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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/15/2018 in all areas

  1. Are those sights adjustable?
    6 points
  2. This mornings trail run, Exact location ~ the 45th Parallel North. A-Jay
    6 points
  3. Went fishing at Lake George.Caught several fish. Here are photos of a couple fish that we had caught. Hey
    5 points
  4. Been trying all summer for a decent top water bite. The bass just don't want to cooperate this year. Past few weeks I've been throwing a frog almost every evening after work. Finally managed to get a half decent fish late last week. About 2.5 lbs, which is a pretty solid fish for this pond. I caught three other smaller bass on the frog that evening. That's probably my most consistent topwater bite all year.
    5 points
  5. I got home, from inventory in West Monroe, around 2:30am this morning and was at Caney Lakes upper side shortly after 3am. Second cast with my 110 Whopper Plopper I had an enormous blowup on it, felt the tug and I didn't even set the hook that hard and pulled it out of its mouth. Tried the 110 a few more times and nothing. So I tried some of my new Shot Callers from Siebert Outdoors and nothing. Tried the 110 a few more times. Nothing! So I tied on my 1/2oz junebug @Siebert Outdoors fogy with a sapphire blue Z Craw trailer. First cast this 2lb 2oz bass annihilated it. I liked to have never gotten it unhooked. If bass had tonsils, that's where my fogy would have been hooked. Never had a bass eat a chatterbait/fogy that deep before, Wow! Finally got it unhooked from there but the bass was still trying to swallow or something because it got caught in its gill plates. Never had this much trouble unhooking a fish. Unfortunately, as you can see in the first pic, the bass was bleeding pretty good from the gills. Sure did hate that, but it did swim off aggressively. I believe it looked worse than it actually was, hopefully anyways. I was out there til well after sunrise with not even another bite. By then it was starting to get rather hot anyways, so I came on home and took a 4 hour nap. Hope I can get to sleep at a decent time tonight. I gotta be at work at 7am. Even though I only caught 1 bass in roughly 7 hours, I didn't get skunked and it wasn't a nonscorable bass! ?
    5 points
  6. Went out to lake pleasant for a few hours today here in Az. Got a few "nice" lake pleasant bass. Absolutely crushing the buzzbait the other day. 1 week I will be in northern michigan slaying giant smallmouth tho! That's what I look forward too.
    4 points
  7. Nice start to the "winter" canal season.
    4 points
  8. Megabass Z-Crank X (Silent) Length 2.7" Wt 1/2oz Depth 4'
    4 points
  9. Bass aren't the only fish that use structure Buddy and I caught close to 400 crappie today. Here's a 5 gallon bucketful (2 man limit) headed to the cleaning station.
    4 points
  10. When, for just a few brief moments, nothing else matters ~ #thesearethegoodolddays A-Jay
    3 points
  11. Wondered why I kept hooking Xmas ornaments?
    3 points
  12. $59.99 Kastking Perigee II 7'1" MH I have the 2 piece version. It comes with the handle and 2 tips, 1 medium and 1 medium heavy. It's like getting 2 rods for the price of one.
    3 points
  13. Fast reels are for baits where you impart the action with the rod...or it happens on the fall. Slow reels are for baits that the action comes from reeling them in. Learning that made it pretty easy for me to decide what I "needed".
    3 points
  14. I decided to get out on the water this morning, and happy I decided not to cancel on myself. Woke up at 0300 and the wind was howling outside, figured it was going to be a repeat of yesterday. When I finally went downstairs and made a cup of coffee I noticed the wind had stopped, and stepping outside it was dead calm. I’m fishing! I got on the water before first light, last two hours of the incoming tide, water 69 degrees and change. Second stop was a rip-rap bank with sparse tules and some current pushing up on it. I had been successful throwing the Pop Max at my first stop, catching some solid fish up to 2 pounds. So I picked up that rod again. I fired the Pop Max up along the bank and worked the bait towards a small clump of tules. What I believed to be a small fish swirled on the bait, but missed. Instead of retrieving the lure and recasting, I killed it in place. The next twitch I made the water erupted and the fight was on! I could tell right away it was a pretty good fish as it pulled drag and headed into a patch of grass. I was able to get the fish out of the grass and it headed for deep water. The only problem with that was that line was now going towards the other side of the boat between the trolling motor and the bow. For some reason the fish decided to change directions and head for another patch of grass. I was able to hand line her to the boat a short time later and the battle was over! Taking pictures while trying to weighing her was another cluster that I won’t bore you with, but she weighed 6.1lbs and was released unharmed... Good Fishing all, JB
    3 points
  15. Found a nice flurry of fish after work on a small wind blown point. Chatterbait with a rage craw ripped out of the grass was the ticket. Heres the best of the evening.
