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  1. I'll just put a teaser pic in this post and the rest over in the Fishing Reports for my area but I wanted to touch on something here. Saturday I was the co-angler on my buddies boat and another one of my buddies was trying out his new to him boat so we all headed to the Rappahanock river here in Virginia. We all were throwing the same bait on pretty much the same setups. 5" Senkos in the same color (because I provided them) and spinning gear. So, as we worked an area, my buddy in the front of the boat got first crack at the prime spots, I got second crack since I was in the back of the boat and my other buddy got the third crack because he was trailing us. Normally, I try to pay attention to where my boater casts and work other spots but in this river, the pattern was solid, they were on laydowns next to deeper water or isolated laydowns which meant there wasn't a lot of targets to throw at. To put it mildly, I smoked them. I had 20lbs in my best 5 on a river not known for big fish and with 2 other really good sticks fishing with me. I mean not just I did better, they struggled to get bites and I was yacking fish all day. I actually could see the frustration (friendly) mount. My point? Everyone thinks the Senko is an "idiot" bait.......I'm here to tell you it's not.
    14 points
  2. Stuck a nice one this evening on a 10 inch curly tail worm. First time night fishing for bass and I don’t know why I never thought it would work well. Anyways...
    9 points
  3. Got this one 18" 3pounds dragging 1/2oz SK Rocket Shad along the bottom 22fow through weeds. Reel Tatula SV, rod brand that cant be mentioned 7'1" M/F , line 16# Sniper.
    8 points
  4. Been dinkin it up lately. Not much time to fish either with strange weather and other goings on. Last weekend made a poor Saturday fishing trip into a decent Sunday on Briery Creek. Sandy Res Saturday did her typical Sandy disappearing fish act. Marked bait everywhere. I caught 2 bass in 9 hours. My buddy got a decent one kinda early but it was same story for him the rest of the day. Couple dinks was all we could muster. Briery turned the weekend around pretty well. My buddy snagged a 5lber right off the bat, too bad it was short of citation size by 1/2”. The rest of the day we found pockets of bass in some shallow coves but not in others. And a few scattered around in deeper water in main lake. Both of of us missed hook sets on a nice sized fish which we assumed to be the same fish since it was on the same tree. Ive been fishing a Keitech 7.8 for about a year now off and on and had yet to get a solid bite on it until a 3.5lber smashed it! First fish on the big ol paddle tail, had to get a pic of that. The bigger one of the day, 4.5lber, came on a 4” Keitech, along with most of my other fish that day. This weekend a friend of mine got married Saturday and that meant no good chance for fishing. Today around 4:00 I managed to ease off the hangover and waddled my way to a pond about 15 minutes walk from where I live. Caught a dink, then made a cast to a lay-down tree top out in a cove in about 3FOW. Tiniest little tick and then the line started pulling. Set the hook and knew it was a good fish but she was swimming towards me so didn’t get the full picture until she came up just in front of me and flashed that big belly! She made a run under a log and dragged the line around across it for a few very tense seconds! Then I almost fell in the pond trying to get closer to the grass line so I could grab her! 6.0 pounds on the nose and she went 22-1/4” Citation baby! Fall is here and I feel the big bass fever!!
    8 points
  5. That's the great thing about fishing - doesn't matter who you believe. If it works for you, then keep doing it, whatever "it" is...
    6 points
  6. Three of us headed to the Rappahonock Saturday. 2 in 1 boat, 1 single in another boat. River was up, muddy and flowing heavy. Tide was rippin, little to no debris. We worked the mouths of creeks and had very little luck. Switched over to laydowns and isolated cover close to drops and it was on!! For me anyway. Best 5 would have gone 20lbs which is very respectable for this river. All fish caught upriver from the Hopyard Landing. We did go downriver and the water got even dirtier. We were all throwing the same color Senko on spinning and I whacked them while my buddies struggled. Biggest problem was that the color Senko I was using is now discontinued and were part of a 100 count bulk pack that we pro staff get when the QC folks a the plant determine something is not right with the color. Just my luck. I will say this....my being able to work the bait a little differently than the other guys accounted for my success. I guess 20 years of throwing a Senko pays off and the notion that the Senko is an "idiot" bait doesn't hold water. But to my one buddies credit, he went to the Chickahominy River on Sunday and whacked a 6lber on the same bait but Saturday belonged to me.
