Early this Spring I took my 5 year old son for his first trip to the shooting range. We set up at the end bench with the single shot .22 that I learned on and both of his older brothers started with. We were plinking away, not really paying attention to what was going on two benches down. Then during a ceasefire one of the guys tapped me on the shoulder and started to ask me questions about my thoughts on guns, teaching techniques for my boy and so on. I asked who he was and was amazed that he was a known anti-gun reporter for a local newspaper. One of the local gun shop owners had invited him to the range for a little gun education. The reporter was able to shoot many different guns for the first time that day. I was also very excited to talk to him about how I raise my kids to respect guns and by shooting with them I'm able to teach them how destructive guns can be when used wrong. We talked about being a responsible gun owning parent and safety in the home. I never got to see if he wrote an article about it but I hope his eyes were opened a little bit that day.