I was casting around trying to find fish when I saw ripples off to my right towards the middle of the river I was fishing. He swirled once, I casted to far right and missed, I quickly realed in as he turned on the school again and he inhaled a 3" keitech almost as soon as it hit the water!
The old 20hp Merc was built in 1974. I've replaced the impeller pump once, and changed the spark plugs two or three times. It just runs. Purchased a carb rebuild kit...some day I'll get around to it. For now, I just keep pulling the rope and it keeps starting : )
Gotta love a new pup, especially such a handsome one ?
From my pack to yours, wishing you and Tank a long and healthy life together, full of lots of fun and adventure!
Yes ~ Little BreeZo left us last August. We all know it's part of the deal but it's still difficult. This one's been especially hard on Lynn - they were Buds.
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