    5 points
  7. Learn critical tips for success from the master - Hank Parker!
    5 points
  8. This past weekend, my little brother was in need of a boat captain for a high school tournament on the James River. I hauled the boat home from WVU on Friday, and we woke up bright and early Saturday to go put in a day of practice. Low tide was around 10am, which made for good fishing conditions early in the day. We started out in a well known creek near the ramp, and we found a few, but they were small. The previous year, my brother found good fish on main river wing dams, so we decided to give that a shot since the tide was right. No dice, not that fish are supposed to do the same thing each year though. We tried several different locations and presentations, but couldn't buy a bite on the main river. Since we were fishing close to low tide, which is typically the best time to catch them, it told us that it probably wasn't a viable way to fish, we decided to fish more creeks. Our consensus was that since water has been so high and muddy this summer, the fish probably haven't been "living" on the main river, since creeks had cleaner water and probably ample food due to the high water. There are very few creeks in the upper section of the tidal James, which makes things easy since you can cover it all fairly quickly. The tough part is that fishing pressure can effect these areas very easily. We barely slid over a mud flat and made it into a tiny creek, where I caught one 2.5 flipping a drop shot (something people do on the James because of fishing pressure). That gave us a clue as far as how to get the pressured fish in creeks to bite. We had been pitching jigs and Texas rigs at wood cover, but maybe they had just seen enough of it this year, they have had an entire summer getting things dropped on their noses. We tried one more creek, and had good success there. At this point we had already decided to shake off all bites, since the creeks are small and fishing pressure would probably be a factor. It doesn't take much weight to do well at the James, so we couldn't risk hooking anything he would need on tournament day. In that creek alone, we shook off around 10 fish, and they "felt" to be decent sized. My brother was pitching a 7" power worm on a 3/16oz weight, and I was tossing the ol' wacky senko behind him. I was getting many more bites, which was surprising considering how dirty the water was, but we chalked it up to fishing pressure making them behave that way. We tried some different backwater areas to no avail, by now the tide was coming in pretty strong, and raising water levels. My brother told me he wanted to go look in the Appomattox River to check on water conditions. We assumed there wouldn't be great fishing at the current tide, but he wanted to get an idea on if that would be a good backup plan if there was heavy fishing pressure in areas we had already found. To our surprise, we found a great area on a high, incoming tide. I hooked two solid 2+lb bass on a chatterbait, and caught another 2.5+ flipping a texas rig in a bush. My brother and I began shaking off fish after that, we tried 3 other creeks but our bites only came in one 100 yard stretch in the first creek we stopped at. Our practice was the "perfect storm" for a tidal fishery, we found a good bite for both the low and high tide, low tide was around 11:00 on tournament day, so our plan was to fish the first creek until the tide started coming in, and then head to the Appomattox, where the other creek was, to finish out our day. We drew boat number 1 out of 40+, we were thankful that we would get 1st dibs on the creek we planned to fish close to the ramp. My role as boat captain is to drive the boat and not offer information during the event, I do get a handful of "time outs" when I can tell the guys to stop fishing for a few seconds and make a suggestion. We had fine-tuned the wacky rig setup from the day before, with black and blue senkos for the dirty water, and a heavy 12lb fluorocarbon leader, to help with abrasion resistance and muscle the bass away from the wood. I also told my brother to pick up a 1/4oz black buzzbait from the tackle shop, we hadn't tried one in practice but I had a feeling it could be a player early in the morning. Besides that, the only other baits we planned to put to use were the chatterbait, and a heavy texas rig, both of those were for the other creek at a higher tide. When we got to the first creek, boat wakes were pretty thoroughly churning the mouth of it. The tide was still pretty full, but on its way out at a good pace. You would think they would position on cover and feed accordingly with the current, but that was not the case. They fished for a solid 30-40 minutes without hooking a fish, covering most of the good water from the day before in the process. Finally, my brother put decent keeper in the boat on a senko. There is one small stretch of creek that is grassy