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  1. 7 points
  2. Caught my new PB Smallie a few weeks ago from my kayak. 22" 5.5lbs. Crushed my previous PB of 16". Yes I used a scale and didnt guess the weight and the fish was released to be caught again. I caught her on a white chatterbait with a small white swimbait trailer. I was sitting up shallow casting into a deep point and slow rolling the chatterbait up the point. I guesstimate she was sitting in 25 feet of water. https://i.imgur.com/GkLrnPL.jpg https://i.imgur.com/H2Tvmqj.jpg She also bent the hell out of my hook. https://i.imgur.com/TPeH7UU.jpg
    6 points
  3. For those that are retired, do you miss what you did? In my case I was a mold maker, tool and die maker, machinist, for around forty years. During that time I had worked for several companies, the last for seven years. My exit out of the work force was not as I would have liked. Some years ago I had back issues and ended up having surgery. Then I had foot issues and had surgery for that . My back ( for the most part) is manageable, but my foot was not. About a year and a half ago the pain started to come back, until finally I went to see the doctor. I was deemed unable to work ( I was on my feet all day) and work sent me home on temporary disability. Over the next few months I saw several doctors and tried several treatments, but nothing worked. It was finally determined I was permanently disabled, and my work days are over. So, here I am, retired at 64 ( two years ahead of schedule ). For the most part my wife and I love it ( she is also has disabilities and can't work). If I stay off my feet and don't drive too far the pain is doable. And of course we love fishing during the week. Money wise we are just OK, but we'll make it. However, I find I miss some things about my job. I certainly don't miss getting up to the alarm every morning, or the stupid business decisions I saw being done. But I miss using my skill and talent, all my years of experience. A normal day for me was machining precision parts and holding a tolerance of plus or minus .0001 of an inch. It was fun and I enjoyed doing it. So, do you miss what you did, or did you retire and never look back. Thanks Jim
    4 points
  4. The last day of every trip to Lake Baccarac is always bitter sweet. So many great bass caught and so many life long memories made. Still the week seem to be over in a flash. We started this 6th and final day of fishing having landed & weighed 47 bass over 7 pounds. Not being content with that, we really wanted to see if we could get to 50. (A concept I may have not believed even remotely possible at the start of this week.) So although it was all self-induced, the pressure was on. Our guide Manuel was especially into it which added an extra level of fun to the whole thing. The morning started off well and by lunch we had met (and actually exceeded) our mark. We were all pretty psyched when that 50th bass over 7 lbs hit the scale. Pretty cool way to wrap up our trip. Both Big Fish Jeff and I managed to end the day with a couple of very respectable fish. And why not ? Now even, although I’ve been home for a few days, I honestly don’t know what else to say or describe how I feel about what happened this week. I guess I’m kind of numb but I’m smiling a lot. So that’s pretty good. Of course the planning of the next trip to Lake Baccarac Lodge is already well under way. A-Jay
    4 points
  5. A-Jay, Thank you for your service. It's nice to see you putting your search and rescue experience to good use, searching for and rescuing all these giant bass you keep showing us.?
    4 points
  6. My situation is not much different than jbmaine. 2 years ago, when I was 61, I was on the first day of my vacation. I was unloading some fishing gear from my truck when I had a sharp pain go down my back into my leg. A few weeks later, I was in surgery for a ruptured disc in my back. I never went back to my job as a commercial food equipment service technician. I'm on social security disability now. I miss almost nothing about the job I did for 36 years. Beginning when I was about 12, I started earning my own money first as a paperboy, and a caddy, then at McDonald's, and retail stores before I got into becoming a service technician. For nearly 50 years, someone else controlled my life telling me where I had to be every day, following their rules. In the last several years, corporate demands were putting more and more pressure on me to do more and more was wearing me out. I have never been as happy in my life as I have been since I retired. Even though I have some physical limitations these days, I have enough money to get by just fine and I'm enjoying everyday. I wish I could have retired years ago.
    4 points
  7. I think no matter the differences of opinion (and everyone is entitled to an opinion, especially on a topic we are passionate about) , the one thing hopefully we can all agree on is; it's never been a better time to be a tournament bass angler or a spectator of the sport. There are now more pro trail options and that means increased exposure for the sport ! I'm actually looking forward to 2019 and hope all of these trails can peacefully and supportively coexist alongside one another !
