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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/28/2018 in all areas

  1. The winter blues are coming this way for sure. When I was younger I enjoyed ice fishing, but now I'm more like this,LOL
    4 points
  2. Got a mixed bag today bunch of short largemouth and short crappie. One 16” largemouth and one keeper size crappie (10”) . Also got a bluegill and a yellow perch, water temp 60 and windy/cloudy/rainy
    4 points
  3. I don't catch any really big smb these days because my shoulders are so bad that I can't hold the fish out that far any more.
    3 points
  4. Wow, it was a perfect day to be kayak fishing. Went to Leavenworth County Lake and caught so many I lost count. Water is still really low but there was a lot of boats out today. Didn’t catch any large ones but I had a blast.
    3 points
  5. You want some cheese with that whine? lol I don't care what baits people throw or how good they think they are because it has zero impact on my skill or fish i catch.
    3 points
  6. 3 points
  7. No one wanted to go fishing today. Better for me. Stopped off at Jim's Bait and Tackle to pick up 3 dozen large fatheads (a generous count) and some nightcrawlers. Hit my first area and caught a bunch of small white bass and small largemouth. Didn't want to waste too much bait on fish I couldn't keep. I moved from dock to dock on this 150 acre in the river system catching about a dozen crappies some more largemouth and a couple cats in the 4-5lb range. Even though action was hot, I was disappointed. All the larger crappies I caught came from this spot, but I was hoping for more. I blame it on the lake being overrun with gizzard shad that I was competing with. Next spot was where Jim from Jim's Bait told me to stop by but the river is in drawdown mode and as soon as I hit the mouth of the bay I was in silt so I turned around and hit my last spot of the day. Pulled the rest of the crappies off 2 docks. I used every minnow in the bucket and the 2 dozen crawlers are resting in the fridge. Ended up filleting about 3 dozen crappies 1 gill and 1 white bass
    2 points
  8. Had a fun day on the lake yesterday, I got finished up with class at noon and obviously headed out shortly thereafter! I caught a couple largemouth in the grass, then I went out deep and found some crazy stuff with my electronics. There were unbelievable amounts of baitfish, and when I saw fish near the bottom underneath them, I knew it was gonna go down. I caught smallmouth, walleye, and pike on a Berkley Dredger 25.5, it was a blast!
    2 points
  9. Man oh man today was strange. Father in law smoked me for about 5 hours and 45 minutes of the day. The last 15 minutes of the day I looked down into my bag at a bait I’ve been wanting to tie on just to see how it looked in the water. It’s a bait I really only purchased for a local private camp with “giant bass” and Toledo Bend. I reached down and grabbed the Savage Gear 5 inch swim bait in baby bass color and tied it on. Second cast got a little 14 incher and let him go. Next cast I felt a subtle thump, then thought my line was running with the current but no....I set the hook and immediately I knew I had a big fish. Father in law about fell out the boat trying to get the net to get this thing in the boat. Beat my personal best by over 2lbs today. Borrowed a scale back at the ramp and weighed in at 4.01lbs and 19 inches long.
    2 points
  10. Industry FIRST frameless tailgate formed rear door! Available now on the CX Revo & Evolve. https://www.4are.com
    2 points
  11. I'd say 5 or 6wt if you want one for both smalljaws and trouts. Reel is not that important in flyfishing as it is a line storage. Just take one that doesn't pinch the line on retrieve. A 6wt is a little easier if you are a beginner, less affected by winds...
    2 points
  12. Mille Lacs water temps 43-44 yesterday. Fish were munching swimbaits
    2 points
  13. You need to join the military! Tom
    2 points
  14. 2 points
  15. I have not ice fished yet but it seems like a lot of fun from the YouTube videos I have seen. I will gladly use live bait as well for ice fishing, especially if it means catching a nice muskie, pike, or lake trout. What do you usually fish for when you ice fish? Be careful in key west, there are some shady people there especially at night.The fishing part of the seven mile bridge is good for snapper, jacks, barracuda, sharks, and other species of fish.
