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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/09/2022 in all areas

  1. Got to stay up on Mt. Leconte again this weekend. We had cold rain the entire hike up and visibility was very limited, but it was still cool with lots of waterfalls. we finally made it to the top completely soaked and tried drying out the gear in our cabin and anxiously awaiting the dinner they serve we got some sleep and typically go hike up to a good spot to watch sunrise, but there was some doubt we would be able to see anything. Luckily we all decided to hike up in the dark at 5:45 am and there was a cloud inversion, creating quite the spectacular sunrise above the clouds. At one point the clouds looked like a lake spilling over the mountains like a dam after sunrise, we hiked back down to the lodge for breakfast, which would be the last time we saw the sunshine for the day and then hiked a different route back down. Unfortunately most of the hike was going through those clouds and we couldn’t see too well. It was cool hiking through the area that burned in 2016, it’s a strange feeling walking amongst all the burned roots and trees, especially in the mist We finally got down below the clouds to where we could see a little further We finally make it back to the road where we had left the cars, and one of my buddies says “bear” fairly calmly and it’s standing about 40 feet from him across the road. Then it came across the road right toward all of us, little scary, but it went up a tree
    18 points
  2. I got a chance to get back to Lake Erie out of PA waters after leaving four years ago to move down south permanently. Our group of four guys planned a week trip with 6 days of fishing shortened to just four hours of fishing daily. The guy I fish with can only handle limited time on the water before he gets worn out. Since we are all retired the extra time off fishing gets devoted to playing poker, having a few drinks & just enjoying the comradery. I had a great trip fishing jerk baits my favorite approach to catch smallies. We caught a few casting but most of the damage was done drifting. My most successful baits were Smithwick Rogue DD & Lucky Craft pointer 127 & 128 models for the shallower water 10-18 fow. The Smithwick DD did the most damage & was ticking bottom in 15-16 feet while covering 18-23 fow. We didn't catch a lot of numbers but caught quality fish. Water temps were 47-51 over the trip. Air temps went from a low of 45 to 58 degrees. We had mostly cloudy skies, fog & rain off & on. We lost two days of fishing due to high winds/waves. I ended up with eight smallies over 5lbs & a beautiful 7.47 lb trophy girl. Actually a new PB beating my old PB by 1.5 oz.
    16 points
  3. Today was pretty good. Caught maybe a dozen bass and a boat load of pickerel, one of which was almost 20" long. One bass over 3lbs. Used a swim jig and spinnerbait as a one-two punch at the first pond I fished, then moved ponds and started off throwing a spinnerbait but later switched to a freaking whopper plopper. @Deleted account told me I should try a big plopper this time of year so I broke it out. I actually tried selling off both of my whopper ploppers but I've still had one. So I tie this thing on with not a whole lot of confidence. Chuck it around, start thinking it sounds pretty cool like I remembered from the last time I threw it like a year and a half ago. Start thinking I should throw a spinnerbait... POOF. Bass blows up on it. Then I catch another, and another, and another. Maybe these things do work. I keep throwing it, make a second pass on the same area later on in the day and I had a huge explosion on it. I tried winching the fish in and it came off in grass. I was heartbroken :(. Then I fish a little more and call it a day. I've been sharing photos of lures that I've been using recently but unfortunately all my stuff is still in the truck right now so I can't show em yet. I'll add them later. The biggest fish I caught was on a spinnerbait. I'll show the eight bass I photo'd quick.
    14 points
  4. Stopped at a muddy pond this morning . One inch of visibility . Caught a five bass 20 lb limit . Lost a giant in the 7 to 8 lb range . The knot failed .Black spinnerbait copper blades . They were choking it . 5.5 lbs was the biggest .
    13 points
  5. A couple of extras I couldn't include in my other post. Fishing Lake Erie last week.
    11 points
  6. Ray Scott was one heck of a salesman and entrepreneur. He had the vision to see what others did not and the perseverance to make it happen. I was fortunate to have met him a few times. Many people do not realize that he did not invent bass tournaments. He brought honesty to the sport and created a platform where information could be shared with the public. We owe him a lot...
    9 points
  7. All packed up and heading for Table Rock . Stopped by for one last try at some good old North Missouri dirty water . Caught a good one and now for some clear water fishing . 4.5 lbs Black spinnerbait copper blades .
