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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/22/2018 in all areas

  1. Put a new PB in the boat today!!! My buddy’s been working hard for this fish for a long time! 8.5lbs, 24” I had to play net man on this one, and we were both pumped to bring in a Giant first fish of the day! Rest of the day was an absolute grind. Only three fish total between us. Can’t complain too much for the first fish out of a new lake! We were also the only boat on the water from sunrise to 3pm. One other boat put in, and then a few brave kayakers hit the water just as the wind picked up to 15-20mph and chopped the place up big time. 43° water and less than 3 foot visibility. They were on the bottom, and we could find an occasional school, but just could not get them to eat. Except the important one!
    11 points
  2. So most of my weekends this September we’re spent on land rather than in the boat chasing bass, due to construction of a 8’x13’ greenhouse my wife and I built. We’re both pretty green thumbed when it comes to veggies and flowers, and she’s wanted a greenhouse for a while now. After getting a bunch of free windows from a friends house that he had changed, it was the kick in the rump we needed to finally get started and after a blazing hot summer, ( you want a greenhouse to be in the sunniest part of the yard, which is also the hottest place to work in summer), we finally got some cooler weather in September to build it. Here’s the finished product. We’ll, winter has come early and with a vengeance, but we did get some lettuces and assorted greens planted in late sept. Today was a high of -11C and a horrible wind chill, and we have over a foot of snow on the ground, but my wife went out to the greenhouse and took an inside/outside pic. So far, we’re pleased with the results of our build and with any luck we’ll have some fresh salads by Christmas. At the very least, it’s a nice, tropical place I can visit with my lawnchair in the dead of winter and dream of a summer topwater bite ?. Today at 1:00 it was 29C inside!
    8 points
  3. Happy ^^^^^^ Day ~ ? A-Jay
    7 points
  4. Somewhat new to the board but still wanted to wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving! Thanks for all of your help and suggestions!
    6 points
  5. Perfect for cultivating Canada’s newest, now legal, cash crop. ?
    5 points
  6. Hope everyone has a wonderful day.
    4 points
  7. Been a month or two since I last fished. Caught 6 little guys and this not-so-little one today.
    4 points
  8. This year I am just a little more thankful. Besides all of the normal stuff to be thankful for, Wife, kids, family, job, health and giant Bass, this year I am Thankful that this spring my wife bought me an Ancestry DNA kit for my birthday. We kept seeing the commercials and I was always kind of half jokingly telling her that I wanted one. Little did I know, that this thing would change my life in a great way. Besides telling me that I was 2/3 English and 1/3 Irish, it also matches you with other people that have taken the test that share DNA with you (I didn't even know it did this when I sent it in). It linked me with some people that I had never met but were closely related to me. Because of this, I was able to get in contact with a few people that helped me track down my little sister that I had given up on trying to find 20+ years ago, when I didn't have the internet and people were not very cooperative. Our dad passed away when we were little kids. I found a guy that I knew was linked to my dad's side of the family but had never spoken to before. After a brief quiz to make sure that I was legit, he gave me his phone number. He is married to my aunt and I believe it was that night, I called and was able to speak to him and my aunt (dad's sister) for the first time in my life. It was a pretty cool experience and I will forever be grateful to them both for the information they gave me on that call. Armed with what I had learned on the phone call, I went to Facebook and then to Instagram and within an hour or so I was able to find the girl that I was sure was my sister. I sent her a DM to confirm who she was, but it was so late at night that normal people were in bed sleeping. Sure enough, the next morning she replied and I shocked her with the fact that she had a big brother that she never knew existed. So out of those semi-annoying little commercials for I Ancestry DNA kits, I was able to find my sister that I am now extremely close with, I got a new little niece that I never knew I had and a pretty good brother in-law. I also have been able to stay in touch with my aunts (dad's sisters) and they sent me some pretty cool stuff from my dad. Since this is a fishing forum and this isn't really a fishing post, let me add that they first place we ever met in person was the Bass Pro Shops Anglers Inn in Springfield, Missouri. Now it has some fishing in it. (that part is true though) So that's what I am thankful for. Happy Thanksgiving everyone.
    3 points
  9. Part of my order came in today, gotta have some fun this weekend. Oh forgot this is bass resource not crappies resource ?.
    3 points
  10. Gonna be a longer 'winter' apparently ~ ? A-Jay
    3 points
  11. Been some big boys hanging around out in the open lately when I get off work in the morning.
    3 points
  12. First year with the new boat. I loved every minute of it. I was able to spend a lot of time fishing, but when the whole family was together, plenty of room for everyone.
    3 points
  13. This brown trout I caught in Lake Michigan on a Kastmaster spoon
    3 points
  14. Best turkey I ever had. Wishing you and yours a Happy Thanksgiving!
    3 points
  15. It the 6th anniversary of the "Butt Fumble". Happy Thanksgiving everyone.....even you, Mark Sanchez.
    2 points
  16. Kistlers website. They are $150 plus MY10PERCENT gets it to 135
    2 points
  17. I've caught alot of fish on that smoking rooster so many different ways, flipping it, swimming it,buzzing it on top, great bait!!!
    2 points
  18. @Mobasser I'm a plastics freak...I love em all ? When most anglers think "creature baits", they're thinking Brush Hog or Sweet Beaver style. As mentioned I'll put a lizard & even a craw worm in this category. Liz-zards are considered spring time baits but are deadly year round. Craw worm gave been relegated to jig trailers but are deadly Texas Rigged.
