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  1. Got to a spot near the house after work last night at 5:20, with about 50 minutes of daylight left (thanks, DST…..) My buddy got a nice 19” SMB and another short fat one , I avoided skunk with a small LM. Had to fish a bit into the dark just to make it worth hooking the boat up 😂 Thankfully the TN river was back to normal color the fish seem to have weathered the flood, took a little over a month to rebound
    8 points
  2. My apologies to anyone who was asking for an update, I promise I didn't forget I just would sit down to type something up and I'd just get sidetracked so I never got around to it until now. So with that being said I understand if the update isn't relevant any more lmao. I also don't really know how detailed I'm gonna go with this so I'll just run down the order of events without going to in depth. Well for starters thanks for all the tips, I made sure to be respectful as I could and helpful. I showed up earlier than a lot of people though except my boater and a few others who had been on the water since before I got there. I texted the guy after sitting in my car for a while letting him know I was there and to text me when he got there. Low and behold he was in front of me the whole time. After grabbing my 2-3 rods and small tackle box of hand picked stuff as to not take up too much room I hopped on the boat and definitely almost ate it in front of the guy. Once I sat down I realized how under dressed I was, since it's been so long since I have been on a bass boat I seem to have forgotten just how fast they go when heading to your spot and in the boat lanes in general. So my t-shirt, light jacket, and shorts were absolutely NOT going to cut it in the cold front that just hit and the wind chill. I think my partner realized that because he let me borrow a pair of wrangler jeans which might have saved my life not gonna lie. After we took off and got to the spot and began talking about what the plan was I think we both realized how miserable it was gonna be because all we could (and anyone else for that matter) was just flip cypress trees. Which it turns out he hates doing because he claims it'll make you lose your mind, and to be honest by the end of the day I completely agree especially when you aren't getting bit. So after a couple hours of nothing and just flipping various jigs/Texas rigs and a lot of random discussions of whatever two 20 year old guys talk about, someone told us they were biting wacky rigs. This was heart breaking for us because flipping is boring enough and when you add something as slow as a wacky rig it just hurts your soul. So we started trying that out of desperation and low and behold my partner catches one flipping a weightless wacky rig in trees like we had been doing. It wasn't anything to write home about, just a 1 1/2 to 2 pounder, nonetheless a fish in the boat. It was however a good learning opportunity as he tried to use that moment to teach me some about netting, tournament rules/scoring, live wells, etc.. So for the rest of the day we did that, of course everyone now and then we'd get too bored start throwing random junk out of desperation. To make a long, boring ad tedious story short, we didn't get anything else. Which was to expected because he had explained to me earlier how this wasn't gonna be a memorable first tournament since al the conditions were pretty bad. Around 1:15 he said we're gonna go ahead and head back since it looks like we are just losing it out here. It was a long ways to the lane and we just cruised there while he explained to me some tips on buying boats and what to look for which is always appreciated. When we got back it seems like everyone had a terrible day, our VP said "This is the first tournament in four years here I've not caught a fish." which made me feel a little better about getting skunked although it's a little sad to hear in his case. While waiting on all the others with only like two other guys at the dock, the guy next to us who was solo said he caught two 7-8 pounders and had a 5 shake off. Of course me and the others are kind of chuckling at him because we don't believe him for a second, well I'll be damned if he didn't reach in his live well and spend 2 minutes wrestling what sounded like a wild boar of two 7 pounders out of his boat. Proceeds to pull out two fish bigger than any bass outside of a Bass Pro tank I've ever seen. Casually beats my PB 2 times. Said he had to fish so slow, that he'd just toss a wacky rig out on a cypress tree then just sit on his phone and wait. So I'm sure me and my partner missed quite a few just because we like to fish fast but it's ok because at the end of the day I had a great time and learned a lot. That guy won by a landslide beating two other 2 pound fish. After helping pack up and taking yearbook pictures in jerseys we left out. I took some advice from here and offered the guy $20-$40 in gas money but he strongly denied and insisted I save it for the guys who WILL take your money, said he signed up to be a boat and it's his responsibility to pay the expenses. I'm really appreciative of him because he was very understanding of it being pretty new to me and teaching me a lot. Again my apologies for such a late response, and for the essay. 😶‍🌫️
