I had one of the best fishing sessions of my life this morning, but I want to begin by thanking @Glenn for suggesting green pumpkin EVERYTHING in one of his videos. I'm a match the hatcher, so I use shad-colored Crush City The Mayors, but after hearing Glenn say that green pumpkin works in all soft plastic, I bought some Mayors in green pumpkin and lawdy, lawdy, did they love them. I went through the entire package.
I also want to thank @T-Billy for encouraging me to join the Straight Braid Brigade. I was in a couple situations this morning where braid saved the day.
And I want to thank @Pat Brown and Tim again for coaching me to keep their heads up in reeds.
Lastly, I want to thank @PhishLI for instilling in me a belief that there are bigger bass in my pond that I'd been catching. That kept me hopeful and searching. Well, today, I found them.
I caught 56 total, starting at 4:30 a.m. and quitting at 8:15 a.m. I have dozens of bass photos and I'll share them later today and amend this report, but i want to share three of them now as a trailer of sorts.
I keep finding new places to cast due to the pond having bog on three borders with many canals and inlets. One canal had reeds at the entrance. Reeds are my mortal enemy. Bass go in and don't come out. The canal was only about 15 yards deep and maybe four yards wide. It was lined with woody bushes. Here's the inlet/canal:
The bass below hit my green pumpkin on an Owner underspin and immediately ran past me to the reeds. Again and again, she tried to enter the reed field, but I kept her head up so she couldn't dig into water. There was a lot of thrashing and splashing and I netted her between reeds. She is special to me because she's proof that there are bigger bass in my pond. My pond is a Q & Q pond, both quantity and quality. Here she is and you can see the reeds she wanted to reach:
The very next cast yielded this girl, who ran past my canoe in both directions, burning drag, and under the boat too.:
The next cast yielded nothing, but the fourth cast produced this girl, who ran into the woody bushes twice, catching both times. She was bigger than she looks in the photo.
Yeah, those three bass in four casts.
I also caught two other bass in that little inlet and I caught many other fine bass, which I'll share later. I have to get my hair cut and visit a friend.
I began the morning fishing like it was 2023, using a chrome Whopper Plopper. That's what they wanted. I caught 20 bass fishing a marshy shoreline and a rocky reef with enough grassy plants to attract bass. I was quite pleased with their size. Here are some of those fish, including a smallmouth:
After I fished the inlet, I worked my way along more marshy shoreline. You know how exciting it is when you see a V as the bass beelines for your lure? Well, for the first time in my life, I had two bass Vs barreling toward my lure. I had that happen one other time with muskies.
Here's that shoreline:
And here are some of the bass I caught off of it. The third one down was long and plump:
While poking around the swamp, I found this swamped boat. I wish I could claim it, but I'll look for its owner. Sorry about the water on the lens:
A couple more bass on the way back and then three pics of my boardwalk and dock. The dock was built by the man whose house is at the entrance to my property. See the white rock in the second photo? He took an old stone wall apart and built that. It's quite stable and I love it:
One last look at the pond!
I am so pleased with the size of the bass in this pond, as well as their numbers.
P. S. - I won't be fishing for the next nine days as I'll be traveling. Dang it!