When I was a kid, I fished for anything that would bite a worm under a bobber. Then I discovered bass fishing and met the Bait Monkey at the same time. As I grew older I started fly fishing for trout, and continued to fish for many species of fish, but still considered myself a bass fisherman.
I moved to Alaska when I was 25 and started guiding for trout and salmon. I loved the AK wilderness, and became skilled at catching All of the species of fish, where I resided. Even though there are no bass in AK I hadn't fished for them in over 30 years, and it makes zero sense, I still considered myself first and foremost a bass fisherman. I continued to read articles on bass fishing and every new lure that came out while I tried to think of a way it would work in my old childhood bass fishing holes.
When I moved to Mexico I became a saltwater angler, for a living. I do enjoy catching many species of saltwater fish, and like my fishing in Alaska, I am far more skilled at fishing for fish in the Mexican saltwater than I am at bass fishing. I spent many years in Mexico,befoer had an opportunity to catch a bass, but I always considered bass my favorite sport fish.
A few years ago I got the opportunity to go bass fishing again. The passion returned with the first cast, along with my friendship with the Bait Monkey. Now, other than for work, I rarely fish for anything else. I wish my skill has improved as much as my tackle collection, but slowly I am becoming a better bass angler, and so far haven't allowed the Monkey to put me in bankruptcy.
I have never fished a bass tournament for two reasons, one I have never had an opportunity, and two for the same reason I don't gamble. I know I will loose money, so why give money to some one else, when I know the odds are not in my favor. I do hope to someday go as a co angler simply to have the experience. I have kept close track of tournament angling for over 40 years and have great respect for all the professional fisherman that have worked so hard and taken the gamble to make their living fishing for bass.
The answer to the question of why I bass fish, is really I don't know. I am better at catching other species, I have to drive many hours to get to a bass lake, when the ocean and great saltwater fishing is only a mile from my house, Most of my life I lived where there isn't even any bass to fish for. It makes zero sense and I have no logical reason for why I am a bass angler. I may not know exactly why I bass fish, but when I hook a big bass I know there is nothing else I want to be. I am a bass fisherman and I am happy.