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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/21/2018 in all areas

  1. Preparing my most prized possession today for cleaning and prayer for Lynn @A-Jay. The eagle feather was presented to me by a fellow Kiowa warrior and holy man. We consider the eagle the strongest, bravest, and holiest of all life and the eagle feather possesses strong healing power. I will go to the Medicine Man walk today and ask the creator to give her strength. Yes
    6 points
  2. Went out at dusk last night with my friend Mike to toss some Ultra Vibe Speed Worms from the bank. Caught a few feisty bass, and this was the biggest.
    6 points
  3. A properly cleaned and lubed stock bearing is about all anyone would ever need. No reason to replace them unless one fails, or you’re a person who likes to tinker. Improved casting distance isn’t really anything you’re going to notice. Remember that 10% of 120ft is only 12ft. Not exactly a worthwhile upgrade if you break it down. This is also coming from a guy with over $400 wrapped up in bearings. Easier startup will allow you to cast the same distance with less effort since less effort (not casting as hard) will allow you to use less braking. The user being the variable in this situation. Sometimes you can achieve decent distance when casting lighter lures, due to being able to turn the brakes down a couple clicks.
    5 points
  4. Day Seven at the Oncology & Infusion Center. Napping. A-Jay
    4 points
  5. This thread just reinforces the adage; "Buy a man a fish, and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish, and he'll buy a silly hat"
    4 points
  6. 3 points
  7. @A-Jay has me beat. The on on top is my PB, a 5-12 from Lake Erie. My partner boated a six shortly after snapping that picture. Thanks, I keep shooting for that 6# mark, as I am also shooting for an 8 lb. NY large mouth.
    3 points
  8. Beautiful Smallmouth J Franco! Almost A-Jayesque.
    3 points
  9. Sounds like an Excellent Idea - For someone else's rods . . . . . A-Jay
    3 points
  10. 3 points
  11. 3 points
  12. Holy smokes, @KDW96 went above and beyond!! Thanks for the stuff! I can respool my spinning reel and give the ole dropshot (Kvd half shell) and small swimbait a try this winter and I'll be prepared for flipping a menace/lizard later on with some fresh 832! I also really like the hard baits you sent me. Thanks again, you're too generous
    3 points
  13. Skipping has never been my strong suit. Skipping docks, under trees, has been hit or miss for me. Today we had a rare warm day, 50 + degrees, and I was bored so I headed to a local pond to practice. Turns out it is easier than I thought. In no time at all I was skipping a jig I'd guess a good 100 yds. or better. It took me a little while to zone in on the secret, but here it is Smooth ice! It seems the smoother the ice the longer the cast, who'd of thunk it. Although in all fairness, after the first two or three skips it is more of a sliding technique. Anyone know how thin the ice has to be for a bass to bust thru and take it? Please forgive me...…… It's been a longgggg winter.
    2 points
  14. Zpi Sic $32 per set. All you will ever need. Yt Fusion hd+ are equally as good but not as easy to pick up.
    2 points
  15. 2 points
  16. I am going to assume you are not talking about full ceramics due to their high cost and are asking about ceramic balls and SS cages and races. The two major differences that I have noticed in favor of ceramics is: they require a little less start up inertia, and provide a marginal improvement in corrosion resistance. To their detriment: they are louder, more expensive, and I find the performance gains marginal at my level of fishing. A good quality SS bearing properly cleaned and lubricated is really a very good choice for most fisherman.
    2 points
  17. Nice ~ And J you know I've always loved that fish & pic . . A-Jay
    2 points
  18. I've thought about adding a extension bar to one of the pedal drive legs on the mirage drive. Like a short 2'-3' dowel that would be removable so I wouldn't have to bend over to manipulate the pedal drive for the stroke or two to maintain position. I think I could fabricate something that would fit into the top of the square tubing or over it. then when not in standing mode just remove and stow in the cockpit. FM
    2 points
  19. Is Christie Brinkley still around? She may not know much about fishing but at least I'll have great scenery. BTW, if you remember some of the most attractive women from the 80's don't google them. Elle Macpherson is 54. I use to have her pic on my wall. Now I feel creepy.
