If we enjoyed what we did, I don't think any of us runs out the door screaming and hollering, give a salute, and never think about it again.
We each have our reasons...
For me I was at my 6yr old grandsons first little league game when my son lived in Texas. We live in Florida and when I found out when it was I told my wife we're gonna drive the 17hrs for his game.
After the game was over, he came running over to me with a huge smile, his bat over his shoulders and said "Papa, you gonna be at my next game?" (which was the following weekend)
I said..." No partner, Papa has to go back to work, but we'll practice everyday in your yard before we have to go"
His expression completely change, he put his head down, didn't say a word, turned around and walked away. At that moment I had what they call a moment of clarity!...I knew it. I told Mrs Mike in the car, "That's it...I'm done"
That was 4 years ago. Do I miss it? Sometimes, but I miss the people more than anything. When you find yourself at 5:00 in morning leaning against the kitchen sink with a cup of cold coffee in your hand saying to youself..."Ok, now what are you gonna do" it hits home a little..
And when the people I spoke to everyday for 33yrs, most of whom I hired and all of sudden don't call anymore because there is someone else taking my place..It kinda sets you back.
Anyway, 6 months later we bought a motor home and been traveling and living full time in it ever since. And will continue to do so until the money runs out anyway!!
So...Yes, I missed it, still do to some degree.. I was even lost for a while, but now I wish I would have done it 10 yrs ago.