with gradual banks, a sharp contrast from the steep banks and wood in the other 90% of it. I couldn't tell him, but I was a proud brother when he set down the wacky rig and picked up the buzzbait once he saw this change, and he put another keeper in the boat shortly after making that switch. We had run out of water, but the water level had dropped considerably by now, and the boys began working their way out, fishing the same stuff over again. Wouldn't you know, just like "they" say, those tidal bass had flipped on like light switch. With the same baits, a mere 30 minutes later in the day, the boys got to work. Fish number 3 and 4 were actually a double hookup, I can't net the fish so they both swung them in the boat, and we were excited! My brother's partner put number 5 in the boat 2-3 minutes after #3 and #4, and they quickly began upgrading. We made our way to the mouth of the creek, and my brother saw a fish boil on his senko as he brought it out of the water. He backed the boat up slightly, and made a couple more tosses to the same spot. He hooked what was our biggest fish of the day at the time, about a 2.5lber. As they netted it, he excitedly said "there was a 4 pounder chasing it!". When that stuff is going on, you have found the right area. He put another over 2lbs in the boat after that, and told me he wanted to go fish the tiny creek from the day before to give this one time to rest, before fishing it again. The call to give the area a rest was a good one, and I would have done the same. I wouldn't have gone to fish the other creek, but he proved that he made a good call. They landed one fish that didn't help, but on the same log that I caught the 2.5 on the day before, he pulled out our biggest fish of the day, a chunky 3.7lb river bass! After this, we headed back to the other creek, and once again had it to ourselves. I called a "time out" and told my brother to cut off the buzzbait, and rig up an Evergreen Shower Blows 125 in a bone color. The 4lb fish chasing the hooked 2.5lber is what prompted me to make this suggestion, I told him it was just like one of the little rivers we kayak fish back home. There, fish will get on shallow wood and wolfpack, and topwater is the best way to get the big bites. I told him he may not catch many, but it would be a good way to look for a better bite. He had one miss the topwater on his 3rd cast, which was a good confidence booster. He began working his way into the creek, and about 10 minutes later a solid 2.5+lb fish annihilates his bait right beside a tree! After that, all hell broke loose and the kid couldn't be stopped. He was putting on a show, and I had a blast watching them eat the bait. Despite the dirty water, he would see them nose up on the bait when he paused it, and then it was a toilet bowl flush when he would twitch it one more time! He culled to the point where our 4 smallest fish were all in the 2-2.5lb range, and decided it was time to go to the other creek to try and upgrade, the tide had switched and was just "getting right" for the other place. Upon arrival, things looked good and he started his way in with the chatterbait. We saw 3 fish wake behind his chatterbait but they did not eat it, they didn't eat the senko either when he tried to follow-up. Once again, we made it through the entire productive stretch without a hookup. He picked up the shower blows, and this proved to be the right move, one that I'm not sure I would have made honestly. Within 10 minutes, he upgraded a few ounces, and began catching more fish, fishing through the same stuff on the way back out of the creek. You could almost call the shots, the creek was mainly grassy, but every time there was a creek bend with some wood in it, that's where they were. He would walk the bait in place and make sure to keep it over top of their heads for quite a while, that did the trick. With about 45 minutes of fishing time left, he made the final upgrade of the day with another solid fish over 3lbs. We thought they needed one big bite in the 4-5lb class to seal the deal, but it never came. We headed to weigh-in knowing they had definitely qualified for the state championship, but curious to see how everyone else did. It turns out they didn't need a kicker, and they actually had the tournament won at about 10:30am, proceeding to put several nails in the coffin throughout the day afterwards! They had 14 and change, besting 2nd by 4lbs, and 5th by 7lbs. They did a great job, they kept their feet on the gas and didn't get too cocky or careless when fishing was good. Execution was great as well, there was one mishap with a net early on but the fish was hooked well and ended up in the boat. Besides that, every fish hooked was put in the boat, pretty impressive for close quarters around heavy wood cover! I love being a captain in high school events, I had many generous people do the same for me when I was their age, so I feel as though I owe it back!
