Take a step back for a second...You say that every trail has their own rules (which is accurate) and that this trail is not the one you participated in. So its entirely possible that these anglers were 100% within the rules of their trail.
There's nothing inherently unethical in what I read in the post, HS fishing is not the Elite Series - There's got to be some provisions in there to allow the boat captains to provide some help/info to the anglers. That's sort of the point of the whole boat captain system, right? Also, you'd think if they put a public video out there they wouldn't do so if it showed them violating rules.
The boat captain is an angler himself too, he could have been practicing for his own tournament or just fishing on his own. You can't expect these guys to be locked down outside HS events or no one would ever volunteer to do it.
Finally, if you're going to keep tournament fishing you have to get used to this type of thing. There will ALWAYS be someone that gets more practice time than you and/or obtains information/locations from others (99% of the time with in the rules too)...If this situation gets to you, wait until one of the guys you're competing against starts hiring a guide the day before the tournament ?.
As sort of a separate point, I personally think high school bass fishing is insanely unfair overall...Not by design or anything, but just due to the fact that some HS anglers will have clear advantages over others if their dad/relative/friend/etc in an avid angler with a bass boat and is their captain for so many obvious reasons. Nothing can really be done about it, just the way it is.