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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/27/2018 in all areas

  1. Nothing like a beautiful sunrise, flat calm water, and a big ole’ bass on topwater to start the day! And on a side note, yes, those are a pair of $3.00 safety glasses I’m wearing. I’m glad a friend suggested them, because they are best I have found for those very early morning runs to your first spot! Good fishing all, JB
    9 points
  2. I throw Berkley Big Game 15# on everything except punching & heavy cover frogging. Never had an issue feeling bites, losing fish do to stretch, problems with knots.
    6 points
  3. This, was my ride home from work and the ramp I loaded back up this afternoon. Pics don’t do it justice, the rollers were 6-8’. Just another “lovely” fall day on Georgian Bay.
    6 points
  4. Sunrise on Lake Minneola - Clermont Chain - Clermont, FL
    6 points
  5. After a couple less than stellar days, the stars aligned and I had the best 2 hours of the year. Found fish in Spring spots and revisited an old friend ( chatterbait!) 3 fish for 12.6 lbs with a 5.1 SM topping the list. Missed a bigger LM at the boat. Note to self, close the cleat, it tangles the net?
    5 points
  6. One of my favorite ways to end most any day ~ A-Jay
    5 points
  7. I've been fishing with Trilene Big Game ( in several tests ) for decades, have caught thousands of fish and several dozens over 10 pounds, I fish with it 90% of the time.
    4 points
  8. As a fellow Golden Stater, I have to say your Californianess is showing. The lakes & areas fished by other folks in other parts of the country are oh-so different than that in both Northern & Southern California, as is the culture in those areas about guns. To apply Northern California sensibilities to Alabama, Georgia or Tennessee is very narrow minded, even if we set aside the insults you threw in. If some dude from Oklahoma came on the site & started railing about what wimps people are on the West Coast because of their restrictive gun laws, he would be out of line. You did basically the same thing from the other side of the fence and it is just as crappy.
    3 points
  9. Cotton Cordell super spot is my go to.
    3 points
  10. On May 8, 1945, Allied Armies across Europe received a simple message in Morse Code. Dot Dot Dot Dash, or V for Victory. The Creek Chub Victory Bomber, circa 1946.
    3 points
  11. A few days ago we were out on the lake fishing. As we only fish during the week the lake is usually more quiet . That day we had the lake to ourselves, except for a couple of guys in a Nitro with a 200 hp. something or other on the back. I knew there was a tourney coming up that weekend so I guess they were practicing. I couldn't help but feel sorry for these two poor guys. The lake is not that big so it was easy to watch them thru out the day. They must have had motor trouble because it seemed to be stuck in WOT. They were zipping along at full bore everywhere, close to shore, thru no wake zones, close to us, you name it. Also they seemed confused, like they couldn't figure out what to do. They would zip here, cast, cast, cast, then zip there cast, cast, cast, over and over and over, like mosquitos buzzing around. I felt so sorry for them, the whiplash and wind burn must have been horrible for them. Meanwhile my wife and I were on a long submerged weed line. I had set the TM to slowly move us thru it and we were catching fish after fish. I am actually grateful to them. Catching all these fish is tiring, and if it wasn't for the big waves they generated running past us 25ft. away at WOT, we might have fallen asleep. Later on we were putting by the marina and I saw them tanking up their boat, and heard them complaining how bad the fishing was. Those poor guys. I hope after gassing up that big boat, they had enough money left to fix their motor so it wasn't stuck in WOT, and hopefully enough left over for some meds to handle their whiplash, wind burn and frustration. Meanwhile, my wife and I caught plenty of fish, and had a wonderful day. Jim
    2 points
  12. Here is Feider's announcement. Pretty hilarious! *Caution* there's a naughty word but worth the watch! https://www.facebook.com/SethFeiderFishing/videos/vb.349372135139714/1211022409053112/?type=2&theater&comment_id=1211030542385632&notif_t=video_comment&notif_id=1538076147217317 Here is Feider's announcement. Pretty hilarious! *Caution* there's a naughty word but worth the watch! https://www.facebook.com/SethFeiderFishing/videos/vb.349372135139714/1211022409053112/?type=2&theater&comment_id=1211030542385632&notif_t=video_comment&notif_id=1538076147217317
    2 points
  13. 2 points
  14. I tried the diagram in otters post just now multiple times and the leader kept slipping out. If I swap the leader and mainline and use that method I end up with what looks like an Alberto just tied the opposite way. But that’s the only way I could get it to hold. Tried 20# braid with both 20# fluoro and 6# mono. I use the alberto knot myself and haven’t ever had issues and goes through guides just fine. Funny thing is swapping the lines when I tried the Yucatán my knot seemed smaller than my Albertos using 7 wraps with each.
