Hi all,
My wife and I were out today fishing a lake we have a long history with. It used to be our favorite lake and an excellent bass fishery. However some years ago there was a water quality issue and the fishing pretty much died. We have fished it every so often for years just to see if there were any signs of life, and this fall we have actually been catching some healthy smaller LM.
Today started out as usual with a couple of healthy looking dinks being caught. I told my wife this was a good sign and she said " there has got to be some big fish in here to make all these little fish, doesn't there?" I said "if there was any big fish left in here they would be few and far between."
We then started to fish a large weedy bottom flat about 5 ft. deep. I set the TM to slowly cruise along this area and started fan casting a spinner bait. I had done this exact same thing last week and caught several one pounders out of this area, so was hoping for a repeat.
However, I got a nice surprise when I hooked a nice 2.6 LM, and surprised again when I hooked a nice 1.15 LM. Both times my wife said " I told you there had to be big fish in here!"
Then something amazing happened.
Today was overcast and the water looked black, but I could see the shine from my spinnerbait blades, and as I was watching it come to the boat a shadow came out of the weeds, took the spinnerbait and went under the boat. My rod was doubled over, the line was heading toward the TM and I'm doing every thing I can to take control of this situation. It finally comes out, turns sideways and I had a holy c**p moment. It took two tries to get it in the net, and when I managed to boat it my wife gave me a smug look and said " I told you there was some big fish in here"
It certainly isn't a record holder, nor the biggest bass we've ever caught, but from Maine, and from THIS lake, I'm going to say it's pretty darn good.
Here's a few pics, should be easy to tell which one got me going. O and by the way, on the way home I told my wife to keep repeating " we're going to win the lottery"