    4 points
  8. Ended the season today with a bang... time to winterize the boat as the weather looks like it’s taking a dive..
    4 points
  9. Day 5 was a lot like the previous 4. Swimbaits & ¾ oz underspins ruled the day. Fish were a little more scattered than in previous days. Might have even been a little deeper. But Big Fish Jeff and I would not be deterred bringing 8 score-able bass to the scales. Three over 7lbs, three over 8 lbs, one over 9lbs, and our 4th Double Digit bass of the trip at 10.14 lbs. I’m going to let you decide what to call this type of insanely good big bass fishing – I got nothing. A-Jay
    3 points
  10. I'm retired law enforcement. I don't miss it even a little bit. I miss my guys and gals, but I do not miss the work or the sacrifice. I'm down to one blood pressure pill and one stomach pill per day.
    3 points
  11. Boy, was this timely. I retired about sixteen months ago. I'll be 65 in December. I finished 25 years as a police officer/shift sergeant (my second career). I miss the people I worked along side with. I can relate, in that I have a quarter century of L/E experience and it now sits dormant. It seems like a waste. I had offers to become a trainer and an independent consultant but that required more travel than I was willing to endure. The most blaring aspect of retirement is the amount of time I have with my wife. She, nor I were used to being with each other that much. I don't miss the shift work and the shift system I worked was brutal. I don't miss the interactions with the negativeness of the people. I do miss those rare opportunities to impact a person and maybe save their lives or futures and bring some closure to problems. I think I planned well and finances are are not an issue. We live a simple life. Family is everything. I have discovered the simple pleasure of reading. I'm a huge history buff but never had the time to read. I've read 34 books in the last 12 months and love my reading time. Gym time is also a priority. I want to remain healthy and enjoy my retirement. It's taken me a year to figure things out, deal with the financial aspect of retirement and learn to relax. I was diagnosed with PTSD a few years ago, one of the reasons I did retire. It's real. Trust me, it's real. Fishing and interaction with others is therapeutic for me. Now if I can stop looking at every license plate tab to see if it's expired, the rest will be gravy. Doug
    3 points
  12. I will fish a deep diving square bill slow in the winter, few bites but they have been the better largemouth I’ve caught. Also I tend to go straight to the dropshot and use gulp minnows and a Shad shaped worm from Yamamoto.
    3 points
  13. St Croix Avid. Same rod, full handle, normal size guides.
    3 points
  14. Hey guys, just a gut-check here, but let's not get riled up over this. It's not worth it - especially since EVERYTHING is pure speculation at this point; so there is no "right" or "wrong". Ergo, there's no need to seek validation of opinions at this point. Remember - fishing is supposed to be fun!
    3 points
  15. I would personally ditch that 7'10" and just carry a one baitcast outfit and one spinning outfit. You can only fish one at a time, and tying on a different lure should only take a min or so. To much clutter in already cramped space will make fishing miserable for you. Always remember, less is more.
    3 points
  16. Cant wait for the new incredible hulk movie to come out lol
    3 points
  17. I'll chime in on this one since, as I mentioned before, I'm not actually 100% retired. I'm 44 years old, and I'm drawing a pension from the Army. I also receive VA Disability Compensation (90%). I'm currently working as a State employee. I most likely won't work long enough to receive full retirement benefits from the State, but I will receive a partial retirement. My wife, on the other hand, has been a State employee for many years, and she will receive full retirement. Also, between Tricare for Retirees, the VA Hospital, and the Indian Hospital nearby (I'm a tribal member of the Cherokee Nation), health insurance is not a major concern for me. Army Pension + VA Disability + Partial State Pension + Wife's Full State Pension = Easy retirement.
    2 points
  18. I retired from a military career in 2007 at 47 years old. Seems young to some but there was quite a bit packed in to that time. I love reading the interesting and insightful perspective of both those about to and those who have "retired". As each person's situation surrounding this life event is different, mine was also somewhat complicated by my wife's health (she was medically separated from the service the same year as me at age 35 and can no longer work.) 11 years later, here's my perspective on the whole deal. First off, I hate the word / term "RETIREMENT" - I'm not retired from anything until I take my last breath. I still have a life to lead. My job, my career, although I poured my heart & soul into it and loved every minute of it (as so many do with whatever their occupation may be) It never was who I am - it's what I did. The Honor, Respect and Devotion to duty I lived in the US Coast Guard was with me when I enlisted in 1979, came with me when I separated in 28 years later and is still with me today. Always will be. It's served me well and I expect it will continue to do so. I always smile when folks who are currently employed by someone else, find out I can work but don't, and ask "what do you do all day ?" - My response reflects on the fact that for almost 30 years I served my Country and the communities (insert total strangers) I lived in well, while at the same time doing my very best to raise & take care of my family. Now - I have the distinct honor & pleasure of offering ALL my attention & Efforts to those who mean the most to me. When was that not enough ? Best part may be that my previous experience has left me with "a very particular set of skills. Skills that I have acquired over a very long career. Skills that make me a nightmare" for the average day. I like that. That's my story and I'm stick'in to it. A-Jay
    2 points
  19. I believe the difference between the SV system and the Mag z system is mostly with the spool. The reel still uses magnetic force applied to the inductor, though the amount probably varies from reel to reel. The inductor on the SV spools rotates a bit as well as moving in and out, where I believe most Mag z spools only move in and out. I might not have that 100% right but it's the gist of it.
