Last night the Tuesday night tournament finally swung by the lake by my house. I never fish the lake, but 5 minutes from me, I wasn’t going to miss the chance to fish if it worked out and I just happened to get off work early enough to make it. I asked my oldest son if he wanted to go with me and he said he did, but it was going to rushed because he had to go to a night before school started event. So I unloaded the kayaks and mom ran him out to me 5 minutes before the tournament started. I forgot my extra measuring board so we had to stay close so he could use my board for his fish. The weather was perfect, cloudy and cool with a decent breeze, so of course the bite was brutally tough. I missed a couple on a frog and it was 45 minutes into the tournament when I finally hooked up with a fish on a homemade micro jig off a dock ladder.
I was a mess all night, skipped my frog under a dock and got it stuck so bad I had to get out and crawl across the dock to cut my line and get my frog back. Then cast my bladed jig so high in a tree I couldn’t reach it. I was so worried about Lake getting fish, I was having a hard time concentrating. Right where I got my bladed jig stuck, I caught another fish on a wacky rig.
I was letting Lake lead, telling him where to cast, but the frustration was pretty obvious and he was having a hard time focusing and listening. I caught another behind him on a wacky rig right off the spot I’d just told him to cast his wacky rig to fill out my limit. I told him he just needed a few good cast and he was right back in it and there was still 1.5 hours left.
We ran around a point to some deeper water and I crossed paths with another competitor who fished the lake a ton and he said it was really tough and he only had 3 dinks. Lake was behind me and right then I heard he had a fish on! It wasn’t a big fish in size, but it was his first ever tournament fish so it was a huge accomplishment and a big confidence boost for him.
I had one dock on the south end that if you told me I had 5 minutes to catch a fish for a million dollars on that lake, that’s the dock I’d go to. So we fished all the way down to it, passing another competitor who said he had nothing but a bluegill. I made several pitches before I finally got bit but it was another decent fish.
We turned and went back towards the ramp, fishing the opposite side of the lake. I caught 3 more, including a disappointing dink that hit a 6” Bull Shad Wake. With 11 minutes left, we ran to a main lake point that had 2 docks I wanted to fish. I was fishing one while Lake worked the point and he hooked up. He got it in and was holding it in the air over the water while I was about pleading with him to get it over his kayak, when it fell back in the water. I know he felt bad but I probably felt worse than he did. He kept casting though and just a few cast later he hooked up again and this time got it in the kayak and put it in the net. With 2 minutes left, he scored his second keeper.
He got bit again while I was hurriedly taking his picture but missed it. It was an exciting final few minutes and he was so close to getting a limit in his first tournament, I was really proud of him. I thought for sure someone would have caught them, but turns out it was tough for everyone and my limit was good enough for the win. Lake finished ahead of a few guys and would have been right in the middle if he’d had that 3rd fish that was probably 12 inches.