    3 points
  16. The Bandit is going fishing!
    3 points
  17. This year I had 4 trips to the lake in a row where I caught nothing. Nada, zip, zilch, naught, zero. It was frustrating, aggravating and constipating but I still fish. Why? Because needlepoint is too exciting.
    3 points
  18. Got a Z-Man Flip N Cast (California Craw 1/2oz) jig from the Outlet Bait and Tackle sale last week at a deep discount. Threaded on a shortened Vilecraw (California 420) that came from their big clearance a few weeks ago. Can confirm Cali colors work in Michigan too.
    3 points
  19. Having been to Flippin, Arkansas, I can confirm the "Flippin" jokes never get old.
    3 points
  20. In the lakes I fish, you have to find the bigger shad to find the bass worth catching. There will be tons of dinks around those little shad that are gorging and difficult to catch, but the bigger fish will be hanging around the shad that made all those little shad. If you do fish around those little shad, you have 2 choices. You can either try to match the hatch as close as possible, or try something that really stands out. I usually do best with the latter. I just imagine the odds of a bass picking my bait out of thousands of shad when it looks the same as all the shad is way less likely than if it looks markedly different.
    3 points
  21. I just keep fishing no matter what they say, I'm the one behaving legally. There's a law in Tennessee that prevents people from harassing fishermen and hunters. If the idiot homeowner gets mad enough to call the law, they will be the ones holding the citation. I'm also a dock owner. If someone's "dangerous sharp hooks" are left on my dock, I risk certain injury and disease and place the dangerous item into my tackle box. If y'all move on because of an idiot screaming at you, then you have basically convinced the idiot that their strategy is effective and are enabling them to treat other anglers the same way
    3 points
  22. got 8 tonight the biggest around 2.Got 6 last night with this 4 plus girl. last night dragging a worm across the moss and watching them blow up and get it . tonight a [pop r] out in front of the moss, and they were blasting it! I love top water!!!!
    2 points
  23. Nothing like going fishing and having a gator follow you. He was chasing our lure back to the boat. No matter how far I trolled down along the pads, it would show up. This has happened to me before but usually they would loose interest. I almost threw him a clock to be able to keep tabs on him.? He is a youngster so he should learn soon enough that chasing becomes boring after awhile.
    2 points
  24. 2 points
  25. Location, location, location. You can't catch bass if they are not there. If the bass are where you are fishing then you need to change what you are doing. So you have a boat and spinning tackle, that means you are able to go wherever you want, not shore bound. It's fall transition now in my area so the bass are more then likely moving and feeding on Shad. My suggestion is start fishing main lake points from 1' shallow towards 20' deeper water, down hill. Cast all around the point and use Shad color soft plastics, translucent purples if the water is greenish color. Move into a creek arm and repeat targeting secondary points and any brush or soil changes you see. Tom
    2 points
  26. Not a lot you can do except blue print the reel to original condition, have anodize refinished, clean everything, upgrade the drag washers, replace worn parts, polish the gears to run smoothly. This era reel is well made in Sweden, post 2000 reels are made China, so the reel has value for parts. I would sell it and put the $100 into a Shimano Cardiff 300 that has everything you need, instant anti reverse, good drag, good bearings, oversize crank handle, free spool casting etc,etc. Tom PS, contact Don Iovino Products, Don rebuilds and tunes legacy Ambassadeur reels.
    2 points
  27. U.S. Marines preparing to march in the 28th annual Samurai Parade in Kuga City, Japan, November 19, 2017.
    2 points
  28. Stay safe. We dodged a bullet here in Hampton Roads. Winds, sporadic rain from the bands but nothing torrential (yet - radar showing some coming). Got family in SC that's in the swath.
    2 points
  29. Thanks for the response slonezp. PowerDrive is shot. Took your advice and looked at the Terrova. As I am in my late 50’s and retired I decided to go with the beefed up version and splurged on an Ulterra
    2 points
  30. I got my biggest largie of the season yesterday morning. Got it on a Berkley power worm. I only had the dog with me and she doesn't have opposable thumbs...so no photo holding it. But I did measure it and weigh it. 21 inches, 5.46 pounds.
