So I post about froggin a lot. It's my favorite technique and I have spent years doing it and honing my timing and skill. I suppose my posts could even be read as "bragging" to those who struggle with it. those that may think that, this post is for you! I was out yesterday on what was probably one of the last truly nice warm days here in NOWEMO. My home lake still has a few remaining scum mats that I target but the frog bite has died off significantly with the cooling of the water. Yesterday, my froggin senses were tingling and I knew....KNEW...there were fish under one particular mat that I don't usually get to target during the warmer months. I made my way to it and started working it. I fan casted all over this thing and...nothing. I targeted stumps that I KNEW must be holding a big ol' girl. Nothing. This didn't make sense. I knew there were fish in there. Why? I know this lake like the back of my hand and based on conditions, time of day, time of year, etc., you just know. I turned around to the other side of my boat and noticed that I had missed a couple of casting lanes so I launched my trusty Scumfrog way out there, lit a smoke and started bringing it in. I brought it into an area and stopped it. Let it sit for maybe a 5 count and gave it a twitch...the biggest bass I have ever seen in this lake came completely out of the water to strike my frog. Although I have never seen one, my PB of 9.3 is from this lake so I've always thought there must be some DD's in there. Now I know. There are. How did I do? Well...let's just say that....
Oh, somewhere in this favored land the sun is shining bright,
The band is playing somewhere, and somewhere hearts are light;
And somewhere men are laughing, and somewhere children shout,
But there was no joy at Happy Holler—mighty Jaderose struck out.
I swung for the fences as soon as she jumped and had to duck to keep the frog from smacking me in the forehead. It also tangled my line so by the time I regrouped, she was long gone. HARD lesson to learn to practice the things I preach. Feel weight, set hook. Easy to say...still hard to do. The excitement got the best of But she's still in there, and I'll be back. If not yet this year, then next spring. Call me Ishmael.