    7 points
  3. Staying as healthy and fit as you can NOW as well as later, can pay off down the road. We need the the whole package to be balanced so when we do "have the time" we can benefit and actually use what we've learned. And then share it with younger folks, who for some reason, often seem unable or unwilling to listen. Hence the saying, youth is wasted on the young. Get off my lawn. A-Jay
    5 points
  4. I'm stiffer, weaker, and have less energy each year, Alex. Balance also worries me. Mine is still pretty good, but I'm always on uneven ground, lugging gear and a canoe in the woods, often in the dark and always alone, stepping on slippery rocks and roots. On the water, I'm always in tippy canoes. I look at the photos of some of the BR guys standing on perfectly flat and stable bass boats and sigh. You understand Alex that you're extraordinary. You're still kayak fishing in your eighties. Most octogenarians couldn't situate their selves in a kayak seat, much less rise from it after hours of fishing. Most octogenarians don't fish alone. Heck, most octogenarians don't fish. I can't imagine canoe fishing in my eighties, but I'm hoping...and stretching...and walking. On one of my last fishing trips this year, the one where I caught 56 bass and two jumbo yellow perch, I paddled a couple miles into the wind and landed my canoe on a slick, sloped bank. I put my hands on the gunnels and transferred by weight to the slanted mud and rock. I tried to stand and plopped on my bum. So then I really focused on standing and wobbled up. You get stiff sitting in a canoe all morning. However, here are three of the bass I caught and such fish don't stop tugging at you once you're unhooked and released them and the humiliation of landing on my bum into mud is a small price to pay to dance with such gals:
    4 points
  5. I just chuck and wind.
    4 points
  6. Alright Star Wars fans and/or Lego fans here you go. My Director is a Star Wars nerd and just finished this up. He said it took 22.5 hrs to complete. For some crazy reason he brought it into work to display. We helped him carefully put it onto a stand they make for it. He was sweating bullets the whole time we were attaching it to the stand. 😁
    3 points
  7. I believe both @A-Jay and @WRB stated something like this when it comes to time versus health: When you're younger, you have the strength, energy, and health but lack the time. When you're older, its the opposite. The exact timing of when those cross each other's path varies from person to person though. I still mostly have the energy, strength, and health but I lack the time at this point.
    3 points
  8. My first real fishing trip when I was 13 (I’m 67 now) was with my grandparents to lake Lac La Ronge in Canada. My grandfather made it an annual trip and took 2, 35 horse Johnson outboards to mount on the lodge’s wooden v bottom boats. We only kept walleye over 8lbs and back then the limit was such we filled 4 huge coolers of frozen fillets to bring back.I caught my fair share of walleye, pike and musky on red/white daredevil spoons and white hair jigs. All on a Zebco 33 and green fiberglass rod. I wish I still had them.
    3 points
  9. I believe my peak was ten years ago. I'm older now, and have aches and pains from years of construction work. But, I'm still hanging in there. Bound and determined to keep fishing, and keep learning things.
    3 points
  10. I think people significantly under value the impact your own attitude can have on your health. It's a different type of strength but it still needs to be practiced and "worked out" just like a muscle. Despite all your own things you have going on, you can appreciate it and feel it but always remember someone is wishing for what you have even if it seems like your worst thing. EDIT: not directing this comment specifically at you, just using "you" and "your" in general terms.
    3 points
  11. Technically not a purchase, but I warrantied a mojo bass and upgraded to a Victory. All in, $60. I paid $120 for the MojoB and got $180 in credit for it. I’m secretly hoping something will happen to my 7’10. The value on it is $260. I gave $120 for that as well. Had some discounts stack at Cabela’s about this time last year…
    3 points
  12. Honestly I think what most the kayak guys do is excessive. If that’s what people want to spend their money on though have at it.