    5 points
  9. The ping didn't bother this one, or many others that day. Was fishing in 38' water.
    5 points
  10. @Gundog I want you to know that I appreciated your words of wisdom to take care of myself after last weeks rib breaking event, but I am in some ways a glutton for punishment, call me crazy, or whatever else might come to mind but somehow sitting in my yak in pain is still better than sitting at home in the chair lamenting the fact that the months of frozen water are not far off. So, I went out Sunday and bagged 5.
    4 points
  11. I spoke to Adrian Avena and he said he was offered $50K that would be wired directly to his bank account if he agreed to stay with B.A.S.S for 3 years. So if he was offered that im sure all the Elites were offered that, not only the top guns. Everyone except Duckett im guessing lmao.
    4 points
  12. New tread, needs polish, original owner.
    4 points
  13. Pumpkin #1. We're gonna wait a bit, until temps come down from the 80s to finish the others.
    4 points
  14. 4 points
  15. Old Timers Inc. got the metal roof on this morning despite a couple rain showers
    3 points
  16. I used to use Normans until I decided I didn't actually hate myself. Now I use good snaps on Cranks. Nothing else
    3 points
  17. Long time lurker. The forum is great! This thread sparked my interest, since this summer has been the toughest I can remember. I would like to blame it on the loss of grass, but I primarily fish deep ledges near the river, mid-lake, and those areas have not had grass for several years. I had one super trip (for me) late July, when I caught 5 in an hour weighing 20+ lbs, the largest 6.5. Other trips meh. This past weekend was a little encouraging. Sunday AM was cloudy and choppy, and I caught several the first 2 hours on a shallow flat just off the creek, using a spinnerbait and trap. No great size, just keepers to 3.5 lbs. It was a relief to get some shallow action for a change. Thank you, Catt, for a great job! Bring on the fall!!!
    3 points
  18. The cadence a diving lure is retreived is just as important as how deep in runs. With bottom bumping crankbaits as soon as it makes contact stop reeling, then try different number of turning the crank from 1, 3, 2, 4, 1 etc and a rod pump vary that cadence until you get strikes. Strikes can be the lure feels it's gone, the wobble stops, could a bass or weeds, I just crank and rod sweep, if it's a bass thr fights on, if not and the lures action feel right keep working it or retrieve it and clean off whatever fouled it. Just casting and winding a lure back without any cadence may work, but not for me, I like to work lures. Tom
    3 points
  19. After having so many fish come close to the boat recently (in some very clear water) I'm starting to feel like my 360 imaging actually attracts fish ! #hydrowave A-Jay
    3 points
  20. I took it as he simply won't drive over the spot/area first, instead preferring to use his mapping to pull up short of the structure and just start fishing.
    3 points
  21. I fish Chatterbaits using my jig rod, reel and line because it's a jig with a blade. Tom
    3 points
  22. Sad day indeed, sorry to hear. Something similar happened to be a couple months back. I was leaving a local lake with my kayak in my truck bed and I mistakenly just sat my tackle bag on top of the yak and drove away instead of putting it under the bungees. About 5 mins later while driving up the road a biker came riding up beside me and pointing at me to pull over. I do and he pops open his saddle bag and hands me my entire tackle bag that had fallen off of my truck. He said he saw it laying on the road and figured it obviously fell off of someones vehicle so he just turned around and started back this way looking for someone who looked like they might be a fisherman. The kayak hanging out of my truck bed was a dead giveaway lol. Still some good folks left out there. About 75% of all the tackle I own was in that bag, I'm glad he cared enough to try to find who it bag belonged to...