    2 points
  20. I Not a fan of this idea for a number of reasons, most of which were already mentioned. Swivel through guides is asking for damaged guides. A swivel small enough to fit through micro guides can't be that strong. 3 knots three chances for failure. That swivel has to get caught in a guide during casts, hello backlash. I worry a lot about connecting lines. I solve that problem by running straight Fluoro.
    2 points
  21. I'd go where there are the fewest other human beings. They can be a real drag on my fishing experience. One place I fish is private, owned by all the landowners around it. It's about 30 acres, but I'm still a little bummed when I get there and see just one other person on it.
    2 points
  22. You have to experiment with the retrieve on every outing. To start with imagine a crawdad moving over a rock. This is a very subtle lift and drop on slack line. Sometimes they want a slow steady retrieve, other times move, stop and let it sit. For a steady retrieve stay just off the bottom, clicking cover or structure occasionally. I prefer a true swim jig for steady retrieve. I think you will be impressed with Siebert Outdoors jigs. I prefer the G2 with a recessed eye. Mine are always wire tied which requires a small additional charge. Favorite colors are Kent's, Black and PB & J, but your favorite color will work just fine. My choice for trailers are Rage Tail Craws, sometimes Baby Craws and sometimes Lobster. For a swim jig I recommend the Structure Bug, Shellcracker and Menace. Match or contrast the trailer with the jig skirt. The size of the trailer varies with the weight of the jig. For a 3/8 ounce jig the Rage Craw is perfect, but I bite off the first two joints for a more compact presentation.
    2 points
  23. I had the drag as tight as I could get it and I could not pull it with my hand, but when the fish was locked down under the pads as I would pull back the spool was giving. I assumed it was the drag, but it very would could have just been braid slipping too.
    2 points
  24. Thank you j bab ! it will all get put to good use.
    2 points
  25. 2 freinds of mine that I fished are both tournament anglers, Bob was a St Croix Legend fan, Fred was Loomis NRX fan, so I had opertunities to use these rods and they used mine to share performance evaluations. My opinion was St Croix spinning rods are well made and not particularly well balanced, tended to be tip heavy and feedback OK but not outstandanding. Bob thought the same thing regarding NRX spinning rods saying they are too stiff with little feedback, Fred thought St Croix rods were too stiff and tip heavy. Both had Shimano Ci4 2500 reels. My spinning rods are not high end like Bob and Fred, my casting rods are. My spinning reels are older Shimano Stratic 1000 and 2500 reels, the rods Major Craft about $120 price range and functional for my purposes. What surprised me is both Bob and Fred liked my rods as well as their own regarding Sensitivety and thought the balance was better. My point is you have a lot of good choices and each angler has their own idea what works for them. Bob, before he passed away changed to Dobyns Champ rods and loved them. I fished with Bob a few times and agree Dobyns spinning rods as good as a spinning gets, I agreed and liked them a lot just don't need any new rods. We all caught bass using each others tackle, differences are small nuances, the reel plays a bigger role with spinning outfits IMO. If I needed a spinning rod I would buy the Dobyns Sierra on sale at TW, basically a Champ at the price of a Fury. Tom
    2 points
  26. River rat, I have fished the Ohoopee and Ocmulgee a couple times as well. Gotta love Ga river bass! ?
    2 points
  27. @scbassin & @roadwarrior pretty much explained it I've said it a thousand times & will continue saying it, pre-spawn starts long before most anglers realize. If you're sitting around waiting on a moon phase or watching a thermometer you're missing out! It was said the bass feed better during the full moon because they can see better. I don't know about your bass but mine have a lateral line allowing them to zero in a my lure easily regardless of ambient light.
    2 points
  28. I used all my likes for the day ~ A-Jay
    2 points
  29. Aw man got trolled over here in the boating section. ?
    2 points
  30. Bass spawn at different times in the various regions. Florida is already into pre-spawn and many of the southern states will be gearing up shortly.
    2 points
  31. Bass are sunfish. Here is my personal opinion 1:Bass seek shelter to avoid overhead predators. 2: Bass are ambush predators, so they stay in the shadows to hide from prey. 3: Bass prefer shallow water, but will seek deep water according to climate, prey, and cover availability. deep is relative to where you are fishing. The lowland reservoirs, here in Kansas, are usually stained. I rarely fish deeper than 15 feet. I consider 20 feet deep water.
