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  1. all of you shut your mouth. Never wish away time that you can never get back. Don't like to fish right now? Do something else and let the rest of us go to it. Pretty soon fall will be gone and most are gonig to be looking for soft water and begging for ice out.
    8 points
  2. I’d list them all but my fingers would cramp.
    8 points
  3. I've never taken a selfie with a bass. If it ain't 6#+ it doesn't get a second look.
    8 points
  4. TX has been cooler this year so I’m currently happy with where we’re at. August could be a good month of fishing this year. I don’t like early fall and mid fall for fishing but late fall is fantastic. In Missouri, fall can be stunningly gorgeous.
    7 points
  5. Trolling cranks on the flats of Green Bay
    7 points
  6. Bargain bin at Walmartians. Normally $1.25 per 5 pack. These are half off. That puts them at 12.5 cents per stick bait.
    7 points
  7. By this time of the summer, the heat and humidity have me feeling burned out. Now, I fish very early ( sunup) in the morning for around two hours, the last hour before darkness, and plan on night fishing this month. So, I'm ready for fall. Fall, like springtime, can be hit or miss. But, if you can be on the lake at the right time, it can be an excellent time to fish. Plus, the changing colors of the trees around the lakes make it even better. I say bring it on. Is anyone else ready for fall?
    6 points
  8. I never see the pros try to catch the difficult bass in the same places I do. Like on top of a dock, high up in a tree, 30 feet up on dry land, or on the back of my outboard. They always seem to cast for the easy bass in the water.
    5 points
  9. The first maple on my road has already turned. It's fire engine red. I'm not in a big hurry for fall, however, for that means shorter and shorter days. However, those short days sure are pretty.
    5 points
  10. Mid and late August right through into September can be Almost as good as April for me up this way. Plus size fish seemed less concentrated but when they come shallow they are there to eat. Also late summer is some of the most comfortable days of the year. Something I would not say about April. Prime time for open water Topwater baits as well. Huge fan of just about ALL of that.deal. Fish Hard A-Jay
    5 points
  11. Yeah Buddy!! The older I get the harder it is to live down here. It’s 9:06 am and it’s so hot and humid already it’s hard to breathe and we still have 2 more months of this. Yeah, I’ve been ready Mike
    5 points
  12. Good day fishing the Passaic river. Got another two small pike on top of the three fish pictured. All came on a spinnerbait while a buddy of mine pitched a wacky rig and waded through about a dozen dinks before landing a solid 3.5lb largemouth.
    5 points
  13. I've taken a pic of every fish I've caught for the last 9 years, no matter the size or species. I'm fishing on borrowed time with my back and everyone will be more special when I'm not able to fish. It also helps me figure out on what, when, and where I caught them last year.
    5 points
  14. I don't weigh or measure anything under 17 inches. I am pretty good at judging whether its that big or not. I consider a 17 incher to be a decent-sized fish in the northern tier (largemouth). Everything smaller immediately goes back. I don't toss them back like you see some people do. I gently lower them back to the water. The quicker they get back to the water, the better.
    5 points
  15. I watch Roland Martin and Bill Dance videos sometimes, and I noticed something. Roland will catch a 3 or 4 pound bass and (while he gets excited during the catch) he gives it a quick look and throws it back; like most of us would throw back a dink. Bill takes a bit more time to look over the big ones, but he throws the dinks back like... dinks. I can't blame them, granted the amount of fish they have caught in their lives. I've been trying to get in a routine of looking each one over, big or small. Sometimes I thank them for participating. I often tell the little ones to go back and get big.
    4 points
  16. Another one fish day. This pace ain't gonna get me to 100. I only have four more days to fish before August 10th, and still need a dozen fish. I need a good gully washer to get the creeks flowing dirty. I had six fish follow into the 8 today. No takers. This purty 37" rocketed up out of a hole in the milfoil and smoked my double 8 mid retrieve. Awesome bite, awesome fight. It was quite the acrobat.
    4 points
  17. Great video. Thank for posting it. Please watch this video if you think the world is about to end due to over fishing and FFS. Please! This kid has 368K subscribers to his channel. That's huge. He needs to learn the difference between structure and cover.