    2 points
  31. Alex is a stand up guy and has impeccable customer service but unfortunately I found their rods to be heavy and lacking sensitivity in my hands. They are very nicely built and some guys swear by them and you may find that they work great for you.
    2 points
  32. Of those two choices, Berkley all the way.
    2 points
  33. The bait monkey says so. Good enough reason for me!
    2 points
  34. ^^^ Something strange about this to me
    2 points
  35. If I’d only caught 3 fish in 3 dozen trips, I’d have quit myself. My suggestion is to find other people to fish with. Join a fishing club (not necessarily a tournament club). A lot of times, fishing by yourself, you keep repeating the same mistakes over and over without realizing you are doing something wrong. Watching how and where others present their baits will give you insights you can’t always get from reading or watching YouTube videos. Downsizing your baits is also a good idea. I have a friend who was struggling to catch bass while everyone else was doing well. He was copying the guys he saw on TV and throwing big baits going for big fish which isn’t a bad thing but he was coming up empty and not happy about it. Once he switched to what the rest of us were using, he started catching and wound up with some big fish to boot.
    2 points
  36. I fish after work every day for about two hours, which sounds like the amount of time you are spending as well roughly? On my after work trips I have other things on my mind, “I’ve got to be home by this time or the girlfriend will worry/be upset, do I need to get gas tonight? What am I goin to pack for lunch tomorrow”, just things that run through my head when I know I have limited time to fish. And it is not uncommon For me to get skunked on these after work trips as a result of it. I haven’t caught a fish in three days, or six hours of fishing as of now because I was distracted, disheartened by my previous two days of failing, and end up hurrying my retrieves, or just not totally concentrating. On on the weekends, and particularly Friday nights for some reason, I tend to do very well because the distractions and obligations are gone from my mind it’s almost zen like, it’s like being totally focused which I struggle with when my time is limited. But it’s amazing how my state of mind can change the results of my outings, not even being positive and thinking I’m going to catch them, just being able to forget the world for an evening and have the patience to really try to feel what my lure is doing instead of Being indignant that they “should” be biting it! im not sure if what I described is happening to you, but I know it happens to my dad too. If it is, just set aside a whole afternoon if you can manage it, leave your phone in the truck, and don’t come back until you’re satisfied. Btw on really bad days I consider a good bite as not being skunked, the point of fishing is to fool a fish into trying your offering right? At least that’s what I tell myself good luck
    2 points
  37. Try Big Game,Been using it for years with no Complaints .
    2 points
  38. A very pleasant ride home from work this afternoon, Georgian Bay is not always this “enjoyable” in the fall.
    2 points
  39. Everyone gets skunked occasionally. It is just a part of fishing. Especially if you are targeting big fish. However if I only caught 3 fish in 3 dozen trips, I would be looking for better places to fish. I fish several different bodies of water. If one is not producing, I move to another.
    2 points
  40. If every day was a good one, it would get pretty boring imo.
    2 points
  41. 2 points
  42. If you use an actual fluorocarbon leader material, it's more resistant to abrasion than anything besides steel wire, but you don't want more than a couple feet of it on the end of your line. It's REALLY unmanageable, even the lighter rated lines.
    2 points
  43. I will admit that I've clanged a few lures off docks/lifts more than once in my life, especially before my accuracy was dialed in. My accuracy is pretty good now but the rule I follow is to avoid fishing around a dock that has a person present either on the dock, deck, or in the yard. If I was an lake shore owner I'd probably bark at anyone I saw skipping balls of lead or treble hooks off my equipment too.
    1 point
  44. Theirs no need for mono in my book mono is completely useless. A good coploymer or floro is all you need Yozuri hybrid or pline Cx premium are the perfect lines for moving baits and cheap. Pline tactical florocarbo for all your bottom baits is my recommendation best floro I’ve ever used. Cx premium and pline tactical both on sale at discount tackle https://discounttackle.com/pages/tackle-4-life
    1 point
  45. I'll never forget sitting in my second class of the day, ironically enough it was American History. Our teacher got a phone call and we could tell it was serious. He turned the TV on to the news without saying anything and we all just watched. It didn't seem real to me at first, but once it hit me what was going on, the wave of emotions ran over me. I've never been so fighting mad, scared, confused, and sad at the same time. 17 years later and I still feel a lot of the same feelings when I think back to it.
    1 point
  46. I was on watch & on duty in the US Coast Guard Search & Rescue Command Center in Atlantic City , NJ. We got real busy - real fast. And it lasted A-While. A-Jay
    1 point
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