I knew it would happen some day. The lake the lodge is on is only a few miles away, and known for big numbers, but not large bass. The lake I fished, is very small less than a mile long and commercial fished with nets year around, the bass population was small, but did have some giants. There were a couple of kayak anglers, that would frequently post videos of them catching large bass, including one over 15 pounds at the lake. It was only a matter of time before the lodge owner saw one of these videos, recognized the lake, and started offering his clients one day fishing at this small lake for a chance at a monster, and the rest of the week hitting the lake his lodge is on for numbers. He did have clients catch some trophy bass, and I try and tell myself I should be happy for the lucky anglers that got to land a DD fish on their once in a lifetime trip to Mexico. I am trying my best to take the high road, but a big part of me wishes they would have just gone to Lake Baccarac.
I can't complain, the guy that told me about the lake, is friends with one of the guys making the videos, and shouldn't have told me. ( I am really not sure why he did tell me, but I owe him more than I will every be able to repay) I was fortunate to fish the lake at it's peak, and it is time to move on to greener pastures. If it wasn't for loose lips, guiding me to this lake, my PB would probably still be under 6 pounds, so I can't complain about other people not keeping their mouths shut.
My new lake is much bigger the a better over all bass population, and last year I landed two over 10 pounds. My biggest problem is the lake is much farther away for me, and word is getting out fast due to more videos. Luckily this new lake can handle much more fishing pressure, and the quality of the fishing, probably wont decline for some time.
I'm also checking out a rumor on another lake, and I am hoping to be way ahead of the power curve on this one.