    2 points
  15. I have two of the Loomis MagLight/XF spinning rods and imho they are about the prefect power and action for the Ned or really any “small plastics on a jighead” fishing.
    2 points
  16. Barlow's Tackle has a 4" Pocket Craw that's very similar but without the ribs. https://www.barlowstackle.com/4-Inch-Pocket-Craw--P81.aspx
    2 points
  17. I have braid spooled on frogging and heavy cover combos, but for everything else I use Trilene Big Game.
    2 points
  18. I prefer fluoro or copoly over braid on casting gear, by a long shot.
    2 points
  19. I agree it is good for us the viewers and hopefully it can get the younger generation into fishing. It appears to be good for the anglers as well if it does indeed put more of the green stuff in their pockets. It's been said many many times by the pros themselves that only a few guys make a living doing this. What I'd really like to see is end of the year or beginning of the year 'Classic' type of tournament where all three tours put money in and have their top 10-15 guys in points go up against the others have a $1million or more top prize. You've got the rivalry aspect which everyone has wanted to see (more so now I imagine) and you've got the money aspect. One million dollars to win a fishing tournament? Who wouldn't be interested in that? The bass fishing world championship Verbal trademark no one else can use it!?
    2 points
  20. Your paint jobs are just fine. The bass don’t care. Perfectly painted baits impress other fishermen more than they impress fish.
    2 points
  21. No doubt this is improving the sport for the viewer and I'm excited to see where it takes us. But I can't help but think this whole thing feels like The Civil War of Tournament Bass Fishing ~ A-Jay
    2 points
  22. Big Bite Baits either criminally stole the mold from Lake Fork or a patent expired somewhere. https://www.tacklewarehouse.com/Big_Bite_Baits_Craw_Worm_10pk/descpage-BBBCRWW.html I have both and compared side by side they're the exact same bait. Big Bite version is much cheaper per bait (they've been on sale at TW forever) than Lake Fork and the additional 3" size baits are killer on a dropshot.
    2 points
  23. Indeed. I did mine (made 3 flatsiders) from scratch before I remembered I could have bought them online lol. Still can’t paint a darn. Hopefully i I posted the pic corrected. The crankbait with the red chevrons caught a 20+” rainbow trout. The teetch are are reminiscent of WWII fighter jets and my trademark. ? The bass one I haven’t really fished with because I’m too chicken to lose it. The black top silver belly minnow went 2 for 3 on its first time out, in the rain. I might make a few over the upcoming winter break. They’re all made through wire vs screw eyes on because they’re balsa baits.
    2 points
  24. My best friend is fighting cancer. The statistics for people in stages similar to his arent in his favor. But he is a fighter and has found other Drs for more aggressive treatment. Hes spent the majority of this year in the hospital and is unable to work. Its my goal to share his story. Im hoping the community will be gracious and donate to him for a good cause. Thank you all for readin. Please take the time to read the update posted by Yvonne in the link below. Thank you all from the bottom of my heart. Fundraiser by Yvonne Reyes : Help Jonathan Fight Leaukemia. https://www.gofundme.com/9h9s3ke384
    2 points
  25. looks like there is a site wide ebay 15% off discount for 9/27. code is "picksoon" starts at 10:00am PDT
    2 points
  26. I started with Original Bill Lewis Rat-L-Traps 25+ years ago. Always caught fish on them. When the Strike King Red Eye Shad came out, I jumped on the bandwagon and fished them almost exclusively for a long while The last few years has been "play around with different lipless baits" for no other reason than i was bored with the R.E.S. It didn't stop working, but I just wanted to try new stuff. I also got a little dismayed at the number of people tossing SK cranks in general....seems like EVERYONE around here throws them, and wanted to be "different" in that aspect. Over the course of my playing around with many many different brands and styles the last few years, the standouts have been: The Spro Aruku Shad, the Jackall TN Disk Knocker (a little $$$ for me but dang it's pretty and works), plus the Damiki Tremor (especially the silent version). And let me tell you about the Ima suspending trap....shhhhh..never mind. Honorable mention to the Berkley Warpig (I fished the Warpig almost exclusively this year and while not unproductive, I wasn't "wowed" by it, but it's a solid bait), the Lucky Craft LV500, the good ol' dirt cheap Cordell Spot, and the various Booyah/old x-caliber baits. Rapala, Yamamoto, Livetarget, Livingston, Savage Gear, Lunker hunt, and Storm lipless baits have not been worth the packages they come in....for me...YMMV. I am interested in trying the Azuma line of baits, and maybe the R2S Rukus next. I guess I don't have a favorite....I like them all LOL.