    4 points
  18. Yes sir, I am indeed ready for Fall here in Ga. I've had enough of the heat. My vitamin D is getting low from doing everything possible at night.
    4 points
  19. More than ready, pal. Even my early trip a few days ago was despicable...a person should not be sweating that much that early in the morning. Last evening's trip was just as bad...even after sunset it was too hot to be comfortable...only catching fish kept my mind off of it.
    4 points
  20. I don't know when this sale ends at Big Bite Baits, but it seems to still be going. Free shipping on even just 1 item plus good discounts using codes bbb10 and thanks.
    4 points
  21. I use the cheapest ones I can find. After loosing more than one Leatherman overboard, I learned to keep any tool I wasn't prepared to loose off of the boat.
    4 points
  22. Just one on the speedworm right after the sunset near a seawall shadeline. Just keeping them honest - the bite has been rough.
    4 points
  23. Return trip to "Lake 19". Last time I was here was April. Discovered a small crack in the hull of my main kayak, so until I get a chance to repair it I'm back on my old orange Tarpon 100. At the lake I found the curly-leaf pondweed fully died back, as hoped. Also found a whopping algae bloom and visibility of a foot or less, down from about 4-5 feet in spring. With no deep weedline to speak of, I just ran around the deeper edges of spatterdock with a double-colorado spinnerbait and t-rigged power worm. Both were occasionally effective. The fish were much paler than usual, despite being fairly shallow (4-6 feet), as befits the low-vis situation. Pair of 17"s: Pair of 18"s: Plus a few dinkosaurs. I just know there is a 6-pounder in this lake. One of these days...
    4 points
  24. I watchd this video, and thought it had lots of interesting information. It is a little long, and of course I'm sure that some of the opinions could be debated by other biologists or fisherman, but all in all I think it is worth watching.
    3 points
  25. Double 10's on a 9'6" XXH in the dark, so about 3.5 hrs of that. Mostly double 8's on a 9' H after daylight, but also spent about an hour ripping a regular medussa over milfoil on the XXH. My forearms feel like they got run over by a truck, and my back feels like I got kicked between the shoulder blades by a mule. 🤣
    3 points
  26. I haven't been fishing due to the heat and humidity in South Louisiana. The older I get the less tolerant I am of heat. I can't wait for cold fronts to start rolling through.
    3 points
  27. Farm & Fleet (in-store at least) has Rapala/Crush City 20% off through Aug 7. And their regular price on the Crush City stuff before the discount is $5.99. These baits retail for $6.50-$7.00 most other places. So at $4.80/pack, I decided to grab some Bronco Bugs and Cleanup Craws.
    3 points
  28. Nope. I'm not a fan of the heat, but I just adjust my fishing schedule accordingly. I got started at 02:00 and finished up at 11.45 today. I am ready for some rain and some cooler nights though. That'll get the fish moving shallow, and up into the creek arms in big numbers.
    3 points
  29. Nah! At 73 I ain't in no hurry for time to pass.
    3 points
  30. I got to listen while driving but forgot what I was going to post on here before we stopped the car 😂 I definitely feel that biologist is sharp as a tack and uninfluenced by the vocal minorities I really liked how he pointed out the genetics don’t matter if the habitat isn’t there My bet is a preemptive strike in response to worriers
    3 points
  31. Not me, and I live next door to Satan this time of year. Fishing down here has been better than any other summer I've had thus far. Last August was one of my best months ever so I have high expectations again this year. The fishing in July, and August down here is only matched by Jan., Feb., and March fishing.
    3 points
  32. I'm ready for cooler weather, for sure. Yesterday, we had an afternoon high of 103 with the heat index at 112. Brutal heat. Due to some health issues, I can't stay out in that kind of heat for very long, so I spent the afternoon overhauling a few old reels that I've picked up at yard sales - and playing my guitar. Tom
    3 points
  33. It's pretty crazy how many people I know/fish with that dont know the difference. My FIL drives me up a wall because he thinks everything is structure.
    3 points
  34. @TnRiver46, I’ll take a bit of exception to your statement that shore line development doesn’t cause harm. At least in my example, shoreline development is a direct cause of runoff causing the algae blooms from fertilizers and nitrates used on lawns, shoreline development caused the death of a swimmer from stray current off a boat lift. Just sayin….