    3 points
  13. I fished Presa Corinches for two days. I landed 10 total bass, with 4.5 pounds being the biggest. I always struggle at this lake. My best spot is a concrete block next to a barb wire fence. This picture was taken in May when the water is low. This cover is now 15 feet under water. I hooked a couple nice bass, here but hooking them in this cover and landing them can be difficult. Best bite is on crankbaits, but I try to catch them on a T Rig before attempting to work my crankbaits around the fence without getting snagged. I did manage to land 5 bass, and only lose a few baits.
    3 points
  14. I'm ideal + 15#. 😂 I gave up smoking, drinking, drugging, and fast women. The bacon and donuts ain't going nowhere!!! A man has to draw the line at some point.
    2 points
  15. I’m the same as JHoss I am really adamant on a 5 speed reel for spinnerbaits. Nothing else feels right
    2 points
  16. It was a little foggy this morning...can't remember last time I saw fog here.
    2 points
  17. Monofilament uniknot loop. This was the smallest guide I could find, size 2 runner.
    2 points
  18. Do you know any fishermen who have strict rules ? Yes ~ Me. But I have just ONE rule. Location, Timing, Presentation and Persistence Matter. That is All. A-Jay
    2 points
  19. I keep an open mind because they wander around and if there hungry or you can make her mad she is gonna eat . But you can’t catch them from home. That I do know
    2 points
  20. Great write up. I have only done a handful of tournaments but, there is a thrill when you feel like you are being competitive and catching fish. Good luck on your next one!
    2 points
  21. In terms of performance perhaps. He looks like he's about 60 even though he's much younger than that though.
    2 points
  22. Depends on your definition of emergency. I’d try it if it was snowing in the middle of Lake Superior after dark with no cell service, warranty would not be my concern at that moment
    2 points
  23. I've seen your photos of you on the water catching this and that with friends and family. You're doing just fine.
    2 points
  24. NRX 873C CRR. I’ve owned and sold both of those rods and comfortably use my NRX for everything you asked about. It also carries a solid warranty and with BF coming up you might be able to snag a good deal. If you’re dead set on those two sticks I’d actually lean towards the Utility Player for those weights. The BC2 is certainly an ok pitching rod but it’s designed in my hands for dragging big ass footballs. Neither brand transfers warranties. The only brand I’m aware of that does is St. Croix on their victory and above lines. If you want to test out a solid jig rod pick up an Orochi braillist while they are on sale. It was my first step into higher end gear and I fished it hard for several years.
    2 points
  25. Well, I just got back from a trip to the St Lawrence river in New York/Canada and fished smallies in 35-60 feet. #1 catcher….Dropshot. Heavy dropshot because the current was massive. Believe it or not, a few were also caught on a sinking jerkbait and a heavy Ned.
    2 points
  26. Peak in numbers of fish was the year or 3 just before Covid. Peak in numbers of other fishermen is during and after Covid. I’m on the downside physically, the canoe gets heavier and tippier, I worry about falling in more. On the plus side, the above got me in the gym and out on the trails, we’ll see what the spring brings.
    2 points
  27. I think that the more your strength, endurance, and agility go down, the more your attitude has to make up for that loss. When I retired in 2016 I fished every day, now it's a struggle to go 3 times a week. I'm kinda ashamed to admit that I have to talk myself in to going some days although I love to fish and I'm always glad I did afterward. I'm 74 and my goal is to be still chunkin and windin (and catchin) at 80. When I get to 79 I'll move the goal to 85.... if I can hire somebody to tie my knots!
    2 points
  28. Tape is not the answer on small micros, simply not enough of a foot. The Mudhole little red bands do work on micros even near the tips of the blanks. Bigger bands work better farther down where the blank diameter gets too big. The Mudhole guide foot adhesive can work, too, but it's a little tricky to get the right amount onto the foot and the guide aligned perfectly before it hardens. https://mudhole.com/products/crb-micro-guide-bandsl I suggest ordering them both and practice with them until you get it down. It is a challenge, for sure.
