Well Tuesday night is normally the night there is a weeknight kayak tournament that I like to get in on whenever I get off work on time. My assignment for the day had me driving 3 hours each way but I could start as early as I wanted so I could bust it and make it off work on time to get home and get to the lake before the 5:30 launch time. Not sure if anyone is aware of this but apparently the tournament directors weren't, it's hot in the summertime in Kansas. This is the hottest week of the summer so far with temps in the high 90's and heat indexes in the 110's. So a little after noon, they decided to cancel the tournament for the evening instead of just letting the people who don't mind the heat, come out and fish like several of us wanted to. I was more than a little irritated as now they've canceled tournaments for wind, rain, and heat, all of which should be judgement calls on the anglers IMO.
Anyways, several of us on the page decided we were going fishing anyways and met at the lake at take off time and made an identifier for the night and braved the conditions. I set out to flip water willows and was a bit disappointed to find the lake had dropped and there wasn't water in the willows. I still managed to get a few bites, but they were super dinks, barely clearing the 8" minimum. I did get my 3 fish limit doing it though, and nobody else was doing it, or even on the same side of the small lake we were on, so I kept flipping. A little over an hour in, I was starting to have my doubts and considering joining the crowd in the one cove with docks in it, when I pitched into some willows and there was a bunch of movement. I thought maybe I spooked a carp because I didn't get bit, but the fish didn't move far, so I picked up and dropped the bait back in. The weeds shook again, so I popped my bait, and he finally found it. Normally a 15 incher is a solid fish at this lake, so I was real happy to see a 17.25" incher.
I caught a few more, including a decent cull with a 14.50" fish and lost another fish that felt real solid. The sun was getting lower and the bank I wanted to fish in the dock cove had been shaded for a good period of time, so I decided to move to phase 2 of the game plan, hoping that they'd have moved up to the shade on that bank by now.
I cruised across the lake and almost immediately caught a 15.50" fish off a dock ladder with my blue bladed jig. I felt pretty confident about my chances at this point but there was well over a hour left. I caught a couple more small ones before I got to one of my favorite docks. I lined up the right angle and skipped my bladed jig way under the walkway, and caught a dink. "That cast deserved a better fish", I thought out loud to myself and repeated the cast. I never even got the bait moving before a good fish boiled on it. I worked her out from the other side of the dock and netted another 17" fish.
Breaking 50" in a 3 fish tournament is like breaking 90" in a 5 fish tournament, and I'd never done it before. Now I was 1/4" away with 45 minutes left in the night and needing a 15.75" fish to get there, not impossible, but not an easy task either. I kept on down the bank and was surprised to not catch anything down my favorite part of that bank that almost always produces. There's one overhanging tree that for some reason always seems to have catfish under it in the bend of that bank. I skipped my bladed jig under the tree and got hammered almost immediately and heard the "slap, slap, slap", of a rolling catfish on the surface before it came off, good riddance. I almost moved on but skipped a few more under the tree and finally a parting shot the the front of the walkway of the dock next to that tree. Shortly after I started the retrieve, a big boil hit the surface and a heavy fish was dragging my line under the dock. I was really struggling to control it, positive it was another catfish, when she jumped right under the motor of the pontoon that was tied to the dock, not a catfish. My line was visibly scarred from dragging along the underside of the metal pontoon, and then she dove into my trolling motor for just a second before coming free so I could scoop her in the net. I probably could have got another 1/4" out of her, but at 20", it's my biggest Tuesday night tournament fish and put me well over the 50" mark at 54.25" on the night. It would have been the second biggest total in a Tuesday night tournament ever but it won't could towards that since it wasn't an official tournament.
There was 30 minutes left in the night when I caught that fish, and that would be the last fish I would catch. Second place for the night was 39.75". There was some really great video but I haven't put it all together yet.
P.S. We didn't lose anyone to the heat and it was actually pretty comfortable with a good breeze most of the night until the sun got lower and it started to cool off anyways.