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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/28/2024 in all areas

  1. Very nice but slow afternoon on a local reservoir until I got lucky and pulled up on the right spot at the right time with about 40 minutes to go and limited out in 20. Blade bait in 58 deg. water.
    11 points
  2. Nice Job. Hope you ate them all with a nice bottle of Chianti. btw- who's the little bald guy ? A-Jay
    10 points
  3. What I look for in a jig is a smooth transition from the line to the eye & around the belly, which requires the eye to be slightly rolled forward. Examples: Terry Oldham's Eye Max Strike King's Hack Attack & Flourcarbon Seibert's Supreme Grass Jig Most anglers try forcing a jig through grass which is all wrong, you gotta finesse the jig through grass! When you feel the jig starting to load up in the grass...stop. Release pressure, pull up until you feel heaviness again but apply slightly more pressure, then release, continue until the jig breaks free. You want the motion to be similar to & as fast as working a shaky head, you're just applying more pressure. The denser the grass the more vertical you want your presentation.
    9 points
  4. The Bait Turkey made a visit today. This thing is tiny. I'll have to compare side by side, but it almost feels smaller than my Tatula 70's. Initial impressions, I'm quite impressed. It just feels solid as can be. Very nice packaging, and comes with a reel cover as well.
    9 points
  5. I know I’m about 4 hours early. Might be my favorite holiday. Food and football.
    8 points
  6. It’s the Four F holiday. Food. Family. Fall. Football. It’s my favorite holiday. Favorite. Hmmm…that’s Five F’s! 🤣
    8 points
  7. Happy Thanksgiving to all the BR family!
    8 points
  8. 8 points
  9. Happy Thanksgiving from me and my family to you and Yours! Mike
    8 points
  10. Hapy Thanksgiving to all. Now, if the Lions can break their 7 game losing streak (thanksgiving) it will be a great day. Should not be a problem. Sorry Bears fan.
    7 points
  11. Things are still slow on the river but got once decent stripe yesterday
    7 points
  12. Happy Thanksgiving my BR family…….I really appreciate what I’ve learned and our discussions on here. I am truly thankful. G
    7 points
  13. Happy Thanksgiving BR family
    7 points
  14. Happy Thanksgiving to everyone. I hope you enjoy it to the fullest!
    7 points
  15. Right back at you my friend. A-Jay
    7 points
  16. I hope everyone has a wonderful and safe Thanksgiving. As for me, I have chosen to work a 16 hour day so me staff can spend the day with their families. And speaking of work, I may have an announcement next month. Fingers crossed. Update: The hotel is quiet with everyone out for dinner. The hotel was empty - or so I thought. I heard a rustling- it was the Bait Monkey! Not long after that, my wallet was much lighter.
    6 points
  17. Happy Thanksgiving to all BR members. I hope all of you have a great holiday.
    6 points
  18. Happy Thanksgiving to all my BR friends.
    6 points
  19. Happy thanksgiving folks
    6 points
  20. I have fished a very small reservoir for five years. This lake is exceptional for trophy size bass. I have averaged one bass over 10 pounds for every five days I fished the lake. I am certain an angler with exceptional skills could get that average down to one every two days of fishing. Unfortunately I don't have time to fish the lake more than about 10 to 15 days a year. This year I was only able to fish it for five days and caught one 10 pound bass as well as a couple over 7 pounds. The fish are big, but the fishing is slow at this lake. Most days I only get one to three bites from decent size bass a day. There are almost zero bass between 1 pound and 6 pounds. I have caught more 10 pound bass than I have two to four pound bass in the five years I have fished there. I can catch many bass under one pound, but do not fish for them, and if I start catching baby bass of that size I change location, and or tactics. The reason there are very few mid size bass is the lake is heavily commercial fished for Tilapia. The mesh size of the gill nets used is also very effective at catching mid size bass. The baby bass go through the mesh without getting caught, and once the bass get over 6 pounds there heads no longer fit past the gills in the nets so they don't get caught. There are so many nets, I don't think many bass make it to the larger size. I can only assume enough make it to that 6 pound and up size because of the very high number of baby bass every year. Apparently there are enough to account for successful spawns every year. I have no idea what percentage of the bass the nets account for, but I would bet it is way more than would end up in the frying pan, if an average number of sport anglers were keeping 5 bass limits. I let the large bass go, not only to hopefully help the population in general, but in hopes that I can catch the same trophy bass again some day. I'm sure that even though I have been successful, there are really not many of these monsters swimming in the lake. My success has been more do the fact the lake is small, bass have not seen many lures, and are not nearly as educated as big bass are in most lakes. In other words, my success is due to the bass being stupid, not because of my angling skill. In the past years I would have to believe most of the bass in this lake never would see a lure in their entire life. The last couple years a lodge owner from another lake has discovered my secret lake, and has been taking clients there every week. I have noticed a big change in the numbers of fish I catch, and don't think the population has changed, the fish have just adjusted to the added pressure. I have found I am not near the angler I thought I was when forced to fish for more highly educated bass. I talked to the lodge owner and he is disappointed in the fishing. While his clients have landed some very large bass, most are not happy with fishing all day for a couple of bites. He wants to make a deal with the commercial fisherman to back off on the netting in order to have more bass for his clients to catch. He is willing to compensate them for the lost revenue, in order for them to help improve the bass numbers. He wants his clients to be able to catch a dozen or so 2 to 4 pound bass a day as well as have a chance at a DD bass. I tried to explain to him that this was most likely impossible. The bass in this lake were huge because of the heavy commercial fishing, not in spite of it. I told him the best thing he could do is back off on the number of clients he takes and keep the commercial fishing the same. The lake his lodge is on is known for great numbers of bass, so why not leave this lake the way it is and only take a few clients that are willing to put in the work for a bass of a life time to this trophy destination. I may be wrong, but I don't see how a lake can produce on average this many DD bass, and also have a large population of mid size bass. This lake has never had any official management for bass. The number of commercial tilapia fisherman are limited, but there are more than enough gill nets to catch most of the tilapia as well as the bass. The management for bass has been a complete accident, but I don't think it could be managed any better. As far as a trophy bass fishing lake goes, I don't think it would be possible to make the lake any better, and I hope the lodge owner doesn't end up over managing a lake that is already perfectly managed. I only wish I had found out about it, a few years back when no body fished there. I got in on the tail end of the good days, but at least I was able to take advantage of the fishery when I did. I am not a fisheries biologist, and don't recommend over netting a lake to remove bass in public waters that are heavily sport fished, but I have witnessed that taking out a large portion of the mid sized bass in an underfished lake can result in fantastic fishing for large bass. I have always believed in catch and release, but I do realize there are times when keeping bass is the best thing an angler can do for the fishery.
