It’s that time in the Northeast again to get the yard ready for the nice weather. I really have my work cut out for me this year. My girlfriend and I moved into our new home last July, and we spent the next several months doing a lot of work to the inside like new floors, painting, etc. We saved all the outdoor work for this year, and the previous owners had neglected the backyard so it’s not in the best shape. Late last fall we took down the above-ground pool because the plan is to transform that spot into a garden and picnic area.
Spent a couple hours pulling up buried pavers, scattered river rock, old weed fabric, and grading the dirt. Whoever the previous landscaper was, they had some interesting methods. I just got a delivery of 5 yards of fill to level it out.
The plan is once the ground is leveled, we’re making the spot into a picnic area and an area with raised garden beds. The picnic area will have a table, grill, awning, and white marble stone as the ground, while the area with the raised garden beds will have natural mulch. Should look like a whole new yard when I’m done in a couple weeks. I’ll be sure to post progress pics and a finished picture.
What landscaping projects do y’all have going this year?