    2 points
  16. Got one on a fluke today and had a school of 6 or 8 fish attack it also, which I somehow missed. Had a 5/0 offset, couldn’t find a straight shank in the boat
    2 points
  17. That picture isn't a bait ball, those are fish sitting on the end of a point. Fish under bait are pretty straightforward, the bait will usually look like a big cloud or blob, and gamefish are usually below them and look like arches, or small blobs. If the cloud is broken apart into smaller clouds with gamefish marks in between, it's game time!
    2 points
  18. Catt waiting on winter to end ?
    2 points
  19. Yeah, neoprene booties are zip up ankle high with rubber soles. I use them to wade in board shorts in FL and other warm spots too. TT = Testicular Thermometer. I usually only wade thigh high in the winter with the boys above the water line.
    2 points
  20. ?? Edit: no light tackle involved, lol! Tuna spinning setups are a blast, but good luck actually landing a giant on a spinning rod..
    2 points
  21. Decided to try out the 6th Sense Super 6 box. I subscribed to the version where they claim they hand pick baits based on your fishing style and region according to a from you fill out. The first one came yesterday and I wasn’t disappointed. Crush 50x Squarebill Crush 100x Squarebill Curve 55 Swimbait heads Swimbaits Divine Hybrid jig Cloud 9 C20 Bobber stops Sticker Cool little bag 10% off discount code
    2 points
  22. It sounds like your buddy was made for the new Bass Pro Tour. Quantity or Quality.
    2 points
  23. If that bothers you you are a tiny bit sensitive, if it bothers you enough to rant in a forum about it, yes you are way too sensitive. LOL
    2 points
  24. My three best friends and fishing buddy's never complain.
    2 points
  25. Another good with with the jerkbait and jig ! To many to take pics of but got a nice photo of the biggen of the day. She swallowed the jig whole , thunk!
    2 points
  26. I have retrieved several rods for guys over the years. All you have to do is take a metal sap stringer and open the snaps. Tie a cord to it and toss it out. Slowly drag it over the area until you hook the line or the rod. Mission accomplished.
    2 points
  27. After a few chilly nights, woke up to 46 degrees here in SE Georgia this morning and almost didn't head out. Was glad I did I after i pulled in a new PB. She weighed in at 8lbs 6oz. Getting closer and closer to double digits!
    2 points
  28. @Catt is that a Carolina rig? Never seen a worm hooked up like that
    1 point
  29. one good thing is you have the 1 in 7 twist, so it should stabilize the heavier 77 grain hunting bullets. You can use the lower power scopes, I used to hunt with a 1X4X20 scope. my old eyes prefer the 3X9X40 I have never had a problem finding a deer with my scopes set at 3X. Shot a doe at 10 yards at 3X with a muzzleloader. I suggest going to a sporting goods store and looking through a few scopes. Some of the 20mm low power scopes have a small field of view.
    1 point
  30. I would go perfect pitch
    1 point
  31. Your fish is what an 8 lb bass looks like, big head, broad back. The first time most people (myself included) see a LMB over 7 lbs up close, it is so shocking that we believe it has got to be over 10 lbs. For me, it took catching 3 over 7 lbs to get the scale in my head right for a bass like yours.
    1 point
  32. A few 19’s and 20’s left in the river. Water temps 44.
    1 point
  33. Came early this year. Really early. It'll bounce back a little bit, but it'll be more like a prolonged "late-fall/winter" kind of October here. Working on a video about it, since we don't often get weather changes so drastic. My question was: Will the October crankbait bite hold, or will it tank. Heck, it IS October... isn't it? I fish the first day fishing history -"October"; I fish the next fishing "conditions". The fact that I had to adjust the second day says a lot about what "Fall" and "Winter" actually are to the fish. Yeah, I'm a curious sort. And willing to be a pig for punishment just to settle that curiosity.
    1 point
  34. I agree, tournament bass fishing is not the only way to gauge ones ability or proficiency.....however it is the standard by which the industry recognizes Proffesionals from Amatuers. But I don't want to redirect the conversation, so I will just say if the Senko is catching them, I won't be to proud to rig up with what's working, but I agree with the posters comment , that being versatile is important and the end goal is to create greater angling awareness and avoid being a one trick pony.
