I grew up in a very small town in central southern New York state. When I say a small town, I mean REALLY small...population of 950 at that time. My father hated fishing, and never went fishing himself, but he did drive me to some fishing holes and showed me the basics. After a few trips, he said I was on my own, I walked or biked all over the place, fishing the local creeks and a few ponds I could get access to. Fishing became a total passion for me. My life consisted of school, homework, chores and fishing. Every spare moment I had was spent fishing. I would wade 15 miles of creek on the weekends. On weekday during warm weather, I fished from when my chores and homework were done until 9 or 10 pm. My mother used to joke that I would grow webbed feet because I spent so much time in the water. I caught carp, creek chubs, suckers and pickerel....and then I started catching bass. From then on bass were my main target. I remember that for my 9th birthday, my parents got me a left had open faced spinning reel (no such thing as interchangeable handles back then), and that opened up a whole new world for me. I could actually target a cast! After that, I never looked back. I have great memories of those days.