    9 points
  8. Took the wife camping and fishing on a beautiful lake for Mother's day.
    7 points
  9. I hate when this happens
    7 points
  10. March 19th, 2019 The whole episode was unreal ? My friend Mike from Oklahoma had texted me before the trip about the BassCashBash. But everyone was talking about a 10# plus winning $1,500 plus an additional $5,500 for over all big bass of the event. The rules also stated that there was 202 tagged bass that would win various cash amounts. So I was thinking do I really wanna bet I could catch a 10#+ in 3 days of fishing so I didn't register on day one. On Tuesday Mike said he would pay my entry fees, so I entered around noon. A couple hours later I caught that bass, I didn't see the tag because it was facing away from, & had full intentions of throwing it back. Mike screamed it tagged! After photos & cut the tag I never paid attention to the tag just slipped into my wallet. About 5:30 or so we headed back to Fin-n-Feather to see what I won, thinking ok it's probably a couple hundred bucks. When I told the lady at Fin-n-Feather & pulled the tag out her eyes got really big. The tags for the boat & truck are color coded & she said you won the truck. I put my eyeglasses on & it had on the tag Truck & the phone number
    7 points
  11. Bumped into a few green bass today ~ She was the best of the bunch. A-Jay
    7 points
  12. Seeing all the YouTubers fishing in the snakiest settings in flip flops and shorts. I bet it wouldn’t take but one or two water moccasins to change that for them. I always wear pants and lace up boots because of the close calls I’ve had in the past with venomous snakes. It could just be my neck of the woods and it’s critters to blame, but you won’t catch me in knee to chest high grass in the summer sun wearing anything less.
    6 points
  13. Made my wife a hearty Mothers' Day breakfast and Yeti did his best to wait patiently for his turn. ?
    6 points
  14. The legend Ray Scott passed away over the weekend at the age of 88. Hard to think what this sport would be like right now if it weren't for him. https://www.bassmaster.com/ray-scott/news/ray-scott-the-father-of-modern-bass-fishing-has-died/
    5 points
  15. I just read an article about Butch Brown on the front page of the Los Angeles Times. It outlined how he goes about catching DD bass.
    5 points
  16. May so far has been on fire! here in New Jersey we're finally in the heat of the spawn, caught more fish in three days this past week than I did in all of April!! Bunch of fish on beds and cruising around at my lakes! Including this first fish which was close to 3lbs on a bed! Mostly caught on senkos and chatterbaits, almost had my first buzztoad fish but I didn't set the hook right.
    5 points
  17. Finally, after a two year gap due to pesky covid, I finally managed to go bass fishing again! My dear friend Tim invited me over to stay with him at his house on Smith Mountain Lake in VA for a week and we had an absolute blast. We timed it pretty perfectly as the weather warmed through the week and the fish were going from spawn to post spawn depending on where on the lake we fished. We didn't have a bad day, and by the end of the week we had it pretty dialled in. Absolutely fantastic to be whizzing about in a bassboat with Tim again. We also fished a club tournament on Lake Moomaw, which was a fascinating change of pace, somehow I even sneaked a third place finish! I got lucky with the heaviest fish of the week, with largemouth of 4-03, 4-15 and 5-04 plus the biggest striper at over 10lb. We also spent a morning chasing crappie, which were harder to find than they should have been, but I just love a meal of crappie. Caught enough for a lunch for the two of us with a white perch and a yellow perch to bulk out the meat. Can't tell you how much I love our adventures, and after the 2 year winter that has been covid, it was especially sweet.
    5 points
  18. Hey guys finally back on the forums. Got my son whose 5 now into bass fishing this past weekend we hit a small local pond as well as a favorite spot of mine deep in the woods my son managed to catch these 2 decent sized bass bring his first bass he was a little hesitant on holding it lol
    4 points
  19. All I can say is that my dad passed away in 2019. I’d love to be able to have this difference of opinion with him. But I can’t. May that guide you.
    4 points
  20. If you are breaking 8 lb copoly on a wacky hookset, It's one or more of the following, -Too much hookset -Bad knots -Too much rod -Bad line
    4 points
  21. I couldn't get parts for my Millionaire 6H in 1984, which was bought new at Oshman's close-out in 1978. Certainly Mitchell and Conolon is a '70s combo. '80s is graphite rods. I fished through my first Mitchell 300 by 1975. Even my collectible Mitchel 440A Ottomatic and Conolon is mid-70s. Which, btw, is the only Mitchell with manual-bail capability. I looked it up - 1986 saw the end of all Mitchell 300 series reels. https://mitchellreelmuseum.com/list-of-all-mitchell-reels-1939-1989/ If the OP's request and date doesn't matter, real retro is the NLW reels of the ninteen-teens. No reel could out-cast them until Lew's Speed Spool BB-1N
    4 points
  22. I have several different scents that I sometimes use but I always carry a bottle of scent free soap to wash my hands. I use the same soap I use for hunting as I think human scent along with the different things we touch throughout the day likely has a bigger impact.