    2 points
  29. I'm a novice but this helpe me https://mudhole.com/products/crb-guide-foot-adhesive Here's another option https://mudhole.com/products/crb-micro-guide-bands?pr_prod_strat=e5_desc&pr_rec_id=da0fd1bb8&pr_rec_pid=4943693381765&pr_ref_pid=4943689678981&pr_seq=uniform A-Jay
    2 points
  30. Just got a new victory Marshall for the same price as a replacement mojo bass. It should ship mid-November.
    2 points
  31. @gimruis I’m a Ravens fan and I can’t figure them out at times. Last year’s defense was one of the best ever. This year they are #1 against the run, but the secondary (which was supposed to be the strongest part of the defense) has been a sieve. The offense is prolific. Yes, the Browns game was not up to par, but AFCN division games are always tough. Like this Thursday’s game will be. But Jackson is at the top of his game and with Henry in the backfield, Baltimore is capable of scoring 35-40 points or more at any time.
    2 points
  32. What ever do you mean, overthink things. Meeeeee noooooo🙄 Ok. I’ll admit it. I tend to overthink things. Trying to figure out the pros and cons of things before dropping money.
    2 points
  33. I love zoom flukes for fishing higher in water column and for fishing fast. I love the caffiene shad because it's heavier and has more salt. Gets deeper. I often fish them like a senko. Great saltwater bait. My brother guides up north for Striped bass and he fell in love with the caffiene shad after grabbing a bunch of mine to use. May not be durable but neither is the OG Senko but they are both 2 of the best softbaits I have in my box. both have a different action but work great when paired on a double fluke rig which is something I will be using much more in freshwater after a saltwater detour. Double fluke rig is a killer. mixing a zoom and strike king works.
    2 points
  34. Wow. Got a lot more replies than I expected! Thank you all. As far as braid vs Fluoro, I use Fluoro as I find the semi slack line sensitivity much better which makes it much easier to detect strikes. I love my champion extreme, and I do feel like I can feel everything going on down there. However, there are certain times when I feel my bait do something and I wonder “was that a bite, or was it my bait just falling off some grass?” That combined with comments I’ve seen from some people saying rods like the NRX+, the conquest, the steez ags and other $500+ rods “are in a different galaxy” to rods like my champion extreme does leave me wondering if upgrading would allow me to better interpret what I’m feeling, equaling more hook sets with a fish on the other end. I also believe the fact that I use my finger to feel the line makes a big difference. This is one of the reasons I have some doubts as to how much of a difference the rod actually makes for me. How much of what I’m feeling is from the line on my finger, and how much is from the rod? I think the only way to find out for sure would be to try one of the expensive rods and see for myself. I’m sure it’s different for everyone. Thanks again for all the replies. I’m really enjoying reading all of the feedback you’ve all given me!
    2 points
  35. https://www.tacklewarehouse.com/search-tackle.html?start=0&count=20&searchtext=silicone+stopper You can try these, I'd go XL if on the back of the hook so it does move if needed on a hookset. If you go on the front end, maybe a L. It's a guess, I got them a few years ago and no longer need them for what I wanted and forgot what I learned. scott
    1 point
  36. My kayak electronics (Livescope/360 Imaging) is probably thought of excessive by many… and yet, I have no desire for Power Poles…
    1 point
  37. Seems like half my tackle and I have a ton.....lures and plastics are discontinued. 4-5 years without buying much new stuff will do that I guess.....I was always into older lures from when I was young but I notice you don't see much of the Bagley's true balsa cranks and Rapala Flats, Thugs, squarebills from Rapala, Sebile, and lots of plastics. Glad I have a ton of xcalibur stuff...I see these one knockers are going for alot on Ebay. I used to work at a liquidator and must have 3 dozen lipless cranks, Squarebills, Evers Jerkbaits, poppers etc....I would imagine the booyah version work just fine. Is the red one knocker 25 size that good? I was just throwing the Storm Subwart in a pond at lunch yesterday. I have a few in the chart belly dark back color. Can't say I have ever done great with them. Then again, never have much success with wake baits or super shallow divers unless jerkbait bomber long a or Rapala original minnow style. I have a ton of plastics in packages and out of some of the baits mentioned. I plan on going through them and posting a bunch for sale. I need to simplify my stuff, have way to much, not letting the bait monkey get me this time, causes to much stress when packing for the day. I throw the same 10 baits or lures, yet bring 100x more than necessary and waste time on water. Need to let those days go. Don't need 40 Hollow body frogs or more in the boat....I am likely throwing the Spro popping frog or live target 55 size. Black or white.