    2 points
  32. If the clock could be turned back it would be a long list of departed family, freinds and people who I would like to share another day on the water with. The reality is share time with those you can, it goes by faster then you think! Everyday on the water is precious to me and fishing with my son or wife is always special. Tom
    2 points
  33. After 8 years I still have those moments where it hits me "I'm responsible for that human!" Or "I can't believe we created this human being". At times it's really surreal. He's my fishing buddy, my hunting buddy, my shadow and so much more. Maybe some day he'll join this site and have the screen name 6poundbass, until then I have the pleasure of teaching and showing him hunting, fishing, and life.
    2 points
  34. One of my favorite sunrises ever, took it a couple mornings ago.
    2 points
  35. My dad. He wasn't much into fishing, but I was...so he took me out when I wanted to fish someplace too far to bike. This pic is from '67 or '68 as we're about to head to Wachusett Reservoir, MA for a day of fishing.
    2 points
  36. Deer season is wrapped up. Time to get serious about bass fishing. Had a decent day. Caught a few whites, a few small bass, and these three. Shakyhead was the ticket Not trophies, but any bass in December is a good catch to me.
    2 points
  37. Wow, that's pretty awesome! Merry Fishmas to you
    1 point
  38. Been to Quetico twice, both back in the 80s. Enjoyed the heck out of those primitive canoe trips. Would be neat to go back and see what has changed after 40 years Nice job. Finally picked up the bass stick tonight for the first time in 2 months after all that crappie fishing. One pond seems to have died - Not sure what is going on yet. Moved to a different one and missed a couple but landed a few. That was a relief. Ready to hit a couple more either tomorrow or Saturday. Bass bit through sunset until dark
    1 point
  39. Catt is right on, If you pay attention to your surroundings while fishing in these time periods you will notice the the activity or lack of feeding with birds & animals. During the major & minor periods there is more feeding going on.
    1 point
  40. I'm not following you on this. Can you explain?
    1 point
  41. Has to be myth because "hate" appears to be a human evolved emotion
    1 point
  42. I'll start the organizing two events: Event 1 - Fishing Extracurricular Event: whiskey, cigars, tackle making, and other fun stuff. I'll host this at my home on the back patio with a bonfire (close to I-270 and Falls Road exit). I'll provide smoked ribs, 10yr Laphroaig, and German Bier if you don't do whiskey. You bring cigar(s), your favorite tackle set up (so I can drool over it), tackle if you want to trade, and whatever else fishing related. Tentative date is Sun. Jan 20th (most have MLK off) and back up date is Jan 26th...before it gets too cold and weather permitting. Event 2 - Central MD Fishing Event: Black Hills or Piney Run I think we'll have enough people with boats and/or kayaks to get off the banks. If not, Black Hills has ample bank/dock fishing, I am unsure of Piney Run though. Looking at the FOBA 2019 schedule, dates that would work in the spring would be Sat 5/11 or 5/25. Here's a list of possible attendees so far: Event 1 - @Munkin, @reason, @Junger, @fishwizzard Event 2 - @Munkin, @fishwizzard, @reason, @Logan S, @Junger, @Somd Fx4 Please PM or reply with the following: Event 1 - if Jan 19th or 26 work for you, and if not what dates would work (keep in mind Feb/Mar may not be that pleasant to sit outside) Event 2 - if you have a boat or kayak, and which venue you prefer (Black Hills or Piney Run), and if those dates would work for you, or alternative dates. NOVA folks welcome too!
    1 point
  43. I have to agree with @Russ E. As someone who studied Aquatic Biology back in college (oh those many decades ago), fish...any fish...not having eyelids makes no difference as to whether they seek the shadows to keep out of the sunlight. Their habits are based on their food preferences, seeking the shadows lets an ambush predator hide from it's prey.
    1 point
  44. 1 point
  45. But if you spook the fish, you don't have to worry about bent hooks! Just think of the money you could save! ?
    1 point
  46. And on the other end of the melon size scale, I have to wear a 'youth' hat because I have a peanut size squash. And the color options available are always a just a little bit zany . . . A-Jay
    1 point
  47. I'd switch to at least a 30 lb braided line and a rod that has enough backbone to rip them out of the lilly pads.
    1 point
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