    2 points
  27. I prefer using Bill Lewis Rat-L-Traps and Cotton Cordel Super Spots.
    2 points
  28. Update! Just caught my new PB using a 5 inch Watermelon Seed Yum Dinger! Casting out to deeper water definitely made the bite slower, but yielded bigger fish.
    2 points
  29. 2 points
  30. I understand and can appreciate that...However as someone that's been officer/leader of a bass club for a long time I can say that full member votes can often go sideways from the original direction or intention of the group...Not that it's necessarily bad, but sometimes full member votes turn out to be bad things. Not trying to compare a local club to a pro organization or anything like that, but in a general/functional sense there would be some similarities. Are all 80 considered owners/investors? All of them are going to get a piece of the pie? Or is it the original MLF investors and then the rest are entrants/participants, but all have a vote? I'll be watching everything...BASS, FLW, BPT, whatever...I'd watch a BFL or club tournament if I could stream it live, I'm just a bass fishing junkie . I'm not a BPT 'hater', but BASS Live is going to be hard to compete with regardless of the anglers on camera (BASS is likely to retain some hammers too). I'm not a fan of the delay for the Cups and Championship events...My interest level goes way down if the event is not fresh. When you can follow the lead up to the tournament and then the post-tournament analysis and techniques it's a lot more interesting. I don't like watching any sport on tape-delay, especially a ~6 month tape-delay.
    2 points
  31. I guess I'm not the only crazy person here. Could care less what I wear but wouldn't dare mix up my rods and reels.
    2 points
  32. Chloe is ready to go fishing!
    2 points
  33. As the saying goes, Life is 10% of what happens to you and 90% of how you react to it. Words spoken can never be unsaid. Actions taken can never be undone. But, the results of those words and actions can affect you for the rest of your life, both positively and negatively.
    2 points
  34. Costa 580G green or silver mirror with copper base or Smith Chromapop+ or Chromapop Glass in ignitor/copper/brown lenses.
    1 point
  35. Look at getting a rod that is 8"6" long or longer- Cheap ones are the 9ft ugly sticks. Usually 12-17lb test main line. 3000-4000 size reel. Hooks size 2 or smaller. You need good strong hooks. Split shot weights- Remember you can't buy lead split shot in NY. Life vest would be a good idea- mandatory on Oswego River. Bait- go with salmon egg imitations until you catch and then use skein. Waders and korkers another good idea. There will be plenty of people around. Don't be afraid to ask questions- some of them are very helpful. Also there are a couple of shops up there that will take care you.
    1 point
  36. I did take the plunge and combined.....a Diawa Tatula rod and a Shimano Curado K reel. Lighting has not struck me dead yet. it has only been a month or so since. FM
    1 point
  37. Now that I have spent at least a full season with each, if I was in need of a rod that was offered in both lineups, I would pass on the elite. That is not a slight against the elite because the elites are awesome rods, I just feel the original Tatula is that good.