    1 point
  38. Do they still sell the critter craw? Love that bait for catching numbers and as a trailer on a jig or spinnerbait. I think the trick worm and speed worm are the 2 I use most with the Horny toad one of my favs as well. Zoom also has a good grub. Tab tail I think it's called.
    1 point
  39. Drew Gregory helped Crescent design the kayak i have now. I love my Shoalie, the way they made it fits me and my needs 100%. I bought it for several reasons, the most being his walkthrough video of it talking about how he wanted it made to be minimalistic, simple, all while being able to handle rivers. Now the mans cruising around in a plastic boat. Wheres the live well?
    1 point
  40. The baking idea didn't last. I was back at it yesterday and had moderate success. I fished an area that was not so densely packed in grass but the floating Eelgrass was still a problem. Fouled up nearly every cast, but I caught six with six more strikes. Had to work for them. Used a modified A-rig with only three arms, and burned it across the top of the water column. I do not like A-rigs in general because they are so heavy, and bulky. Just doesn't match the way I fish. This three arm lightens the lure and still gives the Bass an impression of a small school of bait. Big fish was 16". Shad were everywhere but the wind nearly blew me to Alabama.
    1 point
  41. Yeah, the river has gotten thin on smallies. We had no rain the last two months and with the river so low and now near frost temps nightly they’re pretty scarce. Gonna have to switch up to the lakes, until they get hard.
    1 point
  42. I'm from MN and I can tell you that a 6 pounder is a very rare fish here, so the one @Jig Rookie posted over 6 is an exceptional fish. Especially from a "neighborhood pond." Don't sell yourself short on such a quality fish.
    1 point
  43. Reels are important, rods are more important in my opinion.. However I spend greatly on both 😉
    1 point
  44. *You may find this below split shot weight list useful for deciding split shot rig weights (from heaviest to lightest) : #2 Size : 1/4th oz. #4 Size : 1/8th oz. #5 Size : 1/10th oz. #7 Size : 1/17th oz. 3/0 Size : 1/25th oz. BB Size : 1/50th oz.
    1 point
  45. Zoom Trick worm, 1 - 3/0 split shot (7" from the hook), 3/0 offset round bend hook Cast, let it sink to bottom, fish with short sweeps of the rod
    1 point
  46. It depends on the bait being used how I fish it. If it's a sinking bait, yes..I'll drag it around the bottom. But now and again I pop it off the bottom then let it sink. Fish often hit on the way down. Wait till back on bottom and repeat the process. If I'm using a floating bait (Z-man), the bait naturally wants to float up the column. So dragging it pulls it back down to the bottom. No need for a pop here...just stop moving and let the bait float back up for a few seconds. Wait, and repeat. You can also do some wiggles while the bait is floating to give it some extra life.
    1 point
  47. Funny how we get away from some of the old tried and true tactics we used to use with the advent of all the new baits and techniques around. I used to fish that technique all the time years back and my rod was a 6' Fenwick Mach III 2 piece combo and just dragged it around and slight popping action when needed, and that would usually entice a strike, caught a lot of fish using that. I still have that setup in the rod rack, I should pull it out and put it back in use.
    1 point
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