    6 points
  21. Just wishing all a Happy Thanksgiving
    5 points
  22. Happy Thanksgiving everyone!
    5 points
  23. Couple bass from the striper trip yesterday. Definitely wasn't expecting a LM on a glide so that was a nice surprise. Bucca trick shad hits on its first day out.
    5 points
  24. I once had a lure like the one on the third rod from the left. It casted ok, but I was never able to catch a bass on it.
    5 points
  25. Nah @gimruis, excellent timing. Always good to give thanks and be thankful to begin the holiday season with family, food, and football. Happy Thanksgiving to the Bass Resource community and your families!
    5 points
  26. Cataract surgery yesterday on the left eye. The right will be done on Tuesday. See you later!
    4 points
  27. My buddy called me @ noon and asked if I'd like to go fishing this afternoon and I said yes, I'll meet you @ the ramp in 1/2 hour. Most of my rods were in my boat, in the dock, so I grabbed a couple of rods with mono I had in the house. We worm fished most of the afternoon and I felt at a disadvantage with the mono worm rod. From now on I'll only use braid with a leader. I've been using braid with a leader for about the past year for worming and can feel the bite much better. We both caught several Alabama bass and he caught the biggest. It was the first time in a while I've been in a 60 mph boat, mine goes 25.
    4 points
  28. Put my cow dog to work on Thanksgiving. 😁
    4 points
  29. Happy Thanksgiving to everyone here at BR! In preparation for Thanksgiving and Christmas, I started pre-gaming last week. Already gained five pounds!
    4 points
  30. Happy Thanksgiving bass heads! Get to filling those bellies and napping so we can do an after supper bass off and see who on here can catch the biggest Thanksgiving bass! 😂😂😂🦃🦃🦃🎣🎣🎣
    4 points
  31. Back at you. I’m watching the turkey in the smoker.
    4 points
  32. Update: we have been out 4 times now. She continues to learn. Last week we fished in 45 degree water and air temp was the same with sun and calm conditions. My goal was to teach her to fish a jig. She caught 6!
    4 points
  33. Coyotes pass through my back acreage every night; so does an occasional bear, bobcat, and cougar. My Border Collie sleeps on my back patio most nights, and has her own doggy door into the house. She chases off and warns all critters to stay away. Whenever she comes running inside and stands by the door growling, I know she has decided something out there should not be confronted. Very smart dog. On the humorous side, last spring she discovered a concealed fawn and the doe chased her inside the house; before that she had never known a deer that wouldn't run from her.
    4 points
  34. I'm just gonna leave this right here . . . . A-Jay
    4 points
  35. I do my part by eating the occasional sub 3lbers.
    4 points
  36. Told my wife the catfish were biting, so she asked me to catch some for her for the next fry… Mission Accomplished!
    4 points
  37. She did great! Casting was good with baitcaster. Got 2 backlashes and got them out herself! Asked good questions. We had fun! I didn't fish, just ran the boat and refrained from trying to tell her everything I know!
    3 points
  38. JDM Zillion HD. Accept no substitute.😉
    3 points
  39. It’s all about line capacity. The left two are standard SLX Next from left is a Scorpian 70 with is a JDM Curado. The far right is a Tatula 100. I don’t do Shimanos over a 150 size. A Curado 150 MGL is great but so is the JDM Zillion. A Zillion at two hundred bucks is the deal. Too bad the Scorpian 150 MGL’s at $135.00 are a thing of the past.
    3 points
  40. Very sensitive with the Chianti talk. I’m sure @12poundbass and @TnRiver46 will have a GIF on it Sorry, different thread
    3 points
  41. I think it’s time to retire the jeans. That hole is outrageous lol. No wonder your wife refuses to wash it.
    3 points
  42. I fish a lot of different brand swim jigs. But the Shot Caller is definitely my go-to.
    3 points
  43. Jigs come thru grass great for me , yours must have some slime mixed in
    3 points
  44. Oldham's trailer hitch and oldham's eyemax are two jigs that fare well in grass. There are many others, but those are my preference. The type of grass matters! Some grass is not very conducive to fishing jigs. You better believe hydrilla and jigs go together like PB and J! Regarding technique, ripping a jig out of grass can produce bites, but it is usually better to ease it through the grass. @Catt explains it best. Please help out here Catt.
    3 points
  45. Finessing a jig thru grass takes patience. If you can learn to take your time to lightly finessing a jig or even reeling it thru a grass snag will find you reeling more fish in. Once you get thru the snag stop b4 starting up again. Your patience will be rewarded. BTW: put a small jig up your line on a dropper loop while your drifting along you’ll be pleasantly surprised you tried that technique
    3 points
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