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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/20/2023 in all areas

  1. COLD and breezy morning today, but a spring big girl came out to play! Fish were all in a chasing mood. Everything on a spinnerbait today. Surprise surprise, I know haha. A cold day and night yesterday had the fish backed off from the shallows so I was targeting depths of 6-8’ with sparse weeds coming in. And to top off a great mroning, my spinnerbait got tangled up on someone’s braided line, so I pulled up the braid and on the end of it was a fully rigged Yumbrella in perfect shape! Score! This is the time of year that I get extreme FOMO whenever I’m not on the lake. Even the tiniest window of time I’ll be on the lake. This lake has been extremely kind to me in only 3 trips here. It’s a little different from my normal clear/ultra clear water with lots of deep structure and changes in contour. This lake is a shallow, murky bowl type lake with minimal contour changes. But based on the first couple weeks of 2023 fishing, I think it’s gonna be a banner year!
    18 points
  2. I stopped off at my favorite retention pond on the way home from work yesterday, winds were pretty stiff out of the south leaving me fishing the northeast corner where this guy finally committed after feeling him bump it on 3 prior casts.
    13 points
  3. 3lb 10oz on a frog tonight. Blew up and missed it the first time so I casted back to the same spot. I had my drag cranked down and he was still pulling. Reeled him in with a big ball of grass. Heck of a fight! I only got one bad picture then my phone died.
    13 points
  4. As far as being able to pattern, find, stay on and catching numbers of bass this year has been my best to date. I’ve had better years as far as big fish but, I’d go trips between fish. The air temp dropped 30 degrees since last Friday. Which, dropped the water temp back down to 49 degrees. Which, pushed fish out to 6-8 feet instead of 2-4 of last Friday. I caught 12-15 bass ranging from 12-14 inches. I also caught ten northern pike between 18-24 inches. jerk baits we’re hot again as the majority of the fish came on that same lucky craft blue gill pointer. I tried going out to deeper water on the drop offs for bigger fish but, basically caught a bunch of pike and 3-4 bass that came on a deep kvd 300 clear ayu jerk bait. The biggest pike came on a lucky craft 3/4 oz 500 Lv lipless crank. Supposed to be 80 again tommrow And then 50’s this weekend and consistent 60’s next week. Who knows how the fish respond. I’ve spent a lot of time studying bass patterns and behavior in the last couple months. below are the highlights
    13 points
  5. Still a strugglebus for size this year, but finally (FINALLY) managed my first one over 3lb for 2023. Still no big bites as of yet. We've had some intense storms lately but not enough to get our water levels where they should be and it doesn't seem like the bass are pushed up shallow feeding like usual. Water temps low for the time of year, too, but not surprised with the rain/cold snap we got. This one was the first of the day, went 3lb 2oz. Now to find her momma (or grandmama preferably...)
    13 points
  6. I only got one fish tonight. But dang! What a fight. my NEW STRIPER PB!! Sixteen point five pounds!
    12 points
  7. The boss lady and I got to ride around on the river with @TnRiver46 yesterday evening for a while. Couldn't have asked for better weather, but the fishing wasn't really shaping up. River fish, to me, are ninjas. Simultaneously everywhere and nowhere. Maybe I just don't know enough to make good decisions. Finally, I tied on my problem solver and caught this little guy: Then he bit me, which was rude. A few casts later, I got bumped again. It was an easy fight until I got it close to the boat, then it turned on the jets. Finally it came alongside and we got a good look at it right before it shot toward the bow, giving Russ an opportunity to reach down and grab it for me. Measured out 19.5". Didn't get a weight. SWMBO caught two, which will be detailed here.
    11 points
  8. Last nice day before the rain and cooler weather arrives. Partly cloudy, high in the low 80s, and steady winds at 25 mph gusting 35-40 mph - prefrontal. Figured my best bet was returning to the “hot” bank from yesterday, hoping the higher winds would keep things moving and aggressive. Turned out to be the correct call. Picked off 37 bass mostly hiding in and around the growing small pondweed patches and weedline.
