I fish after work every day for about two hours, which sounds like the amount of time you are spending as well roughly? On my after work trips I have other things on my mind, “I’ve got to be home by this time or the girlfriend will worry/be upset, do I need to get gas tonight? What am I goin to pack for lunch tomorrow”, just things that run through my head when I know I have limited time to fish. And it is not uncommon For me to get skunked on these after work trips as a result of it.
I haven’t caught a fish in three days, or six hours of fishing as of now because I was distracted, disheartened by my previous two days of failing, and end up hurrying my retrieves, or just not totally concentrating.
On on the weekends, and particularly Friday nights for some reason, I tend to do very well because the distractions and obligations are gone from my mind it’s almost zen like, it’s like being totally focused which I struggle with when my time is limited. But it’s amazing how my state of mind can change the results of my outings, not even being positive and thinking I’m going to catch them, just being able to forget the world for an evening and have the patience to really try to feel what my lure is doing instead of Being indignant that they “should” be biting it!
im not sure if what I described is happening to you, but I know it happens to my dad too. If it is, just set aside a whole afternoon if you can manage it, leave your phone in the truck, and don’t come back until you’re satisfied.
Btw on really bad days I consider a good bite as not being skunked, the point of fishing is to fool a fish into trying your offering right? At least that’s what I tell myself
good luck