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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/15/2018 in all areas

  1. NOS (new old stock) circa 1946.
    5 points
  2. A friend of mine's new PB ~ 12.23 lbs Just obscene. ? A-Jay
    4 points
  3. Must be they reached their Pinnacle..... ? can't believe no one beat me to it.
    4 points
  4. http://web-extract.constantcontact.com/v1/social_annotation?permalink_uri=2QzOmeg&image_url=http%3A%2F%2Ffiles.constantcontact.com%2F1f1d0b0a401%2F15974d6a-5c45-45e7-b755-e259d0ab016d.jpg
    3 points
  5. In really heavy timber, I'll switch from a jig to slither rig. @A-Jay has some good pictures of them and how you can put them together. I pure the collared sinkers, paint, and tie the skirt directly. It comes through heavy wood much better than a jig and protects your knot way better than a jig. This is one of mine rigged and ready to fish.
    3 points
  6. My view right before getting to work one day last week...
    3 points
  7. Replenished the south of the border Swimbait stash ~ Not pictured - 2 bottles of Mend-It (gotta have it) Super sweet color selection ! A-Jay
    3 points
  8. There was a good conversation last time I posted my crappie trip results and I promised that I would go into more detail on my next trip. Well, that trip was yesterday. Although they were not biting as well as the last time out (if you can consider 40 vs 80 fish a slow day) we were able to bring home some slabs for a friend who had never had crappie. That also meant I got to clean fish which was not what I wanted to do. This is my version of a crappie 101 and I'm sure others have setups they prefer. Gear: I included pictures of my 2 main setups. Obviously, I only use spinning rods for crappie but you could throw the float setup on a baitcaster if you are so inclined. Both of my spinning rods/reels are Quantum Smoke. Rods are 6'8" MH. I have 6lb mono on the casting rig and 8lb mono on my float rig. I have one longer rod that is a JLM Elite that I use for dropping baits between boats and docks. Presentation: There are 3 main ways I catch crappie. 1. Simple cast and retrieve on the rod with 6lb mono. Vary your retrieve depending where in the water column you want the bait to run. 2. Dropping and jigging the bait between boats and docks. Simply freespool the bait to the bottom (many times that's when you will get bit.) reel up about 2 turns of the reel and simply raise and drop your lure vertically. 3. Casting with a float. This is a great way to catch them and can be used from shore or a boat. I use the 8lb mono on this rig. Run your line through the float, tie on your jighead, put a small pinch weight about 3" up the line from the jighead (this helps the line feed through the float after you cast, acts as a stopper from reeling your jighead all the way to the float and gives better castability). Once you determine the depth you want your bait to be, I just tie a piece of fishing line above the float at that depth (you can use bobber stops). The line will reel up through the guides if I am fishing really deep but I like to keep my depth at around 6' if possible (that's why my rods are 6'8"). I cast the float setup out, let it settle, and then slowly lift my rod tip and pull the float, then let it drop. Pause for 30 seconds, then pull it again reeling up the slack and letting it sit. I do this all the way back to the boat. Most of the bites come as soon as the bait settles. Terminal Tackle: Although you might see a small spoon or a roadrunner or a hair jig in my bait box picture, 99.9% of the time I am throwing the Gamakatsu jighead I pictured. I also have small pinch weights and of course floats. I like the line through floats since crappie are light biters and will spit a bait very quickly. The Jigheads I posted are a personal favorite and are super sharp but it's a challenge getting 8lb mono through double for a Palomar knot. Scents: Most of the juices nibbles, etc., are a matter of personal preference. I us the 2 I pictured. I have found that the casting setup without the float normally doesn't need anything due to the moving action of the bait. I will say the Crappie Nibbles get stolen a lot and are sometimes frustrating trying to rig up. I use them to tip the jigs with either the tubes or curlytail jigs. I personally like the Smelly Jelly because it stays on the lure longer. I will admit, there are time either will increase bites. So there you have it. My go to set ups for crappie fishing and we had a great day. Any questions, just ask. Best of all, everything I showed fits in a small tackle bag and is easy to carry and transport. 3 rods and I can fish for crappie most anywhere. Sorry for the sideways pictures. This site flips and turns them and even if I go back in and edit them based on what shows on the site, they are never right.
    2 points
  9. 2 points
  10. And in an age of $20+ baits, Zoom is a bargain at under $3.00 US. Quality and inexpensive price means they are my "always carry a few" lure.
