The way I see it is that 90% of quality/large adult Bass take up the best 10% of habitat in a body of water. If you catch a big fish on a spot, the odds are that you can continue to catch big fish on that spot. You simply have to fish around enough to build a big enough of a data set to see where the bigger fish are coming from. At the end of the day, the first priority is to A.) Fish where big fish live, and B.) target those fish in the specific locations they like to be at. A great place to start is anywhere there is good cover or structure that is near deeper water. Big fish like to relax in deeper water, and then simply slide up into shallower water near a critical piece of cover/structure like a main lake point to ambush easy meals.
Learning where the biggest forage size and base are within a body of water is extremely advantageous. For example, target the areas that have the biggest Bream, and Shad. Gizzard Shad for example like to be in specific locations. If you find a zone of life that has significant life from other species like Catfish, or Crappie, often times big Bass will be around, or even call that area home. I've caught many of Catfish within feet of where I ended up catching a huge Bass.
The easiest way to catch big Bass is time on water. The more time you spend fishing, the more big fish you'll catch. There is no substitution for learning with a line in the water. You learn 10x as much on the water, and most importantly your brain retains it vastly better than if you watched it in a video or read it online.
You never want to be comfortable in this sport as long as you're interested in growing and becoming a better angler. If you're fishing for big Bass, you have to understand there are far less of them than normal and small sized Bass, and you have to be willing to fish for less bites or even be okay with getting skunked in order to explore new areas, and fish baits you've never tried. When I first got back into the sport, I learned how to always catch at least some fish trolling a finesse chatterbait. I must have caught hundreds of sub 2lb Bass doing this. Whenever I thought the bite was slow, I'd just start trolling. Long story short I never got skunked, but never caught a fish over 5lbs trolling a small bait. I came to the conclusion that I wasn't out there just to catch Bass, my priority is to just catch fish over 5lbs so if I wasn't going to fish for 5lb Bass I might as well just leave or learn a proper way to catch them. The comfort of catching easier fish was a huge detriment to the uncomfortable task of trying to catch larger fish.