    2 points
  20. 2 points
  21. If we enjoyed what we did, I don't think any of us runs out the door screaming and hollering, give a salute, and never think about it again. We each have our reasons... For me I was at my 6yr old grandsons first little league game when my son lived in Texas. We live in Florida and when I found out when it was I told my wife we're gonna drive the 17hrs for his game. After the game was over, he came running over to me with a huge smile, his bat over his shoulders and said "Papa, you gonna be at my next game?" (which was the following weekend) I said..." No partner, Papa has to go back to work, but we'll practice everyday in your yard before we have to go" His expression completely change, he put his head down, didn't say a word, turned around and walked away. At that moment I had what they call a moment of clarity!...I knew it. I told Mrs Mike in the car, "That's it...I'm done" That was 4 years ago. Do I miss it? Sometimes, but I miss the people more than anything. When you find yourself at 5:00 in morning leaning against the kitchen sink with a cup of cold coffee in your hand saying to youself..."Ok, now what are you gonna do" it hits home a little.. And when the people I spoke to everyday for 33yrs, most of whom I hired and all of sudden don't call anymore because there is someone else taking my place..It kinda sets you back. Anyway, 6 months later we bought a motor home and been traveling and living full time in it ever since. And will continue to do so until the money runs out anyway!! So...Yes, I missed it, still do to some degree.. I was even lost for a while, but now I wish I would have done it 10 yrs ago. Mike
    2 points
  22. 2 points
  23. I use a quicker moving bait like cranks or spinnerbaits, and a slower bait like a jig or t-rig, I tend to start with cranks and spinnerbaits though.
    2 points
  24. Bass, like nearly all fish, are cold blooded animals and their metabolic rate slows down as their body temperature get colder. In simple terms the bass eats less often in cold water. Like everyother seasonal period including the cold water period depth and location are critical factors. Since we don't get severely cold water temps the Shad don't die in mass, the schools tend to go deeper looking for warmer water and the bass do the same. There is always some bass up shallow year around in our lakes after turnover looking for prey Go smaller and slower can work but going big with swimbaits also works. During the winter my lures are jigs, structure spoons, big and small worms, deep diving crank baits, swimbaits and whatever else. Jerk baits work but tend to catch smaller size bass with 3 sets of treble hooks to deal with, not my favorite lure during winter. I use my sonar to search for bass, not lures. Tom
    2 points
  25. I'll let you know after June. I have been with the same Federal Agency for 34 years, have been prudent about stocking the retirement accounts and have a few outside investments. I just had my Financial Planner (personal friend as well) fly in and stay with me for 3 days going over my retirement options with my wife and I. The outcome was surprising to say the least. I will make more in retirement than I did while working and that is a welcome relief. We set up a plan early on and I just continued with it throughout my career and not stressing over it. As far as missing my job......let's just say I won't. I chose a career that puts me in highly stressful and sometimes dangerous positions and has moved me around the country a few times. From Omaha, Nebraska, to Kansas City Missouri, to Boston, Massachusetts, then finally to Washing DC area. From DC, I also got sent back to KC for a year and to Florida for 2 years on temporary details all the while my wife and daughter stayed behind. I have accomplished everything I set out to do and the final personal plateau was to leave a legacy in my agency and I have done that. My name is enshrined on a plaque that recognizes only the highest level of achievement. To me that was more important than the pay. I'm very ready to move on to the next phase and will retire in late June or early July at the ripe old age of 62 and with the funds and health to enjoy many more years of fun travel and fishing adventures. I have been offered a position through the Department of the Treasury to do some world wide travel as a consultant but I have not made a decision on that as of yet. I plan on working for some of my sponsors in the fishing industry more since my schedule will be wide open. I am in a very happy place right now and I only expect it to get better.
    2 points
  26. pond was half frozen, snow on the ground, open water. this was caught on a black blue finesse jig in 3 feet of water near a tree. fish smoked it. im looking forward to winter open water fishin, i go deep near structure with blade baits, hair jigs, slow. i catch a lot of smallies with some decent largemouth. smallies are easier to get tho. I find smaller ponds with water 10 feet or deeper. even if there isnt a deep hole, or hump on the depth map, find the steep drops. cuts or deep points. lot of times i cant mark fish on bottom. its crazy especially smallies willl literally be right on bottom. one day last february or early march, water temps in the low 40s. i was on a pile of decent smallies. i had to be 20-22 feet deep in front of this one house. if i was in 19 feet i didnt get them, i didnt mark any fish either. i saw something directly on bottom that looked weird, turned out it was a 3lbs smallies. it was so small on the finder that it could of been missed. lot of guys do well around MA with jerkbaits in shallow ponds but i only pesky pickerel, so i find deeper ponds with blade baits. i fish out of the kayak and get steady number of fish all winter
    2 points
  27. I could be wrong (no surprise there ), but I think the SV braking is probably what makes it a good skipping reel rather than its light spool weight.