    3 points
  23. @A-Jay Hey man, thanks for the suggestions. I looked at the program and it sounds sweet. I have a friend who did that and she really enjoyed it. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again; still tryna be like you when I grow up. Hope everything is well on your end. ? @volzfan59 Hats off to you man. Thanks for reaching out. @Choporoz Solid advice man. I’ve been working out since I was fourteen; I got into really good “fitness” shape (running 11-12 miles, doing obstacle races, etc) and this year I’ve been focusing on bodybuilding and trying to bulk up some. Just starting back into running and bodyweight stuff as well. Honestly the physical aspect of it is what I’m mostlokking forward too. Working out is a huge part of my life. @Sam thanks for the support man! You’ve always encouraged me to work hard and have fun while doing so. Hope everything is well on your end. @NHBull oorah! @riverbasser @Pro Logcatcher @Oregon Native @flatcreek @lo n slo @CJE @Angry John thanks guys!
    3 points
  24. Had a good evening catching several decent bass and this guy on a weightless wacky stick worm. Gave this old man a real workout.
    3 points
  25. This past Thursday, also at lunch hour. Started with same Texas rig worm as day before, but switch to spinner after seeing some bait fish breaking. Strike King Mini Spinner 1/8oz. Single fish of the day. My single fish from the prior day was much larger and probably a solid +4lbs. This guy was closer to 2-3lbs. I really try to play the fish quickly, land by lipping and keeping the fish from touching anything once out of the water. Consequently, I don't get photos next to my pole for scale. I'm not good taking photos solo. Any suggestions?
    3 points
  26. Buzzbaits and poppers are 2 different rods for me. I’m using the same rod I’d throw a spinnerbait,swimjig, or bladed jig on for buzzbaits. Something around 7’2 that’s mh/mod-f. I’d also throw a plopper on it. For poppers I want a shorter rod about 6’10 and my preference is a med/f.
    2 points
  27. That basically sums up my dilemma, they’re only half a power apart I feel like I should go with the Addermine as I have plenty of options for the lighter side of things but don’t really have a good spinning rod I can fish wacky senkos with.
    2 points
  28. I got an email claiming I have won $50,000. All I have to do is send them $200 to pay for shipping and handling.
    2 points
  29. The key to not getting "snagged" when flipping, pitching, or punching is to keep you presentation a vertical as possible & still be effective. When bank fishing the thickest vegetation is usually at your feet & out a couple yards. This area usually don't hold fish because it's to shallow. You need to have the ability to lift your lure up & over the thick vegetation, a long rod is a definite advantage.
    2 points
  30. It's all about confidence. I tell myself I need to fish a jig and crankbait more. So I tie them on and fish them. I catch 1 or 2 if I am lucky. My brother catches 4 or 5. Then I get my wacky rig and start slaying them...it's all about confidence.
    2 points
  31. Dangle some senkos from the 360
    2 points
  32. I've caught so many fish while "fishing the cone," I'm in the doesn't matter camp. I'm fishing at least 12' deep though, so maybe that's the difference. That said, I don't skip spots just because I didn't mark fish. Often, I see them rise from the bottom, to a drop shot plastic, and then you feel the bite.
    2 points
  33. Braid for me but I throw them around Lilly pads and thick grass.
    2 points
  34. 16# Sunline Sniper. Throws as far as I need.