    7 points
  9. Another evening with @TnRiver46, continued from here. SWMBO took a little longer to get hooked up. I tied her onto the same lure I was using, and this spicy little meatball became her first ever ned rig fish on her brand new rod and reel. It was adorable and she fell in love with it, but we let it go home. A few casts later, she got into a good example of her most favorite fish to catch. I don't think we got any pictures that do it justice, but it gave her all the fight she wanted on that medium-light rod. lol
    7 points
  10. A fourth different body of water today. Started looking for spawners on the calm banks, Found several bass shallow on the inside weedline, but I think they were just sunning. Crazy spooky and never saw one return to where it was resting. As such, made the final turn with just two fish landed. Ended the afternoon with eighteen, so they were stacked and aggressive on just one shoreline stretch. All appeared to be smaller males, so nothing much in the way of size. Another good stretch of cold weather hits us starting Thu. night. Curious to see how this will effect the bite and the spawning process.
    7 points
  11. We’ll, I’ve always dreamed of owning a G. Loomis rod since I started bass fishing about 10 years ago but they’ve always been out of my price range, finally my dream became a reality. I recently celebrated my 50th birthday and I treated myself with birthday money collected and bought a G. Loomis IMX PRO 844c MBR. I can’t wait for this rod to arrive and for fishing season to begin (we live way up North in Vermont). I plan on putting my Shimano Chronarch MGL on it and using it as my do everything rod ?. It’s been a long time coming and I’m super excited!!!
    6 points
  12. Vertical indicates a lure falling down through the water ROF. Out side of floating lures nearly every bass lures can sink vertically. I like to think of horizontal as lures cast a distance away from you and vertical lures dropped straight down. Drop shot and structure spoons are vertical presented lures. Lures cast a short distance like jigs or punch rigs also fall vertically. Most bass lures fit into horizontal cast and sink or dive vertically before retrieving horizontally. Tom
    6 points
  13. YZH is definitely the line to try - inexpensive, abrasion resistant and low stretch.
    5 points
  14. split the difference and grab some Yozuri Hybrid in 8, 10 or 12. Youll be glad you did.
    5 points
  15. FFS is the Devil!!! It shows you fish, what they are doing...it's horrible to understand what's going on under the water. Now I can't bs everyone with tactics and then they go use them and the fish don't respond!! It's ruining the sport, the nostalgia, the wondering. And it's also pretty dam amazing. I've had mine since 2021, now everyone thinks I catch them with it only and it's just a tool. Putting a second one on a turret mount in the next few months so I have one for spotlock. And all those that don't like it. Well winner's never hate winner's, understand how it feels to loose, but loosers always hate winner's. FFS for life.....lol
    5 points
  16. 2023 hasn't been a stellar year for fish up to this week due to time constraints with family, work, and general life things. Boat has only been out once, yet to fish a tournament, but worst of all didn't catch a fish of any species until April which would probably be the latest in the year since I was 6(20+ years). The past 3 breezy days have been outstanding for 45 minutes slip to the lake over lunch or after work trips. A solid class of prespawn fish have been predictable on hold on shale ledges in 2-5 FOW. Once I figured it out Monday I spent the last 2 lunches cruising down the bank and calling my shots with a squarebill. Tomorrow the wind dies and temp rises 20 degrees so I'm guessing today will be the last of it. However the shad spawn is right around the corner for some early morning fun in short windows.
    5 points
  17. I feel like I can’t reply accurately without turning this into a mono v fluoro fight. I mean, it’s probably gonna happen anyways. It’s like a bassresource ritual. Has to happen every week otherwise the site shuts down. Fluoro is fine on spinnerbaits. So is mono. There, I said it
    4 points
  18. Just a few things to add to my crappie arsenal - though they'll probably work for bass as well.
    4 points
  19. I got to fish for the first time in what seems like forever yesterday. The day started with the kid in the drive through pouring hot coffee all over my hand, then it was boat trouble in the form of a bad battery so I had a feeling it might be a tough day. The fishing was tough, but we had a gorgeous day. I was just thankful to be on the water. I had one interesting catch. We saw some fish chasing shad up ahead of the boat so I was threw out as far out as I could to get to them. I let my lipless crank fall through before reeling it, when I felt something. I set the hook, but nothing happened. I thought I was hung up, but then I felt my line move...and stop...and move again. I had no idea what was going on until I pulled it out of the water. I snagged a catfish right in the middle. At least I know my hooks are sharp. ?
