Sort of like the scene in the original Jaws motion picture: the two guys comparing injuries!
All of us leading active lives and old enough will have our collection of these, I think, for sure.
The greatest palliative? Without a single doubt in my mind, it would be to buy a light barbell set, do a simple one single set of around a 10 to 12 reps of around a dozen exercises . . . pretty much without putting the bar down. No, not to exhaustion on any of the lifts, just to work the muscles lightly, work on range of motion, blood flow, increase the heart rate. 3X a week, what, 5 or 10 minutes each time? To this, just long walks work great, don't beat the legs up like jogging.
This is a common MMA training circuit. Randy Couture used to follow it as do many others. You can find what I am talking about on YouTube. You don't need to go heavy, this is an example of where "just going through the motions" is actually very beneficial. Brad