    2 points
  11. The key to fishing any jig in any cover in my opinion is more about the angler than the jig. If I'm fishing grass with a grass jig & I come across brush I don't change jigs! It takes a little bit of skill to get a Texas Rig or Jig-n-Craw through cover.
    2 points
  12. Doesn't matter, I'll be fishing still! If a picture of my dog with a hat on is the worse we get this winter, I'll be shocked.
    2 points
  13. 2 points
  14. I’ve never done it. In the 30 years I’ve owned a boat with a live well, I never put a fish in it with the intention of releasing it later.
    2 points
  15. One of my favorite articles here on BR is "Normark's Risto Rap," by the late Larry Gonczy. https://www.bassresource.com/fishing_lures/Risto.html Although being discontinued, this bait will always be one of my favorites. I've heard it called the Shad Rap on steroids and it has always performed for me. It had a short run as Rapala soon introduced the DT cranks and the Risto Raps were discontinued. I made a run on these lures when BP put them out for $1 and I made sure I would always have access to this crank. There's nothing better than pulling a 20 year-old bait out of the box and having someone ask you where you can get the lure as you are pulling in a nice bass. I still see them on Ebay and if you are a fan of the Shad Rap, you'll like this lure.
    2 points
  16. Not something we have “all” done. The only fish that go in my livewell also go in my belly. I always have a camera (phone) to take a picture where I caught the fish instead of back at the ramp. Now if I got a monster and my phone died, a fish might have to be relocated via livewell provided it was legal of course. Luckily my boat also has a cigarette lighter outlet to charge my phone haha
    2 points
  17. Keeping the core warm allows the body to properly circulate blood. This means (1) breathable under armor layer, (2) Thermal underwear layer, (3) Fleece layer and (4) Waterproof/Windproof Shell. (5) Warm socks and (6) water repellant boots with goretex, to prevent heat loss through the feet...at this point any (7) glove that sheds a reasonable amount of water and has some insulation should be the final requirement with (8) hand warmers on top of the hands being optional .
    2 points
  18. I switch species, and fish for winter steelhead.
    2 points
  19. Officially full of ***** !
    2 points
  20. Yepper, those are the male reproductive organs. If it were a female those would be replaced by egg sacks.
    2 points
  21. They never want to visit during the daytime ☹️
    2 points
  22. Those large white things are the testicles. I know that sounds like a joke but it’s not
    2 points
  23. I frequent a lake in my area (So Maine) in early spring and late fall targeting rainbows. This lake is stocked with 9” trout, but all the ones you frequently catch are 14-18” with some larger ones too. These are fish that have grown up in the lake for awhile. I like to get my boat in the water just before the sun comes up in early spring. I set a couple rods to troll shiners behind dodgers, or a fly rod, and wait for the bugs to start hatching and the birds to start flocking around the surface. I’ll pull in one of the trolling rods when I start to see the fish rising. These are almost always off shore over 40-70 FOW. I slowly troll around and wait for a fish to rise within casting range and put the bait in front of them. I pretty much exclusively use Berkely Gulp smelts on a jig head for all species of trout and LL salmon. I get about a 50/50 shot at getting the rising fish to bite the jig. If I was more skilled with a fly rod, this would presumably work better for obvious reasons. When the fish aren’t rising, I can pick up a few on the trolling rods, or aimlessly cast a small Johnson blade bait so search around. I’ve been out once in summer time and found a few jigging on the bottom. But there’s nothing like being out in the middle of the lake and watching those pretty guys swimming around with their fins out of the water. Two years ago Nov 15 my BIL and I took his bass boat out to a spot we located trolling in my boat the weekend before. In 3 hours we netted 28 rainbows with several doubles without moving more than a couple hundred feet. He used a perch colored blade bait and I used my gulp smelts, fan casting, we caught equal numbers. This spot was outside of a large shallow flat where a stream came in, but over a steep drop off from 12-50 FOW offshore. All taken within 6 feet of the surface with virtually no rising fish in sight. It’s that time of year, gotta go out and re-duplicate that day!
    2 points
  24. I own a Stradic CI4, a Ballistic LT, and a Tatula LT. I gotta say out of the 3, i'd save a bit of money and go with a Tatula LT off ebay. The Tatula LT is as good as the Ballistic, and quite a bit cheaper. You're just not getting a sealed gearbox, but they share the same polished main gear. All 3 are amazing reels, but for the price to performance the Tatula is really hard to beat. Between just the Ballistic LT and the CI4.. man that's a toss up. They are both killer. I honestly couldn't pick which one I like better because they both bring me a lot of joy. I guess you'd have to break it down to aesthetics and pick the one that looks/feels better to you. You're getting a fantastic spinning reel either way. I dropshot a LOT and I personally use a Tatula LT 3000 on my main dropshot rig. It's amazing... Cody Meyer runs a Tatula LT 3000 for his dropshot setups if that says anything.