    4 points
  20. We're all on the same level friend except Katie, once she gets going she'll catch more fish than all of us combined ? Thread is so much more fun when all you guys up north can finally post fish ?
    4 points
  21. Hang in there Aaron, you're a big fish hammer.....those big girls will return, it's simply a matter of time in a case like yours. In the meantime that's an excellent fish, cheers to that one!
    4 points
  22. When we first moved into our place here 2008, we needed clear some land, build a small dog kennel and make the fenced in 'dog yard'. Most of it my hand. Planted some trees and lots of grass. Here's some before & after shots - took just about 3 years to come in fully. Still a lot of work to keep right. A-Jay
    4 points
  23. Got several more on Watermelon red super flukes , from another work route pond…
    4 points
  24. It’s that time in the Northeast again to get the yard ready for the nice weather. I really have my work cut out for me this year. My girlfriend and I moved into our new home last July, and we spent the next several months doing a lot of work to the inside like new floors, painting, etc. We saved all the outdoor work for this year, and the previous owners had neglected the backyard so it’s not in the best shape. Late last fall we took down the above-ground pool because the plan is to transform that spot into a garden and picnic area. Spent a couple hours pulling up buried pavers, scattered river rock, old weed fabric, and grading the dirt. Whoever the previous landscaper was, they had some interesting methods. I just got a delivery of 5 yards of fill to level it out. The plan is once the ground is leveled, we’re making the spot into a picnic area and an area with raised garden beds. The picnic area will have a table, grill, awning, and white marble stone as the ground, while the area with the raised garden beds will have natural mulch. Should look like a whole new yard when I’m done in a couple weeks. I’ll be sure to post progress pics and a finished picture. What landscaping projects do y’all have going this year?
    3 points
  25. I began using hi-viz braid when teaching my grandson how to fish a Texas rig it was much easier for him to detect bites than just relying on feel which is how his dad taught him to fish night crawlers. Around that same time my eyesight started giving me issues. I started using the combo I’d set up for the grandson. I haven’t looked back and I currently have hi-viz on all the combos I use for jigs and soft plastics, If you’re at that age when line watching becomes a chore, or you’re trying to gain confidence using a jig or plastic worm, try switching over to hi-viz braid with a short, fluoro leader. Your catch rate and your confidence will increase
    3 points
  26. I’ve actually been thinking about keeping a few. You catch a lot on this particular lake that are chunky for bring 20-22 inches. I caught some ice fishing 2 winters ago before I found out the lake had special pike regs on it and threw them back. I wouldn’t keep the straight hammer handles though. Catch and keep for pike and walleye dosent start untill the last Saturday in April. I actually think pike is one of the better tasting inland fish
    3 points
  27. (Double checked. Didn’t spell that Stripper) 9.8 lbs. what a fight on a 2500 spinning reel. And a10lb leader. My bud got a 16.75!
    3 points
  28. Wait! That doesn't sound right. You sure you weren't fishing with an alien disguised as @TnRiver46? ?
    3 points
  29. At least I know I’ll never have to be in addiction recovery
    3 points
  30. We let everything go. Even the skipjack head he dragged around behind the boat for most of the evening got to go home. Eta: and he's one of the coolest people I've ever met. He's even nice about my cooking. lol
    3 points
  31. Beautifully written Bob, Katie puts in more work before she even launches than I do all day fishing. She works hard for those beautiful fish of hers.
    3 points
  32. We all strive to attain Katie's level but some mountains are just to tall to climb! My several thousand dollars worth of electronics can't compete with her stealth approach as she zones in on her unsuspecting quarry. Sniper quiet and just as deadly. Quite the opposite of how I approach the Chinese buffet!
    3 points
  33. @AlabamaSpothunter I’m definitely not on your level ? I appreciate the support and this is one of the many reasons I’m a member only on this forum.
