Dear bothers, may I take a moment of your time to share with you the word of our tackle savior, the Bait Monkey? For he hath declared that there is a hope, a way that we can attain the glory of maximum sensitivity.
It is said to be that by wielding the highest quality rod, constructed by the mystic rod building ancients of Gaar Eloomus, one can ascend into a dimension where the powerful wielder of such a rod is said to be able to feel the breath of his quarry prior to striking.
However, such a rod as glorious as this mustn't be paired with meager, plebeian nylons of peasants, a rod of such caliber requires only the finest of lines developed deep in the jungles of se-Agu-ar. The locals call it tatsu, which is believed to translate to "String of the Gods".
Now go, lord Starkeer, go to seek the glories of ultimate sensitivity, and land the fish of your greatest fantasies. Ignore the simple constructs of "budgets" or "stupid car payments", for they are merely barriers that draw you away from the glorious sensitivity that may one day rest in your hands.
All Hail!