    2 points
  28. Dick's Sporting Goods $10 off $50, $20 off $100 sale online and in-store coupon available until 11/3/18 Lew's Mach 1 spinning combo on sale at Gander Outdoors $49.99 $10% off of that for first time sign ups to their site. Lew's updated the Mach 1 spinning and Baitcasting combos so these are the old model they are trying to get rid of. Amazon has a 30% off code 6KOR2S3A for Kastking Perigee II rods. That brings the cost of this rod down to $41.99
    2 points
  29. California, our water temps usually stay above 45 degrees, so you can use whatever you want. Tom
    2 points
  30. I have used the zoom salty super flukes for over 15 years, and have caught hundreds of bass on them, the biggest one was app. 8 pounds. A friend gave me a couple packs of the yamamoto flukes and the bass really hammered them. 2 packs isnt enough to make a judgment , but I was impressed.
    2 points
  31. Bowfin are like the grumpy older brother of the snakehead...love catching those too.
    2 points
  32. Would you be willing to adopt a son? ?
    2 points
  33. The Earth is neither flat nor spherical, but obviously an oval. I'll let you know once I get my river finished. The only thing I have found pertaining to the production of the lures was on tackleunderground, unconfirmed sources. Good call, I don't think anyone here knows for sure. Thanks for adding a bit of comedic trolling to the thread, guys, I do a share of it myself. I'm still heartbroken over the loss of my value bills and jerks.
    2 points
  34. If you plan on spring, and you are not buying it off the showroom floor, build time for a Lund is 3-4 months. Lund has a new model for 2019 called the Adventure. It appears to be a great option for under $25k
    2 points
  35. For me, in a 14 to 16 ft boat or 12 ft yak, it's usually 4 rods, all between 6'6 and 7'0. I'd rather not bring four; it's just what I usually end up doing: MH/F BC M/F BC M/F spin L/F spin (for panfish, if I'm getting skunked on bass) I'd really like to get confident enough to bring only two (M/F spin, M/F BC), as simplicity really helps when in a small boat. I find it also clears my mind, not just clutter on the deck. I wouldn't bring only one because I believe in backups/redundancy. What makes a big difference in how many combos are comfortable to bring is whether or not you have a rod storage system. Four rods lying on a small deck can be a tangly hassle, but having them stored on holders on the gunnel or in a locker could make it very doable.
    2 points
  36. The weather changed for the better and I didn't want to be stuck inside so I meandered over to the local trout stream. With all the rain we got there are so few calm pools to fish but I found 2 nice brookies to take the Thomas spinners.
    2 points
  37. Swimbait . . . . Gone. A-Jay
    2 points
  38. Ok, now your comment makes more sense. However, since it isn't the topic of this thread, I am going to show restraint and not get into a discussion about that. However, I would suggest that calling other peoples opinions or perspective "crazy" just because it differs from yours is small minded. Go ahead & disagree and list your reasons for disagreement, but to summarily dismiss others without any rationale backing it is pretty weak.
    2 points
  39. I got a $5 chatterbait stuck in a thorny Rose bush yesterday and my trolling motor could barely keep up with the current to go get it . I was very concerned about this $5 bait, so that tells you if I have ever chucked a $100 lure into the river........
    2 points
  40. Ike’s city limits ! (Well ...... without the limits)
    2 points
  41. 1: I feel bad for your scale, that poor thing got a pretty good workout LOL 2: The scenery is breathtaking 3: Are there other anglers on the lake or just you guys?
    1 point
  42. Nice ! 43 fish over 7 in 4 days ? I Ive caught 7 over 7 in my LIFE. Humbling.
    1 point
  43. Earlier this year I caught one I swore was about a 9.5 and a new pb (I typically get a couple over 8 every year, and my pb was is 9lb 4 oz) but my scale only put it at 8.5. I tried this same experiment with a 10 pound dumbbell to verify the accuracy and it read the weight as only being 8...it's rough knowing I probably caught a pb that was nearing 10 but my scale was off.
    1 point
  44. Surprising only one mention of blades. Walleyes love them too.
    1 point
  45. Time to get some blood and slime on the carpet
    1 point
  46. Caught a couple of these in The Gulf not very big but a cool catch!
    1 point
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