I know many anglers use FFS to locate bass, but our senses can also find them. An example: Last night, I only had an hour and fifteen minutes to fish, so I tried these places:
A stretch of fertile water that is often loaded with bass. My count? 1 bass
A reef with both muddy and rocky bottom, so it attracts both SMBs and LMBs. My count? 1 hit
The dropoff from the reef. My count? 1 fine SMB that jumped and threw the lure.
A grouping of lily pads in 5' to 6' of water. My count? Skunked.
So, in four, prime places, I'd caught one bass and the clock was ticking because I don't like walking through the woods alone at night. I decided to burn about five minutes paddling across the pond to a marshy shoreline. I knew that bass liked to hunt parallel to that shoreline in wolf packs at dusk, but when I reached it, I saw no feeding bass. So, I simply paddled quietly along the marshy shoreline and watched. Up ahead, I saw a wave of slight ripples coming out of an opening in the marsh. I hadn't heard a fish feeding, but I figured the waves were made by a feeding bass, so I positioned my canoe for a cast, lobbed my underspin into the opening, and it was fish on. Repeating that pattern, I caught another six bass in eight casts and picked up my ninth bass on the paddle back. Here's one of the indentations and that first bass:
I'm wondering when one of your senses clued you to the location of bass, something you saw or heard that broke the code for you.