    2 points
  25. Who knows. Remember earlier this year when there was a 20% off code floating around that everyone could use on anything? Firearms/ammo were supposed to be excluded, but thousands and thousands of rounds were sold with that discount applied. Also - I had a 20% off promo their customer service gave me for an error they made on a baseball bat I ordered. It applied to anything, on sale or not. If yours is the same - It might indeed work regardless of BF deal or not.
    1 point
  26. January - Strike King Bitsy Bugs and Berkley Gulp Shads Drop Shotted February - Custom Nuetrally Bouyant Cotton Cordell Big O March - Same as February April - Storm Arashi SquareBill Craw Pattern and ZMan ChatterBait + Yum Christie Craw Trailer May - Same as April June - Yum Christie Craw Texas Rigged with 3/16oz Pegged Cone Sinker and Tandem Willow Leaf SpinnerBaits and 1/2oz Terminator Flipping Jigs July - Culprit 7 inch Ribbon Tail Texas Rigged, Senkos Texas Rigged, BOSS Outdoors 1oz Punch Rig + Christie Craw, Berkeley Pit Boss Texas Rigged with 3/8oz Cone Sinker and Hollow Body Frogs and 1/2oz Terminator Flipping Jigs August - Same as July September - Sammy style Walking Bait, BOSS Outdoors Swimjig with various Trailers October - Same as September but also Cotton Cordell Traps and Bill Lewis Rattletraps November - Custom Nuetrally Bouyant Cotton Cordell Big O and Yum Christie Craw Texas Rigged with 1/8 oz Cone Sinkers December - I don't fish this month * just realized I rarely thow a Jerkbait or a Split Shot Rig or a Buzzbait or a Popper and here is the funny part ....I currently live near Erie and St Clair and havent thrown a Tube Jig in over a year : )
    1 point
  27. Similar in length, 2 3/4", the Risto Rap 7 weighs 9/16 oz and runs 7-9 feet. Shad Rap 7 weighs 5/16 oz and runs 5 - 11 feet. The Risto Rap has a thicker body.
    1 point
  28. If A Jay would leave the snow on the yard he wouldn't have to worry about the grass or the leaves.
    1 point
  29. Where do you spend most of your time? In the driver's seat or on the front deck? I would put it where you would use it the most. SE Kansas grass grower
    1 point
  30. One thing that will keep your hands warm all day while winter fishing....... fish in Florida! In all seriousness the only ones I have ever used much are the fingerless gloves with the mitten flap over , but if it’s above 30 i just go barehanded and take lots of pocket breaks and hand switches . If it’s much below 30 My boat gets a little upset about being in the water and I usually bank fish on a point somewhere. That way you always have the option of making a fire. Here’s a picture of the gloves I’m talking about , it was about 26 that day to start and my motor was mad at me for not bank fishing
    1 point
  31. I bought 3 of them, all 7'. Two casting, a MH and a M, and a spinning, M. Can't wait to try them out.
    1 point
  32. An Arky head jig is a good one to cover most of the bases other than football and swim. If you find one with a vertical line tie it makes a good grass jig as well. The Seibert Dockrocker looks like a good one for that. I use a grass jig in brush, mostly because it's so weedy a few places I fish. It's a very weedless jig. One made by a guy on here. He makes all kinds of custom jigs to order. If you want his info, send me a PM.
    1 point
  33. Just a FYI that I saw some Googan baits at the new Gander the other day in Tyler, TX. What I saw looked fine to me, just nothing essentially new that I could detect. Like most of you, I have been down this road, well, quite a few times, and I don't chase new plastics like I used to. Brad
    1 point
  34. I didn’t know that! ...You know you have a fishing problem when your getting your local weather forecast through bassresource.com...
    1 point
  35. I remember when I ordered these from you I said just give me a mix of colors. I just lost this one and think I am out of black and blue. I will need to order more soon.
    1 point
  36. I would be more than willing to try them out, however, I am a high schooler and don’t wanna look like one of the big fans who just buys whatever they say catches fish. So for that reason, unless they become extremely popular among all bass anglers or I get them for free somehow, I probably will never try them out.