    2 points
  35. Boy, today was a day. Couple weeks ago I broke my Dobyns rod. Thanks to their awesome no fault warranty, all I need to do is show up to a retailer, pay $80 and I get a replacement, no questions asked. Only real problem is the only retailer in the state is about 2.5hr drive away. -sigh- Brother didn't have class so he decides to come with me and wait for my class to end. We then have lunch at Taco Bell. Well, my thought was I'd switch from a spinning setup to a baitcaster. So I asked folks here and, thanks to a larger than expected paycheck, splurged on a Shimano Curado 150 DC with 8.5:1 gearing, left hand retrieve. I figured the DC would be a boon for my learning how to operate a baitcaster. So I then ask about the rod - apparently they can only give an exact replacement and only if in stock. Despite being the same price and series, I cannot switch from a spinning rod to a baitcaster. To do that, I have to send in in to Dobyns and spend another $20. **** me. Just drove over two hours to be told that. Should have called first. I'm a little steamed because I had wanted to go fishing after we got my new rod/reel. So after walking around the store, I ask for a cheap rod in the 1/4-1oz range. Dammit, I'm gonna use this freaking reel today!!! I'm thinking Ugly Stick. Guy says no and hands me a 6'6" Berkley Cherrystick HD. $25. BINGO. I head over and get a 150yd spool of Suffix 832 in 15lb. Guy spools it for me while I go pay for everything. So I walk out with two rods and a new reel along with some hooks, snaps and some Bio worms. It's an hour and a half drive to Piedmont Lake, so we take off. Get there around 430p. Nice. I grab the reel and put it on the rod and tie on a 1/8oz bullet weight with a swimbait hook with screw keeper and a blue/black Bio worm. I get the instruction manual and start to figure out the settings. I hit the spool release and the lure drops. Not thinking, I let it hit the ground and BEFORE I EVEN CAST THE d**n THING, have a MASSIVE overrun that I have to completely cut off the spool. Never even used it and I lose an entire spool of braid. I'm ticked. VERY ticked. So I grab my spinning reel and tie on the Berkley Super8 to my Curado and spool it up. Manage to make a few casts before I manage to get another overrun. This time I manage to only have to cut off about 1/3 of it because I discovered the side plate and pull the spool out. By now, I think I've got this thing figured out and only encounter a few more minor birdnests that I can pull out. Having had no luck with the bullet weight Texas rig, I switch to a Spook. No go. I then try a whopper plopper. By now, it's getting late and there are lots of little fish jumping the surface. I work my way down the shore and about 15ft out, I GET A BITE!!! I set the hook and haul in a decent sized largemouth! I had another fish go after the whopper later - saw it follow in and open its mouth and attempt to go but I yanked too soon and it missed Shortly after that, I get sick of being eaten alive by bugs and we call it a night and head home. 9pm rolls around and we pull in. Managed to go from Marietta to Akron to Piedmont to Beverly on a single tank of gas in my Jeep. Once home, bro goes and makes us some Mac & Cheese. [/img] Mmmm... So, all in all, not a bad day. Pics to come shortly.
    2 points
  36. At least it was lost, I've had all my gear stolen once and my boat stolen once, awful feeling.
    2 points
  37. Won't find me without one tied on with all the tidal water around here....Will catch em just about year round.
    2 points
  38. I was planning to shoot a video on a fall pattern I enjoy, but a serious cold front, with snow, has rolled in, and is just sitting on us. The bummer is that it won't come around again until next year. Maybe I'll get lucky, next week, and catch a piece of it yet. But I think the slide has begun.
    2 points
  39. Speak for yourself buddy . . . . I'm a master caster! ?
    2 points
  40. Try the Mustad Fastach clips. Easy to swap lures and they're strong
    2 points
  41. I would NOT use a snap for hollow frogs and Texas rigs. There's too much shock applied at the hookset. Anything that comes with a split ring to tie to, I replace the ring with a Duo Lock snap.
    2 points
  42. 2 points
  43. Tis the season! We had a pumpkin carving party at the neighbors house, complete with freshly made cider and doughnuts from our local orchard. Oh yeah and pumpkins from the patch. Fall is here and I'm liking it!
    2 points
  44. BOOMCHUCKALUCKA to Jmhalvo!!! Way to go? You made the right decision obviously! I did get out this morning... 54 degree water... nothing on Plastics, Chatterbait... one on a jerk bait. Then switched over to a Mop Jig in the remaining pads near deeper water and got an 18, 19, two 20’s and a 21 incher in a little better than an hour. Best 75 minutes of the year?
    2 points
  45. Congrats on the new reel! It will take some getting use to, but it will be worth it in the end. BTW, your largemouth is most certainly a smallmouth.
    2 points
  46. 1/8 oz spinner for some fall finesse, and a Whopper Plopper 90 because I watched this. Two rod socks, which could only mean I'm waiting on two rods in the mail
    2 points
  47. Well, she isn't huge but she taught me a painful lesson...don't use your ribcage as a brace! Yup, cracked a rib trying to horse her out of the pads. This getting old thing is well...getting old.
    2 points
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