    4 points
  23. Another way to get back in is to step onto the horizontal fin on the lower unit, reach for the tilt switch, and tilt the motor thus raising you to where you can more easily get into the boat. I put anti slip tape on mine for this reason after I used the method to get my brother back in one time.
    4 points
  24. Yesterday I caught this big pike! Unfortunately he inhaled all 3 hooks of my jerkbait, so he may have died. I caught this bass as well!
    4 points
  25. Got a nice little wiper today while casting around crowds. Heat index well over 100 seems to be here for a while. I have a work trip to San Angelo coming up, which will take me right by OH ivie. Have to see if I can find a shore spot there...
    4 points
  26. Back in January I was fishing in a local 1500 acre lake (Moss Lake Shelby NC) I was catching spots in 30 feet of water on the stump covered edge of the main creek channel. A man and woman in a nice Caymas bass boat came flying by, made a big circle and stopped about 10 yards from me. The Woman said "we can't fish right next to that man". He said "shutup (bad word) I'll fish where ever I want". About the time he reached down to deploy his trolling motor his own wake hit his boat and he fell headfirst into the 44 degree water. The woman with him was yelling "quit clowning around" I knew he was in trouble so I went over to their boat. He had grabbed the side of his boat, but that's all he could do. By this time the woman was panicking. I got in their boat, grabbed him by the shoulders and pulled him into the boat. He was shivering and could hardly talk. I told her she needed to get him back to the landing. She said she could drive the boat but didn't know how to get to the landing. She followed me to the landing. I helped get him out of the boat and into their truck, then backed their trailer down and loaded their boat while he was in the truck with the heat on. I saw them again a couple weeks later. He said he was OK after he got warm. He also said never fished right on top of someone like he was going to that day. Perhaps the Good Lord knew he was going to fall in the cold water and put him near me so I could get him back in the boat. He wasn't wearing a life jacket. Had he not grabbed the side of his boat he would have probably died right there. I don't know how long he could have made it without me pulling him back into the boat. I'm not one to wear a life jacket, but since then I've been wearing mine anytime it's cold enough for a coat. I also have started leaving a rope tied from a bow to stern cleat with a slip knot in it. If I fall in the water I can pull on the rope, making it sag down into the water to use as a step to get back in the boat.
    4 points
  27. Cold, nasty, and wet today. 15-20 mph winds, steady rain. Might as well go fishing then! Since there wouldn’t be pleasure boats out, I went to the big lake and practically had it to myself. It was hard going with the wind, but spotlock was helpful to keep the kayak in place. Managed 4 bass up to 2.5 lb, a 13” crappie and a 13” perch. Not bad for a couple hours on a lake that flummoxed me for bass last year.
    4 points
  28. Another friend brought his son over and caught some. Dustin hadn’t fished much before but could cast really well for an 8 year old. Think he had a good time, which was the goal…
    4 points
  29. Finally on the board for 2022. Last time I made a cast was October, so it was satisfying at long last to get out this afternoon for 3 hours and tool around a neighborhood lake down the road. Of the 13 I caught --all in the 13"-15" range-- I think these were the best two: All were caught on a 4.3 Keitech with a 1/4oz owner flashy swimmer. I like the gold Colorado blade in these bluegill/perch lakes:
    4 points
  30. Someday you'll look back at this as the good times. Perhaps consider lengthening them. You probably knew where this would lead in advance. And there it is. You may be more of a chip off the old block than you realize. To answer your question, what would I do ? Understand and respect the man. He's earned it. A-Jay
    3 points
  31. We all started somewhere. No shame. Nobody's gonna judge you. Just spill the beans on the manufacturer and models. No jail time. No celly named Bubba. Just the asterisk treatment if it's forbidden.
    3 points
  32. You're getting upset about your Mother and Father keeping a couple legal limits of Crappie? I maybe misunderstanding you, but if they're eating them, I'd pick a different fight.
