In case you need a reminder about how nothing old is ever forgotten, just shined up and rereleased after most everyone has forgotten (where’s my Ron Lindner quote?). I got this new bait release in my feed from Nishine Lure Works today. Remind you of a bait from the 1980s still considered one of the worst in bass fishing history, rereleased over a decade later by YUM to similar reviews? But maybe a new paint job, a semi-weedless hook design and a flashy spinner blade will turn it into the next great thing in 2025???
Edit: Found my Ron Lindner quote: “Lures and systems move in cycles. If you want to know what’s likely to make a big splash, just look back about 20 to 25 years, see what was hot then but fallen into disuse today, and there’s your answer. You don’t always need to reinvent the wheel. Just recycle an old jalopy, slap on a fresh coat of paint, and give it a sexy new name and vivid color scheme. If it worked then, it’ll probably work now. And remember, if the fish haven’t seen it the last 10 years, they haven’t seen it, period. Some old tricks never go out of style. Only out of fashion and popularity.”