    3 points
  35. I plead the fifth sort of. I carry too many rods on my Kayak (15). I like it. I may need a intervention. FM
    3 points
  36. Bardin is a good dude. FFS and fish populations is currently being argued and viewed in a very limited sense, though, including by most biologists and related reports I've seen. There’s a much deeper dive yet to be had instead of the ‘one size fits all’ argument most Internet/forum positions seem to take, including in relation to a lot of studies that never get mentioned in these arguments. He also seems to be waffling a bit on the WR bass/recent species separation controversy, so still not 100% certain where his thoughts align there.
    3 points
  37. I'm with Catt and Ajay. 'Dinks' just go straight back. 'mid range' fish will get a once over look and on the way back in I'll hold them up to the measuring tape on my paddle which is 2" above the water and I have to pass it anyway. If they flop out of my hand before I get a rough length so be it. Bigger fish will get an extra minute in the net (in the water) while I collect my thoughts, grab my phone and tare the scale. Then it's a quick picture, quick weight, and a length on the way back into the water. But the time out of the water is maybe 30 seconds in total. The shows where you see them lip a bass, unhook it, talk for a bit to the camera while swinging the bass around in their hand, hold the bass up for a view, maybe point out something of note on the basses color, and 2 minutes later throw it back? Not my preference.
    3 points
  38. Fall transition has begun here . Vegetation is dying/shad are moving shallow again, nights are getting cooler, daytime cold fronts coming every week with chilly rains. It's well underway here. Should be really feeling fally by mid August but it's flickering to life right now. Plenty of summer left in the tank but it's not something that happens all at once.
    3 points
  39. I have completed in & won a few baitcasting competitions. Flipping-n-pitching into coffee cups is easy. Move out to casting distances of 30+ yds. 12" diameter @ 30 yds 18" diameter @ 35 yds 24" diameter @ 40 yds 30" diameter @ 50 yds Add wind, rain, back lashes, brain farts & artificial plants of various heights arranged around the targets. Pitching I'm try to put my lure beyond the brushes.
    3 points
  40. You Gotta try the coosa spots, Alabama bass, whatever the nomenclature happy pencil pushers are calling them now. They are unreal i caught a SMB at rainy lake, MN this weekend that nearly pulled me off a dock. Funny because it was smaller than the one I caught the day before but much stronger . Might have had something to do with its tail
    3 points
  41. Like my fellow Tennesseans @roadwarrior and @Tennessee Boy posted, lakes and river here are way better than they used to be . They still kill the weeds which is ridiculous but industry not constantly polluting the water has greatly increased fish populations, imagine that. And no DDT and magically we have tons of eagles osprey and herons, who’d a thunk it??? shoreline development doesn’t hurt fishing here, just another dock to catch bass under. Trust me, the shores are EXTREMELY developed. @A-Jay and @ol'crickety, I just spent a couple days driving across nearly all of Michigan and I don’t think there is any reason for concern , I think I saw 4 cars in 3 hours gunning it across the UP 😂
    3 points
  42. Braved the heat - 90+ heat index here even at sunset - and hit my normal shore spot. Slow twitch/drag of a drop-shot (1/8oz, #2 hook, Live Minnow) yielded several small crappie, one small perch and these two Walleye - 1#4oz Bullhead - 14oz
    3 points
  43. Look no further than the jdm met ‘20. You can also get two for your budget if you can find them.
    3 points
  44. By the time I get it all cut, I pretty much have to start cutting it again.
    3 points
  45. Have you ever actually fished the 80 lb mono ? I have but not in any bass fishing applications. All my experience with big mono comes from fishing in saltwater for fish that are SEVERAL TIMES larger than any bass. It's GIGANTIC diameter is just foolish to use for bass fishing. It's hard to tie and the knots are beyond bulbous when compared to average bass line. Why not use what works ? I have been using that AFW for YEARS - and it works fine. There 's nothing else I can add here. Good Luck A-Jay
    3 points
  46. Great fishing bag with rod holders at one side and so many pockets and seven 3700 box in it and on top of that has wheel. I got it as boat bag. and this one for the reels;
    3 points
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