    2 points
  19. Got that right !!! I do well with baby brush hogs as well, but not so much with brush hogs. I also like zoom z-hogs, which dont seem to have a big following. The only problem I have with them is that I cannot find a hook that fits them properly. 3/0 seems too small, and 4/0 is too big. (The point of the hook is right at the end of it when you try to stick it in ) But its a bass killer! I also like Pit bosses. One bait I have never caught a fish on is christie critters. I also use Zoom speed craws with good results. If zoom lizards count, they are deadly !!!! I dont count plastic worms as creature baits, but They are always in my arsenal. Especially culprits, Mr twister, and producto tournament worms !!!
    2 points
  20. Hog on ice. Super hog that is.
    2 points
  21. I like the sweet beavers from RI, you should also check in to the pit boss from havoc. I also like the Yamamoto Kreature and Havoc Hawk Hawg.
    2 points
  22. VMC makes those boxer heads too but I bet trokar hooks are better. My favorite swimbait head by far, and the 3.8/4.8 keitechs fit them perfectly. I fish them on a fast action MH rod with 15lb fluoro.
    2 points
  23. Trokar the sharpest there is and very strong.
    2 points
  24. Rick Clunn started a few years ago "everything old will become new again!". Mr Twister is still deadly today, 40% of all tournament wins on Toledo Bend were won with a Mr Twister 6" Phenom Worm. I don't say that! The Mag 12 Buzz Worm is a name y'all need to remember!
    2 points
  25. Oh yea. Happy Thanksgiving to all of you guys!
    2 points
  26. Mister Twister made a Centipede worm during the 70's with multiple twister appendages and double curl tail, good worm in motor oil. Tom
    2 points
  27. Catt, I never knew that creature baits had been around that long. You and WRB bring up some good facts. Like many of us know, it would be hard, if not impossible to create a totally new bass lure. All of them borrow from the past somehow
    2 points
  28. Whopper Baits Chicken Foot early 70s, Mr Twister has the Sin-Sation.
    2 points
  29. I was able to catch about a dozen snook and about the same amount of trout. All was using soft swim baits. Only about a month left before the bite gets tough. Good luck to everyone and happy thanksgiving to all of my fishing brothers and sisters.
    2 points
  30. At first I was like no way, these are some ugly reels lol, but the fish they caught were better than solid over the years. Trying not to be a hoarder, but just can’t pitch stuff that still works well. Awesome idea Now I have graduated to a couple of Presidents which I love and a couple of Daiwa Regals, and I do have spare bail springs I carry having busted them on an older Regal and on the new one too. I think what makes them special to me is I got them when we were newly married and struggling, and shelling out roughly 30 for the Cattera would be like me looking at a 300 dollar reel now. I got lucky in that some bargain gear allowed me to fish and fish well for a lot of years.
    2 points
  31. Just bought a Lew's Carbon fire and I couldn't find any reviews for it online so I decided to do one. Keep in mind that it just came this morning and I haven't fished it yet so this is kind of a work in progress review. I'll update it as soon as I get a chance to fish it. (possible this afternoon if I have time to throw my new jerkbait with it before we leave for my grandma's house) First impressions: Looks really nice. You can tell they spent time on the cosmetics. It's not the lightest rod ever, but it seems well balanced and it's comfortable to hold with a lightweight reel on it. Another thing I noticed was the skeleton reel seat; it apparently increases sensitivity because your index finger is directly touching the blank. The guides but they look pretty quality, they're all perfectly lined up, and the rod blank is arrow straight. Another thing I noticed out of the box was that it's stiff. Definitely a true MH/Fast action, which you want for T-rigs/jigs/etc. I'll update this ASAP after I test it on the water. Btw it's on sale for $60 down from $80 at Dick's Sports right now; it seems like a great rod for $60 imo. Tight lines. ?
    1 point
  32. I like the 40 size rat but i use the brown color. I dont fish the "bull shads" but i do fish the mattlures shads. The 6" gets the thumbs up in that bait for me. I had a hard time until i started really cranking it. They have video's out now about how mike recommends burning the BS. The bigger baits will draw big bites but you will get less bites. If your into trophy hunting then that may be ok, but you have to be willing to put in a lot of work for that pay day.
    1 point
  33. I dont think a coupon is needed. I got this on my email
    1 point
  34. kk sharky III spinning on sale on kk site...49.98 free standard shipping... good fishing
    1 point
  35. 6" BS is a good size, catches numbers and size. I can't get bit often on gill swimbaits, despite them being a major food item for our fish, so I haven't invested in a Bull Gill. Get the 50 size Spro. Morning dawn would be my color of choice for an all around color. It's a big enough bait they find it at night despite it being a light color.
    1 point
  36. 5" & 6" mostly - I have one of the 9" but I get more bites on the 5 & 6. I just picked up a couple of the new 4" but haven't thrown them yet.
    1 point
  37. Big brownies are fish eaters. Jerkbaits seems to be one of their preferred targets. A Lucky Craft Slender Pointer has been a solid bait for me.
    1 point
  38. Nice. Didn't know 10/0 bass hooks existed.
    1 point
  39. I thought I was the only one. I don't know what it is, but I find the recent trend of red in rods and reels absolutely repellant. It looks wrong.
    1 point
  40. ....said nobody ever
    1 point
  41. No..... The 735 is a heavier powered and faster action rod than the 734 and by all accounts a "heavy". The 735 is one of the most popular frog rods to date. The 735 is also a popular jig rod.
    1 point
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