    1 point
  38. Monday night, Boudreaux put his lil’ 3 year old daughter Clotile to bed, tole her a story and listened to her prayers – an’ what she done said was some kinda somethin’… “God bless Mommy, God bless Daddy, and God bless Grandma and goodbye Paw-Paw.” Perplexed, Boudreaux asked, “Mais cher, how come you say goodbye Paw-Paw?” The little girl said, “Shoo, I don’t know, Daddy. It just seemed like the thing to do.” Paw-Paw died on Tuesday morning. You probably ain’t surprised that Boudreaux thought it was a strange coincidence. An’ then four Monday nights later Boudreaux put dat lil’ girl to bed and listened to her prayers which went like this: “God bless Mommy, God Bless Daddy and goodbye Maw-Maw.” Tuesday afternoon, Maw-Maw done died. “Mais what?” thought Boudreax. “I got me a daughter what’s in contact wit’ dat other side.” Several weeks later when the girl was going to bed the dad heard her say: “God bless Mommy and goodbye Daddy.” Dat done gave Boudreaux a good case o’ de frissons. He practically went into shock. He couldn’t sleep all night and got up at the crack of dawn to go to his office. He was nervous as a cat all day, had lunch and watched the clock. He figured if he could get by until midnight he would be okay. He felt safe in the office, so instead of going home at the end of the day, he stayed there, drinking coffee, looking at his watch and jumping at every sound. Finally, midnight arrived, and Boudreaux breathed a sigh of relief and went home. When he got home his wife Marie said: “Mais, I never seen you work so late. What’s de matter?” “I don’t wanna talk about it,” Boudreaux replied. “I done just spent the worst day of my life.” Marie said, “Mais, you think you had a bad day, you never gon’ believe what happened to me this morning. You know Thibodeaux, de golf pro at de club? Dat po’ man, he dropped dead in the middle of my lesson.”
    1 point
  39. I say to each his own, as long as its legal. If you wanna chum and catch them that way, go for it. I prefer to use artificial baits only, but plenty of people I know fish with live bait. Nothing wrong with it, its just their preference vs mine. For me personally, I'd say its 75% 25%. 75% of my enjoyment is figuring out how/where to the catch the fish at a particular time/day, and 25% is the actual catching.
    1 point
  40. My OCD would not allow me to put a Daiwa reel on Shimano rod (or the other way around). For that reason alone, I’d go Tatula lol I have never handled a Zodias but I have owned 2 Tatula rod’s. One of the original gold and black ones and one Elite. They are both fantastic for the price point.
    1 point
  41. Rattl'n Vibe 5/8 are my first option. Rippin Rap, one knoker booyah or Xcalibur, Buzzer Beater tungsten of Evergreen and Duel Flasi'n vibe complette my top dice.
    1 point
  42. Many Bass Anglers (including myself) consider Fishing a sport or even an art; and most don’t find chumming for Bass to be very sporting. And if it’s really only about catching Bass and not how they are caught, then why not consider dynamite or electroshock equipment. because you will have your limit in no time.
    1 point
  43. Thanks for the update lady Mopar. After fishing the place for 35yrs you'd think I would have known it's always the 3rd Sat in Oct.
    1 point
  44. The biggest contributor to a successful FG knot is to keep the braid under substantial tension all the time. If this is accomplished the braid will lay on the leader tightly with every weave looking perfect. The challenge in doing this has always been that most of the time I couldn't keep the braid under tension in my teeth-sooner or later it would slip. Here is what changed my FG life-and is a lot more comfortable on the teeth. Get one of those reusable twist ties from a hardware store, one of those about 3/16 in diameter, about 6 inches long. They have a soft surface and a wire inside. Bend it into a V and wrap the braid around it a few times at the V, then bite on it and the thread together. No slip, no tooth discomfort, no chance of damaging the teeth, and you can hold good tension on the braid while you make the weaves. The form of the knot is perfect, and since each weave can be made quite tight, when you get twenty of them on the leader, there will be no slip. Now maybe there are some lines I haven't tried that need their coating scrubbed off, so that should help. But since I've been doing it this way I get a perfect knot every time, and no tendency to slip while doing the half hitches. I tension it very tightly after doing the weaves just as before, but now I never get one that slips during tensioning.
    1 point
  45. Why would that be so hard to believe? It's been done for as long as I can remember in all aspects of sales not just the fishing industry. Real-world tests don't lie. Marginal performance difference at best.
    1 point
  46. 1 point
  47. Fishing with live bait the crawdad needs to be lively and have small claws or no claws for young adult size bass. The nibbles you feel could be crawdad kicking to get away from a bass or the bass trying to declaw the crawdad. Try removing a Claw by holding the arm with needle nose plier until the crawdad drops the arm off. Also get size 4 drop shot hooks, thinner wire then a bait holder hook. Also nose hook the crawdad carefully through the shell in front of the eyes, no further back so it doesn't kill it. Nose hooking allows the crawdad to swim freely. Fall is a transition time and bass may have moved to deeper areas. Tom
    1 point
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