    1 point
  37. i live in MA, I'm never done maybe between skim ice and ice out time. That's if we get locked up, hoping we don't. I enjoy winter bass! I also enjoy panfishing in the winter! I never stop. I do a lot more trout and salmon fishing in the colder water as well. Theres always fish to be caught, just need to know where and how.
    1 point
  38. On Sunday, I was casting my current favorite rod/reel combo, and I'm not too sure what happened, what caused it, or why, but on a cast, I had an explosion of line. Hand lined my texas rig back onto the bank, cut it off, and cut out the big ball of wasted line. Retied. Same. Stinking. Thing. Only difference, when I casted, I hear d very distinct and loud grinding noise from the reel. Hand lined my texas rig in once again, only this time it wasn't far, lol. Cut it off, threw it in my bag, cut off all the line, and threw it all in my bag and went home.
    1 point
  39. I cast off an $80 swimbait into an off limits area last winter, don't feel too bad. Hopefully the boat is nothing major.
    1 point
  40. I went on a little trip up to a lake north of me where a freind has a camp this past summer. I was so excited to get out on a boat and fish some bigger water. It was like my second week using a bait caster, bought two new jackhammers for the trip. I forgot to re adjust the breaks from the senco I was throwing at first and made a cast with the first jackhammer got a backlash, snap there goes my new jackhammer off into the sunrise. Tied the next one on, I was so bent outa shape guess what I forgot to do again. Made a cast, snap there goes the other one. I was to inexperienced to change baits without adjusting spool tension. Two new $20 baits gone in the first hour on the water. Not to mention the time to pick out two serious backlashes. Boy was I sad lol. Ended up being a rough morning and a great day once I got over it. Don’t know how this relates but as soon as I read your post it’s the first thing I thought of.
    1 point
  41. Here's a scan of the BPS/Cabelas combined BF deals for this year. nothing really jumps out at me. https://bestblackfriday.com/store/bass-pro-shops Academy's going to have the Lews Mach1 Baitcaster combo for $79, and the H2O express Mettle MT2 reels for $39 - those are actually a decent feeling reel. Onyx Auto-inflatable vest for $59 isn't bad either.
    1 point
  42. 1 point
  43. A-Jay here is the Repoman that I have. It looks NIP but the rear feather has a brown tint like it has some rust to it. Based on one of your previous posts I could trade for some LC pointers in Ghosy Minnow since you want to get ridof them. Allen
    1 point
  44. Your Grampa is right, live within your means. Money you spend on hobbies should be disposable income, money you don't need. Someday you will want to retire and live comfortably, that should be your 1st priority. Tom
    1 point
  45. What your grandpa told you was accurate. That being said if you know anything about the time period he grew up in you'll know everything back then and until around the end of WWII was about what you needed. It was mere survival, and saving everything you had so if things went in the tank again you'd have a sort of cushion so to speak. After the war and the rebound of the nation life became more about wants than needs. A good example that was recently brought to my attention from my mom during my house hunting, look at almost all the houses that are say 70 years old and older. One bathroom (usually) and siblings almost always shared a room. Now a days almost everyone has their own room and there are always at least 2 full bathrooms. Bottom line is if you can afford it and it sounds like you could, go for it.
    1 point
  46. After seemingly endless days of heat and humidity or rain today was a beautiful day. The temperature was in the low 60's with a slight breeze, perfect for a light flannel shirt, jeans, and a little bank fishing. After breaking my slump yesterday I was at a new spot and working the T-rigged Senko. I was working a narrow cove that opened out to some deeper water where the local fishing club had previously dumped Christmas trees near the point entering the cove. It's usually a decent spot to fish but I was having no luck working the bait so I decided to cast and dead stick it for a while. Ten seconds later my line starts moving so I reel down and get ready to set the hook. But I didn't feel the telltale wriggling movements of a fish swimming off with the bait. I was pretty sure it was a turtle, so I reeled gently instead of setting the hook. The line went limp as I reeled it in, but when I pulled it out of the water my Senko was no longer Texas rigged. Something - the turtle - had snipped my Senko near the tie off and I now had a wacky rigged Senko. I figured "what the heck" and tossed my newly set up wacky rig and wouldn't you know it - on that first cast I landed my first fish of the day. It was a dink, but it was a start. It turned out to be a decent day (especially after slumping for a while) although everything I caught was under two pounds. But I'll take it. I rarely throw a wacky rig, but thanks to that turtle I threw it today and it produced.
    1 point
  47. This one was a pound & 2 ounces shy of the PA state record. 22.5" by 17" measured & weighed on two different scales.
    1 point
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