    3 points
  33. Set your drag at 2-2 1/2 lbs and trust it. Palomar knot is reliable if you don’t twist the loop when going over the hook. Snug both the main and tag end line over hand knot then cinch tight with the tag end only. It doesn’t sound like knot failure, more like sharp toothy fish bite off. MHF spinning rod is a little more power then needed but setting the drag resolve any rod issue. Tom
    3 points
  34. I use them like this the most, it’s very sticky for a 5 inch stick worm, I would use something like a 3/16 oz shakey head with a bigger hook
    3 points
  35. So these are standard 5" senkos you're using? They are not too fat and smallmouth should have no trouble with them. When rigging a 5' senko, I like a 3/0 EWG. I go weightless each time. If I were to use a weight it would not be pegged. I do have to admit that sometimes I don't set the hook after feeling the first 'bite', but after a few seconds of feeling the weight of the fish, I set the hook. Of course, this could be dangerous as you have the potential to gut hook a fish but it has not happened to me yet. It has been my experience that smallmouth almost "chew" (for a lack of a better word) a bigger/longer soft plastic as opposed to swallowing it whole. When and how are you setting the hook in relation to the bite? I think you can find a solution by looking there first. Good luck!
    3 points
  36. Sometimes a subtle change can mean the difference between catching 2 pounders & catching 5 pounders. If you don't throw it you'll never know.
    3 points
  37. I had the pleasure and privilege of meeting him multiple times. Truly a great man. RIP https://www.bassresource.com/bass_fishing_123/bass-ray-scott-dies-5922.html
    3 points
  38. Are there pickerel in that lake? That what this sounds like.
    3 points
  39. Same lake, same day (this past Saturday). Some with, some without.
    3 points
  40. One dark night a few years back I took my john boat out into the Gulf to do some snook fishing. I found a good spot at the mouth of an inlet and tossed my anchor over the side. All of a sudden there was something thrashing around inside my boat. It was dark and I couldn't see what was happening. It kind of scared me so I stood up on a seat to get out of the way . When I turned on my headlamp I saw a big Tripletail jumping around in the boat below me. I guess the anchor scared it and it jumped, landing in my boat. Tripletail are tasty and it made a few good meals. I never did catch any snook that night.
    3 points
  41. What a great trip! The pic of the clouds spilling over the mountain is quite stellar and worthy of being framed and hung.
    3 points
  42. Went out in the rain today for a few hours. Since it was raining, I only took 1 rod, some hooks, and a pack of flukes with me. Slower than yesterday, I think the rain pushed them off the bank a bit. Nothing bigger than 1.25 pounds or so, I didn’t weigh any of them. I did manage to catch a big turtle. I thought it was going to be the bass of a lifetime but alas, turtle.
    3 points
  43. I bought a Mother’s Day card today and realized it says happy birthday at the bottom. She’ll probably get a kick out of it anyway.
    2 points
  44. I didn’t mean to initially post with the impression that I thought you were an idiot or a shut in because you had never seen an Eagle. I’ve just seen so many I don’t even think twice about one anymore. They are a majestic bird. I believe the overall population in North America right now has never been higher.
    2 points
  45. I'd put the 6.3:1 on the MH/M rod - that's the ratio I use on my crankbait rig I'd also use that rig for the chatterbaits - realize that the published weight is JUST for the head. You have to add in the weight of the hook, blade and skirt to get the true weight. If you use a trailer, it gets even worse. For example - I actually weighed my 3/8oz Z-Man Original chatterbait with my standard trailer, a Berkley Pit Boss - total weight was well over 5/8oz. The 7.1 on the M/F rod would be better for poppers and jerks. Jigs on that rod are problematical - same issue with weight as with the chatterbaits. Even with 3/8oz jigs, I prefer a MH/F rod to handle them. Frogs...(rocks his hand back and forth)...it's doable on a medium power rod, but not ideal. I actually toss frogs on a H/F (12#-25# line, 3/8-1.5oz lures)
    2 points
  46. My story isn't very crazy, nor is it about bass fishing but it's something I'll never forget. One day while wading the Caney Fork River in middle TN for trout, I saw my first bald eagle flying reasonably low above me. I've seen plenty of bald eagles in captivity, but never in the wild. It was one of the most beautiful things that I've ever seen in nature! I admit that I'm a very patriotic and love this great country. God bless the USA
    2 points
  47. This muddy enough . 1 inch of visibility . Caught a five bass 20 lb limit here this morning on a black spinnerbait copper willow leaf blade . Lost a giant .
    2 points
  48. I use 10lb to 12lb I have no problem. I’ve used 8lb before and done fine. I think it’s more of a personal preference. I prefer 10 to 12 lb over 8 that’s just me. Some prefer 18 lb over 12 lb it’s all a personal preference.
    2 points
  49. Last night my chair blew in the lake when I got a bite. I flopped on the deck like a walrus and grabbed it right before it sank out of sight. When I let go of it to reel in my white bass it blew in again. A good friend of mine caught it that time. Long story short it blew in four more times and I have a rash on my butt and a full cooler of fish. True story.
    2 points
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