    1 point
  35. Call or use Facebook and get in touch with coastal charter sport fishing. Bluefin fishing is great this time of year. They use light tackle so eat your wheaties. Tell capt dom that DR sent ya.
    1 point
  36. Why are you guys so eager to trash a nice Fish? He never said it was the state record. He took a pic and let her go. then showed the pic later to a F & G guy and HE said it was close to 9 lbs. The angler didn't know what he caught, only that was a big one. If he knew, I'm sure that he would have weighed it IF he had scale. You PA guys should thank him because she's swimming free for the next guy. Plus she's gonna make lots of babies! For you nay sayer's, that fish is slob and is definitely near 24" or 25". WRB's #'s are correct. That fish is 5 hands long. Do the math. Is it a state record? We will never know. Catching a potential record and letting it go isn't unheard of. I know a local angler here that once caught a potential state record. 7+lbs on his scale. He caught it on a Weds. in the middle of nowhere. He didn't have access to a certified scale so he let her go. Some of you guys may call BS on that but it's true story. To back it up, he went out and caught a bigger one! That one is certified as the new MT state record. Congrat's to the angler!
    1 point
  37. With or without a 3 lb bluegill in her mouth? ?
    1 point
  38. Special Order: Reaction Strike XRM100 Deep Jerkbaits + Recent Tackle Pickups WolfyBrandon
    1 point
  39. Finally got my first fish on a chatterbait
    1 point
  40. Contact Dobyns directly by phone or email. Tom
    1 point
  41. Finally got this pic from my buddy. He snapped it over the summer on our trip up to Maine. Turned out to be my PB smallie. Caught at 40ft in water that had 30ft visibility. It was awesome being able to SEE the fight almost every step of the way.
    1 point
  42. The wind shifted out of the north today . High blue bird skies . Water temp 54 degrees . I caught 42 bass on a spinnerbait with 10 over 15 inches . 2 were four lbers .Here is one of them . The first two hours I only had three fish but man they turned on after that .
    1 point
  43. @Siebert Outdoors Fogy kind of weekend. Caught some on other stuff, but the biggest ten or so were all on Fogy
    1 point
  44. @RealtreeByGod, that is indeed a spotted bass
    1 point
  45. Birthday gift Lew’s Mach Crush spinning combo from Dick’s since I wanted the exclusive to DSG colors. The black Winn Grips won’t get filthy like the blaze orange ones. I was able to take it out yesterday and break it in DSG also had a 20% off all online orders this weekend that included sale items. I was able to get a Lew’s LFS baitcaster, normally $100 on sale for $80 down to $60.
    1 point
  46. Had a staycation this week. Mother Nature is bi-polar this time of year around here. I had days of fishing in 3 layers to days fishing in a t-shirt. River Smallmouth fishing was tough as the water temps have really dropped. I was finally able to figure that the crankbait is what they wanted. Here are some of the better catches.
    1 point
  47. Is this a spotted bass? When I caught it, it looked like a largemouth to me and was in an area where I was catching mostly largemouth. But after reviewing the picture, it looks alot more like a spot. I still suck at telling the difference.
    1 point
  48. Just got out of the hospital after a little bout of pneumonia. I know, I'm supposed to take it easy. But isn't taking a leisurely 1 hour stroll along a nearby golf course pond -- just me and my T-rig -- taking it easy? (My wife didn't think so, but that's her opinion.) Anyway, my little Rage grubs were gobbled down by some really nice bass tonight. One of them had a pointy belly due to a massive bluegill in her gut, the tail of which was still in her mouth. She was awfully greedy to want my grub for desert before she could swallow its predecessor. Also, I was blessed by the appearance of a great blue heron, wood storks, a rare (for me) roseate spoonbill, and a beautiful sunset. Now it's time to kick my feet up and relax with a gulp of Robitussin, peruse the pages of BR, and try to burn tonight's little adventure deep into memory.
    1 point
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