    3 points
  34. Could I interest you in fishing with a large fish head? It catches a big catfish about once a week
    3 points
  35. Last night I went back to the same pond I caught the big girl at. Weather wasn't right and I figured it might be a struggle. Threw around some different baits without any luck before I decided to pull this exact move with basically these exact results lol. Caught a little 1 pounder and then one that had to be last years fry it was so small. Got to show the pup 2 fish though and he was all excited about that but thought he could eat their tails haha. Back at it tomorrow when the weather should have them fired up and eating.
    3 points
  36. Frog guru Dean Rojas was nice enough to take some time with me to divulge his frog fishing knowledge for big spring bass! Enjoy!
    3 points
  37. I hooked and broke this one off on the weedless Ned head with a 7" blue fleck powerworm on a spinning rod. Switched to a baitcaster with a T-rig and the same worm when I came back through 2 hours later and apparently, the worm still looked good to this fish.
    3 points
  38. We’ll have been at our new place 2 years this June. Haven’t done a tremendous amount of what I’d call true “landscaping”, but did get quite a bit done last summer. Built a new driveway into the barn, that I’ve turned into my workshop, added another storage addition to the back of it and a closed in lean to off the side for the boat. Built a 30’x15’ raised garden bed, and a new 15’x8’ year round insulated greenhouse, and my brother brought his tractor over and brush hogged our 10 or so acres of fields that hadn’t been touched in at least 7 years or so. This years outdoor list is to screen in the porch, and the wife and kid want a small chicken coop built for a few laying hens. Here’s a few before and after pics.
    3 points
  39. There will be a dude fishing at the Lake Murrey elite series stop with 5 scopes. He's apparently got two on either side of the Jackplate, and then three on his TM. He's the guy who did well on the fuzzy dice I think. I'm not sure which will be funnier, if he bombs with all those units, or if he wins and Randy B goes postal ?
    3 points
  40. Go by the local dive bar around 7pm… You'll see a bunch of the same trucks.. I would imagine not much difference
    3 points
  41. Checked the status of several ponds yesterday just a day after a big 2-day cold snap hit the area. One I never saw a single fish. Another had two bass that had started to stake out areas but were not locked and very skittish. The third had multiple bass hanging on beds, but still very skittish, and the biters were cautious, often grabbing the bait only by the tail to move it, and only after repeated attempts and much finessing on my part. Forecast for the end of the month (and end of this week) is for below normal temps, so things may not really heat up until next month. Managed just a handful under the given conditions. Not sure of the game-plan yet for today.
    3 points
  42. When I first get megabass soft plastic swim baits (or any swim bait where the eyes are glued on), I just take the eyes off straight out of the package, put a dab of super glue gel on it and then put the eye back on and then it never comes off. It's just a one and done thing before you fish it out of the package.
    2 points
  43. No worries y’all, I have thick skin! I know I overanalyze quite a bit and ask a lot of questions, sorry if it gets tiresome I’m just trying to learn! Lots of good knowledge to absorb here.
    2 points
  44. Snow, hail, sleet, gropple, downpours, high winds, no wind, sunshine, and freezing temps up to 60 today. Mother Nature is on Meth.
    2 points
  45. Courtesy of @A-Jay Menderchuck Excavating.
    2 points
  46. Haha it's all in good fun man. It's hard to deny that just about every thread here with any mention of FF sonar has a nearly word for word post about mid summer smallmouth fishing and the PMTT ban though.
    2 points
  47. Pre-spawn I caught the same fish 3 times and got her to the kayak and either broke off or she came unbuttoned. The 3 times were in the span of 30 minutes. Fish was in maybe 6"-1ft of water. I cant be 100% positive it was the same fish but it was a tiny shallow pocket surrounded by reeds. If it fit 3 fish of her size in there then it had to be a Throuple looking to spawn. Cast 1 T-rig: came in, big wake, slammed it hard and fought her to the side of the kayak and she came undone. Cast 2 T-rig 30 seconds later: came in same way and hit hard, got her to the side and she made a surg and snapped the line as I was reaching to lip her. Cast 3 20-30 minutes later: Used a popper and she slammed it before it settled from the cast's "plop". Came undone about 3-4 feet away as she tail walked her way out of my life. Bass judging by length was going to be 5lb +. Wish I got a look at her heft but she felt d**n close to the 7lb I dragged in a week later. Just depends on the fish and its mood.
    2 points
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