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Everything posted by Gatorbassman

  1. I've had one for several years and I love it. With a little bit of adjustment and some practice it has become very accurate.
  2. I have one that I've fished several times. They are OK for schooling fish but there are better wake baits out there.
  3. I make mine using the Do-it Lure Body Mold. LB-5-A
  4. Welcome my friend. Like I've always said. This is the best bass fishing site out there. Jump in with both feet and hang on.
  5. Welcome to the family!!!
  6. Thanks for introducing yourself and welcome to family.
  7. It all depends on what part of the spawn you want to fish. Most of the South will still be in prespawn but if you go far enough south you will find some in full spawn. Are you willing to go to Texas or Alabama or Georgia?
  8. Extended cast isn't available till some time in February.
  9. It will not float but it will sink much slower than the sinker depending on the weight of the hook. So the weight hitting the bottom gets the fish's attention and when it comes to investigate it finds a nice worm slowly falling. As you bring the weight up and through the grass the weight will penetrate the grass and the worm will rest on top only if the leader is long enough.
  10. This To me a squarebill is a reaction bait. I want the bass to be able to see and/or hear the bait but I don't want them to get a good look at it. I want it to suprise them to the point that they want to grab it before it gets away. I keep several colors on hand but all of them are chosen based on water clearity. The clearer the water the more natural it will look. The muddier the water the more chartruse or dark it will be.
  11. I never skip bass fishing in the winter. It's when the biggest fish can be caught. I may switch to crappie after a front but I've always got bass on my mind. I still look for the baitfish first, then look for the bass and then slow way way down with a jig or a jerkbait.
  12. As for the legality of it, you should check with your state Wildlife Management agent. Not all states are the same...... I like using PVC but to be honest with you I've found that full length bamboo tied to concrete blocks works great. They float up, they take years to decay and they are great attractors when placed on the right structure. I put 5 to a bundle and sink them with one block. I place 5 to 10 bundles in the same area and years later I'm still catching fish off of them.
  13. When the bass fishing sucks I switch over to Crappie/white perch. They always bite best in the winter months and taste better too.
  14. Is it legal to set traps? We had a problem with them on our hunting club and I was able catch more cats in traps then I was able to call up and shoot.
  15. That must have turned out pretty good Wayne. I love smoking pork butts. Much of the advice given is great advise. I have smoked them so many different ways I can't count. I've settled on a pretty good rub and home made sauce but the thing I do that's a little different is I smoke with Pecan and Green peach wood. It gives the meat a smooth flavor that I have grown to love. It's so hard get a farmer to cut a peach tree up though. I have to find an old orchard with some deceased trees. If you are interested in a great rub and an outstanding Memphis style sauce I'll see if I can find the file and send it to you.
  16. I'm in for sure!!!
  17. A little over 150 this year.
  18. The water temp here is getting down to that magic 53° mark. I'll have one of these tied on and on the deck of my boat for the rest of the winter.
  19. I love fishing. I love everything about it. What I don't like are the other influences that have a negitive effect on my fishing. Whiney fishing partners who blame their fishing issues on everything but themselves. Fishing is a problem solving activity. If you don't like solving the problems in front of you go sit on the couch. Know-it-alls. They are unteachable. Weather Men. Always plan on them being wrong.
  20. Here is a great place for you to show off a cool screenshot or ask a question about one. When posting a screenshot please include a description of what is in the picture and also let us know what fish finder you were using.
  21. Travis. It's been done many times in the past.
  22. One thing Glenn forgot to mention is that you shouldn't have to pay for the entire cost of the cabin by yourself. Use this thread to buddy up with some people and split the cost. This is how lifetime friends are made on this trip. I can't wait to see everyone there.
  23. Welcome to the family. Is there any way you can move some of those nice fish into lake Belton. It's because of that lake that I refuse to fish a lake that has a nickname for it's undersized bass. (Belton Bullets)
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