the boat ramp or in parking lot the dang dog comes after them and tries to bite them and the old guy never calls him off. He did that to me two separate times. I told the man that if he didn't call his dog off I was going to take matters into my own hands. Evidently someone beat me to it because I heard that the dog got shot not long ago.
  15. I like the Pinnacle combos and they are priced right and are the best of those three. But to be honest with you I shy away from combo deals. The reason is that you will usually get a decent reel with a piece of crap rod. If you have to buy a combo so you can fish then buy it and start saving for a replacement rod.
  16. You can add enough weight to crash through the weeds if you want to but I use a 1/16th oz weight so I could fish on top of the submerged vegetation. So yes, it's just like the splitshot rig except it doesn't pick up the weeds as much as the splitshot. It pulls through easier and with less disturbance as to not spook weary fish. PS Thanks Felix and congratulations. That's awesome.
  17. It has always been a waste of money. My dad has been a life member for 20 years and they have only shipped him one piece of junk lure.
  18. That's cool. A few of the boys from my Scout Troop are headed to the Jamboree. That's a big deal man. I'll tell them to go watch ya.
  19. Aaron!!!! Welcome back buddy. I was thinking about you just the other day as I was listening to some bluegrass. How in the heck have you been?
  20. I in the middle of moving and I'm going to organize mine so can see the old stuff and actually use it.
  21. For me it's the traditional way of fishing Senkos. I try it and it only takes a few minutes before my confidence is gone and I move to something else. It's like watching paint dry and I'd rather slam my hand in a car door than fish it, but I know I need to use it and gain some confidence in it. Another is tubes. I want to fish them but I don't really like the feel of them. I can't tell if I'm in rocks or on hard bottom and I know there is a lot that I don't know about them.
  22. My favorite phrase that you hear pros make after they win a major tournament is. "I caught it on a prototype lure". Which is code for. "I Used another company's lure and now my sponsor is frantically working to copy it so they can capitalize on it."
  23. Don't just email them. Call them and talk to a real person. They have great customer support. I've never had problems with them not standing behind their products.
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